Publications of members of the chair
If you are interested in receiving publications, please contact: fg-umweltoekonomie(at)
Journal articles
- Hütt, C., Isselstein, J., Komainda, M., Schöttker, O., Sturm, A. (2024): UAV LiDAR-based grassland biomass estimation for precision livestock management. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 18 (1), 017502-017502.
- Schöttker, O., Sturm A., Wätzold, F. (2024): Virtuelles Zäunen und ökologische Wirkungen von Weidebewirtschaftung: Prototyp einer App zur Information der Öffentlichkeit. In C. Hoffmann et al. (2024): Biodiversität fördern durch digitale Landwirtschaft, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2024, pp. 401-405. (Link)
- Hecker, L.P., Sturm, A., Querhammer, L., Wätzold, F. (2024): Cost-effectiveness of state-dependent versus state-independent agri-environment schemes for biodiversity conservation, Ecological Economics 127, 108088.
- ElDidi, H., Zhang, W., Blackmore, I., Gelaw, F., De Petris, C., Teka, N., Yimam, S., Mekonnen, D., Ringler, C., & Meinzen-Dick, R. (2024). Getting Ahead of the Game: Experiential Learning for Groundwater Governance in Ethiopia.International Journal of the Commons, 18(1), pp. 66–81. (Link)
- Schöttker, O., Hütt, C., Jauker F., Witt, J., Bareth, G., and Wätzold, F. (2023): "Monitoring costs of result-based payments for biodiversity conservation: Will UAV-assisted remote sensing be the game-changer?". Journal for Nature Conservation (2023). (Link)
- Markova-Nenova, N., Engler, J. O., Cord, A. F., Wätzold, F. (2023): Will passive acoustic monitoring make result-based payments more attractive? A cost comparison with human observation for farmland bird monitoring. Conservation Science and Practice. e13003. (Link)
- Hao, Z, Wätzold, F., Sturm, A (2023): A spatially explicit hydro-economic modelling procedure to design cost-effective agri-environment schemes for mitigating water pollution from cropland. Water Economics and Policy. (Link)
- Gerling, C., Schöttker, O., and Hearne, J. (2023): The multi-period reserve design problem under climate change. Sustainability Analytics and Modeling 2023(3), 100025. (Link)
- Charlotte Gerling, Martin Drechsler, Klaus Keuler, Astrid Sturm, Frank Wätzold: Time to consider the timing of conservation measures: designing cost-effective agri-environment schemes under climate change. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. (Link)
- Becker, N., Farja, Y., Greenfeld, A., Markova-Nenova, N., & Wätzold, F. (2023). A blueprint for addressing conflicts between ecotourism and farming from an economic perspective: The case of wintering crane conservation in the Hula Valley in Israel. Ecological Economics, 209, 107824. (Link)
- Markova-Nenova, Wätzold, and Sturm (2023): "Optimizing Agri-Environment Schemes for Cost-Effectiveness, Fairness or Both?", QOpen, qoad005, (Link)
- Conte, Hansen, Horton, Jones Ritten, Palm-Forster, Shogren, Wätzold, Wyckoff, and Albers (2023): "A Framework for Evaluating Mechanisms to Support Seasonal Migratory Species", Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 17(1) (Link)
- A. Sturm, O. Schöttker, K. Kadir, F. Wätzold (2023): Wann, wo und wie? Ein softwarebasiertes Mehrebenen-Informationssystem zur Optimierung von Beweidungssystemen. In Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) Volume P-330, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2023 (Link)
- O. Schöttker and F. Wätzold (2022): "Climate Change and the Cost-Effective Governance Mode for Biodiversity Conservation". Environmental and Resource Economics 82,409–436 (Link).
- Lutz Philip Hecker, Frank Wätzold et al. (2022): „Squeeze it or leave it? An ecological‑economic assessment of the impact of mower conditioners on arthropod populations in grassland“, Journal of Insect Conservation (Link)
- C. Gerling, M. Drechsler, K. Keuler, J.A. Leins, K. Radtke, B. Schulz, A. Sturm and F. Wätzold (2022). Climate-ecological-economic modelling for the cost-effective spatio-temporal allocation of conservation measures in cultural landscapes facing climate change. QOpen. (Link)
- Hölting et al. (2022): Co-design: Working with farmers in Europe to halt the loss of biological diversity. Ecological Evolutions and Evidence 2022 3:e12169.
- Martin Drechsler, Frank Wätzold, Volker Grimm (2022): "The hitchhiker's guide to generic ecological-economic modelling of land-use-based biodiversity conservation policies", Ecological Modelling 465, 109861 (Link)
- Kati Kraehnert, Daniel Osberghaus, Christian Hott, Lemlem Teklegiorgis Habtemariam, Frank Wätzold, Lutz Philip Hecker and Svenja Fluhrer (2021): "Insurance Against Extreme Weather Events: An Overview", Review of Economics 72(2): 71–95 (Link)
- Martin Drechsler, Charlotte Gerling, Klaus Keuler, Johannes Leins, Astrid Sturm und Frank Wätzold (2021): A quantitative approach for the design of robust and cost-effective conservation policies under uncertain climate change: The case of grasshopper conservation in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany in Journal of Environmental Management 296, 113201. (Link)
- Orestis Stavrakidis-Zachou, Astrid Sturm, Konstadia Lika, Frank Wätzold, Nikos Papandroulakis (2021): ClimeGreAq: A software-based DSS for the climate change adaptation of Greek aquaculture. Environmental Modelling and Software 143 (2021) 105121 (Link)
- Regina Neudert, Lutz Philip Hecker, Henintsoa Randrianarison & Susanne Kobbe (2020): Are smallholders disadvantaged by ‘double sell low, buy high’ dynamics on rural markets in Madagascar? Development Southern Africa. (Link)
- Charlotte Gerling, Frank Wätzold (2020): An economic evaluation framework for land‐use‐based conservation policy instruments in a changing climate, Conservation Biology (Link)
- Mary Nthambi, Nonka Markova-Nenova, Frank Wätzold (2021):Quantifying Loss of Benefits from Poor Governance of Climate Change Adaptation Projects: A Discrete Choice Experiment with Farmers in Kenya, Ecological Economics 171, 106831 (Link)
- Bartkowski, B., Beckmann, M., Drechsler, M., Kaim, A., Liebelt, V., Müller, B., Witing, F., Strauch, M. (2020). Aligning agent-based modelling with multi-objective land-use allocation: Identification of policy gaps and feasible pathways to biophysically optimal landscapes. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, art. 103
- Drechsler, M. (2020). Conservation management in the face of climatic uncertainty – the roles of flexibility and robustness. Ecological Complexity 43, art. 100849
- Drechsler, M., Wätzold, F. (2020). Biodiversity conservation in a dynamic world may lead to inefficiencies due to lock-in effects and path dependence, Ecological Economics, 173, 106652 (Link).
- Hecker, L. P., Wätzold, F., & Markwardt, G. (2020). Spotlight on Spatial Spillovers: An Econometric Analysis of Wastewater Treatment in Mexican Municipalities. Ecological Economics, 175, 106693. (Link)
- C. Nolte, A. DeVos, O. Schöttker (2019) "Cost‐effectiveness of public policy for the long‐term conservation of private lands: What is the deal?", Conservation Letters, 12(6) e12691 (Link)
- N. Stognief, P. Walk, O. Schöttker, P.-Y. Oei (2019) "The Economic Resilience of German Lignite Regions in Transition", Sustainability, 11(21), 5991 (Link)
- C. Gerling, F. Wätzold, I. Theesfeld, M. Drechsler, B. Nixdorf, J. Isselstein, F. Pirscher, J. Rücker, A. Sturm (2019) "Modeling the co-evolution of natural, economic and governance subsystems in integrated agri-ecological systems: Perspectives and challenges", Ecological Complexity 40 (A),100792 (Link)
- Orestis Stavrakidis-Zachou, Nikos Papandroulakis, Astrid Sturm, Panagiotis Anastasiadis, Frank Wätzold, and Konstadia Lika (2019): Towards a computer-based decision support system for aquaculture stakeholders in Greece in the context of climate change, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics(Link)
- Oliver Schöttker and Maria J. Santos (2019): Easement or Public Land? An economic analysis of different ownership modes for nature conservation measures in California, Conservation Letters 12(6), e12647(Link)
- Gerling, C., Sturm, A. and Wätzold, F.: Ecological-economic modelling to compare the impact of organic and conventional farming on endangered grassland bird and butterfly species, in Agricultural Systems Volume 173, July 2019, pages 424-434 (Link)
- Kombat, A.M., Wätzold, F., 2019. The emergence of environmental taxe in Ghana - A public choise analysis. Environmental Policy an Governance, 29 (1), 46-54, (Link).
- Markova-Nenova, N., Wätzold, F., 2018. Fair to the cow or fair to the farmer? The preferecnes of conventional milk buyers for ethical attributes of milk, Land Use Policy, 79, 223-239 (Link).
- Krämer, J. E., Wätzold, F., 2018. The agglomeration bonus in practice - An exploratory assessment of the Swiss network bonus, Journal for Nature Conservation, 43, 126-135 (Link).
- Drechsler, M., Surun, C., 2018. Land-use and species tipping points in a coupled ecological-economic model. Ecological Complexity 36, 86 - 91
- Sturm, A., Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Mewes, M., Wätzold, F., 2018. DSS-Ecopay – A decision support software for designing ecologically effective and cost-effective agri-environment schemes to conserve endangered grassland biodiversity, Agricultural Systems, 161, 113-116. (Link)
- Neudert, R., Olschofsky, K., Kübler, D., Prill, L., Köhl, M., Wätzold, F., 2018. Opportunity costs of conserving a dry tropical forest under REDD+: The case of the spiny dry forest in southwestern Madagascar, Forest Policy and Economics, 95, 102-114 (Link).
- Schöttker, O., Wätzold, F., 2018. Buy or lease land? Cost-effective conservation of an oligotrophic lake in a Natura 2000 area, Biodiversity and Conservation, 27 (6), 1327-1345.(Link)
- Surun, C., Drechsler, M., 2018. Effectiveness of tradable permits for the conservation of metacommunities with two competing species. Ecological Economics147, 189 - 196
- Mewes, M., Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Sturm, A., Wätzold, F., 2017. Für besseren Artenschutz in Agrarlandschaften - Entscheidungshilfe-Software DSS-Ecopay®, Natur und Landschaft, 92 (11), 504-510. (Link)
- Randrianarison, H., Ramiaramanana, J., Wätzold, F., 2017. When to Pay? Adjusting the Timing of Payments in PES Design to the Needs of Poor Land-users, Ecological Economics, 138, 168-177. (Link)
- Markova-Nenova, N., Wätzold, F., 2017. PES for the poor? Preferences of potential buyers of forest ecosystem services for including distributive goals in the design of payments for conserving the dry spiny forest in Madagascar, Forest Policy and Economics, 80, 71-79. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., 2017. Generating spatially optimized habitat in a trade-off between social optimality and budget efficiency. Conservation Biology 31 (1), 221 - 225
- Drechsler, M., 2017. The impact of fairness on side payments and cost-effectiveness in agglomeration payments for biodiversity conservation. Ecological Economics 141 ,127 – 135
- Drechsler, M., 2017. The impact of cost feedbacks on the land-use dynamics induced by a tradable permit market. Ecological Complexity29, 82 - 86
- Drechsler, M., 2017. Performance of input- and output-based payments for the conservation of mobile species. Ecological Economics 134 ,49 - 56
- Drechsler, M., Egerer, J., Lange, M., Masurowski, F., Meyerhoff, J., Oehlmann, M., 2017. Efficient and equitable spatial allocation of renewable power plants at the country scale. Nature Energy 2, art. 17124
- Drechsler, M., Johst, K., 2017. Rapid assessment of metapopulation viability under climate and land-use change. Ecological Complexity 31, 125 - 134
- Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Wätzold, F., 2017. The cost-effective length of contracts for payments to compensate land owners for biodiversity conservation measures, Biological Conservation, 207, 72-79. (Link)
- Neudert, R., Ganzhorn, J., Wätzold, F., 2017. Global benefits and local costs – The dilemma of tropical forest conservation: A review of the situation in Madagascar, Environmental Conservation, 44(1), 82-96. (Link)
- Randrianarison, H., Wätzold, F., 2017. Are buyers of forest ecosystem services willing to consider distributional impacts of payments to local suppliers? Results from a choice experiment in Antananarivo, Madagascar, Environmental Conservation, 44(1), 74-81. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Wätzold, F., 2017. Costs of uncoordinated site selection with multiple ecosystem services, Natural Resource Modeling30(1), 10-29. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Smith, H. G., Sturm, A., Wätzold, F., 2016. Cost-effectiveness of conservation payment schemes for species with different range sizes, Conservation Biology, 30 (4), 894-899. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Touza, J., White, P.C.L., Jones, G., 2016. Agricultural landscape structure and invasive species: the cost-effective level of crop field clustering. Food Security 8 (1), 111 - 121
- Masurowski, F., Drechsler, M., Frank, K., 2016. A spatially explicit assessment of the wind energy potential in response to an increased distance between wind turbines and settlements in Germany. Energy Policy 97, 343 - 350
- Schöttker, O., Johst, K., Drechsler, M., Wätzold, F., 2016. Land for biodiversity conservation – to buy or borrow?, Ecological Economics, 129, 94-103.(Link)
- Goetter, J. (2016): The cattle raiders leave us no choice: New transhumance in the Mahafaly Plateau region in Madagascar, Madagascar Conservation & Development, 11 (1). (Link)
- Wätzold, F., Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Mewes, M., Sturm, A., 2016. A Novel, Spatiotemporally Explicit Ecological-economic Modeling Procedure for the Design of Cost-effective Agri-environment Schemes to Conserve Biodiversity, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 98 (2), 489-512. (Link)
- Neudert, R., Goetter, J., Andriamparany, J. N., Rakotoarisoa, M., 2015. Income diversification, wealth, education and well-being in rural south-western Madagascar: Results from the Mahafaly region.Development Southern Africa(32), 758-784. (Link)
- Mewes, M., Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Sturm, A., Wätzold, F., 2015. A systematic approach for assessing spatially and temporally differentiated opportunity costs of biodiversity conservation measures in grasslands, Agricultural Systems, 137, 76-88. (Link)
- Johst, K., Drechsler, M., Mewes, M., Sturm, A., Wätzold, F., 2015. A novel modeling approach to evaluate the ecological effects of timing and location of grassland conservation measures, Biological Conservation, 182, 44-52. (Link)
- Ganzhorn, J., Manjoazy, G., Päplow, T., Randrianavelona, O., Razafimanahaka, R., Ronto, J. H., Vogt, W. M., Wätzold, F., 2014. Comment. Rights to trade for species conservation: exploring the issue of the radiated tortoise in Madagaskar, Environmental Conservation, 42 (04), 291-293. (Link)
- Van Teeffelen, A.J.A., Opdam, P., Wätzold, F., Hartig, F., Johst, K., Drechsler, M., Vos, C.C., Wissel, S., Quétier F., 2014. Ecological and economic conditions and associated institutional challenges for conservation banking in dynamic landscapes, Landscape and Urban Planning, 130, 64-72. (Link)
- Kombat, A. M., 2014. Economic Assessment of Environmental Taxes and Standards in Managing the Environmental Problems that Emanate from Oil and Gas Production in Ghana's Jubilee Field, Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies, 3 (1), 33-50. (Link)
- Ekroos, J., Olsson, O., Rundlöf, M., Wätzold, F., Smith, H. G., 2014. Optimizing agri-environment schemes for biodiversity, ecosystem services or both?, Biological Conservation, 172, 65-71. (Link)
- Wätzold, F., Drechsler, M., 2014. Agglomeration payment, agglomeration bonus or homogeneous payment? Resource and Energy Economics, 37, 85-101. (Link)
- Frondel, M., Lehmann, P., Wätzold, F., 2012. The impact of information on landowners' participation in voluntary conservation programs - Theoretical considerations and empirical evidence from an agri-environment program in Saxony, Germany, Land Use Policy, 29 (2), 388-394. (Link)
- Johst, K., Drechsler, M., van Teeffelen, A., Hartig, F., Vos, C. C., Wissel, S., Wätzold, F., Opdam, P., 2011. Biodiversity conservation in dynamic landscapes: trade-offs between number, connectivity and turnover of habitat patches, Journal of Applied Ecology, 48, 1227-1235. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Eppink, F. V., Wätzold, F., 2011. Does proactive biodiversity conservation save costs?,Biodiversity and Conservation, 20 (5), 1045-1055. (Link)
- Wätzold, F., Mewes, M., van Apeldoorn, R., Varjopuro, R., Chmielewski, T.J., Veeneklaas, F., Kosola, M. J., 2010. Cost-effectiveness of managing Natura 2000 sites: An exploratory study for Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland, Biodiversity and Conservation, 19 (7), 2053-69. (Link)
- Wissel, S., Wätzold, F., 2010. A Conceptual Analysis of the Application of Tradable Permits to Biodiversity Conservation, Conservation Biology, 24 (2), 404-411. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Wätzold, F., Shogren, J. F., 2010. An agglomeration payment for cost-effective biodiversity conservation in spatially structured landscapes, Resource and Energy Economics, 32, Special Issue on Spatial Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, edited by H. Albers, A. Ando, J.F. Shogren, 261-275. (Link)
- Lehmann P, Schleyer C, Wätzold F., Wüstemann, H., 2009. Promoting Multifunctionality of Agriculture: An Economic Analysis of New Approaches in Germany, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 11 (4), 315-332. (Link)
- Wätzold, F., 2009. Explaining differences in EMAS participation rates across Europe: the importance of institutions, incomplete information and path dependence, European Journal of Law and Economics, 28 (1), 67-82. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Wätzold, F., 2009. Applying tradable permits to biodiversity conservation: Effects of space-dependent ecological benefits and cost heterogeneity on habitat allocation, Ecological Economics, 68 (4), 1083-1092. (Link)
- Eppink, F., Wätzold, F., 2009. Comparing visible and less visible costs of the Habitats Directive: The case of hamster conservation in Germany, Biodiversity and Conservation, 18 (4), 795-810.
- Lienhoop, N., Wätzold, F., Drechsler, M., Settele, J., 2008. Wie viel Artenschutz ist gesellschaftlich optimal? Eine ökonomische Analyse am Beispiel des Hellen Wiesenknopf Ameisenbläulings, Natur und Landschaft, 12, 528-534.
- Wätzold, F., Lienhoop, N., Drechsler, M., Settele, J., 2008. Estimating Optimal Conservation in Agricultural Landscapes when Costs and Benefits of Conservation Measures are Heterogeneous in Space and over Time, Ecological Economics, 68 (1), 295-305.
- Ohl, C., Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Wätzold, F., 2008. Compensation Payments for Habitat Heterogeneity: Existence, Efficiency, and Fairness Considerations, Ecological Economics, 67 (2), S. 162-174. (Link)
- Svarstad, H., Petersen, L.K., Rothman, D., Siepel, H., Wätzold, F., 2008. Discursive Biases of the Environmental Research Framework DPSIR, Land Use Policy, 25 (1), 116-125. (Link)
- Ulbrich, K., Drechsler, M., Wätzold, F., Johst, K., Settele, J., 2008. A software tool for designing cost-effective compensation payments for conservation measures, Environmental Modelling and Software, 23, 122-123. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Ohl, C., Wätzold, F., 2007. Designing cost-effective payments for conservation measures to generate spatiotemporal habitat heterogeneity, Conservation Biology, 21 (6), 1475-1486. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Wätzold, F., Johst, K., Bergmann, H., Settele, J., 2007. A model-based approach for designing cost-effective compensation payments for conservation of endangered species in real landscapes, Biological Conservation, 140, 174-186.
(Link) - Wätzold, F., Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Bergmann, H., Settele, J., 2007. Ein modellbasiertes Verfahren zur Entwicklung ökonomisch effizienter Kompensationszahlungen für Maßnahmen zum Schutz gefährdeter Arten, Natur und Landschaft, 82 (4), 137-142.
- Thum, R., Wätzold, F., 2007. Artenschutz durch handelbare Zertifikate? Grundgedanke des Konzepts und potentielle Einsatzmöglichkeiten im deutschen Rechtssystem, Natur und Recht, 29 (5), 299-306. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Grimm, V., Mysiak, J., Wätzold, F., 2007. Differences and similarities between economic and ecological models for biodiversity conservation, Ecological Economics, 62 (2), 232-241. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Wätzold F., 2007. Ecological-economic modelling for the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity, Ecological Economics, 62 (2), 203-206.
- Drechsler, M., Wätzold, F., 2007. The optimal dynamic allocation of conservation funds under financial uncertainty, in: Ecological Economics, 61 (2-3), 255-266. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Wätzold, F., Westphal, M., 2006. Integrating Economic Costs into the Analysis of Flexible Conservation Management, Ecological Applications, 16, 1959-1966. (Link)
- Wätzold, F., Drechsler, M, Armstrong, C.W., Baumgärtner, S., Grimm, V., Huth, A., Perrings, C., Possingham, H. P., Shogren, J. F., Skonhoft, A., Verboom-Vasiljev, J., Wissel, C., 2006. Ecological-economic modeling for biodiversity management: Potential, pitfalls, prospects, Conservation Biology, 20 (4), 1034-1041. (Link)
- Wätzold, F., Drechsler, M., 2005. Spatially Uniform versus Spatially Heterogeneous Compensation Payments for Biodiversity-enhancing Land-use measures, Environmental and Resource Economics, 31, 73-93. (Link)
- Wätzold, F., Schwerdtner, K., 2005. Why be wasteful when preserving a valuable resource? - A review article on the cost-effectiveness of European biodiversity conservation policy, Biological Conservation, 123, 327-338. (Link)
- Wätzold, F., 2005. Öko-Audit-Verordnung, umweltökonomische Politikberatung und Neue Institutionenökonomik, Sonderheft der Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung "Umweltpolitik und umweltökonomischen Politikberatung in Deutschland", (Hrsg.) Hansjürgens, B., Wätzold, F. 15/2005, 143-161.
- Hansjürgens, B. und Wätzold, F., 2005. Umweltpolitik und umweltökonomische Politikberatung in Deutschland: Anlass und Überblick, Sonderheft der Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung "Umweltpolitik und umweltökonomischen Politikberatung in Deutschland", (Hrsg.) Hansjürgens, B., Wätzold, F. 15/2005, 11-20.
- Drechsler, M., Wätzold, F., 2004. A Decision Model for the Efficient Management of a Conservation Fund over Time, Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 27 (1), 283-285.
- Johst, K. ,Drechsler, M., Wätzold, F., 2002. An ecological-economic modelling procedure to design effective and efficient compensation payments for the protection of species: Ecological Economics, 41 (1), 37-49. (Link)
- Glachant, M, Schucht, S., Bültmann, A., Wätzold, F., 2002. Companies' participation in EMAS. The influence of the public regulator: Business Strategy and the Environment, 11 (4), 254-266. (Link)
- Drechsler, M., Johst, K., Wätzold, F., 2002. Budget für Bruterfolg - Ökologisch-ökonomisches Modell unterstützt effizienten Artenschutz, Helmholtz-Jahresheft 2002, 32-33.
- Wätzold, F., Bültmann, A., 2001. Subventionen für zertifizierte Umweltmanagementsysteme - Ökonomische Analyse und wirtschaftspolitische Implikationen, Konjunkturpolitik, 47 (1), 74-101.
- Wätzold, F, Bültmann, A., Eames, M., Lulofs, K., Schucht, S., 2001. EMAS and Regulatory Relief: Lessons from National Experiences, European Environment - The Journal of European Environmental Policy, 11 (1), 37-48.
- Wätzold, F., Johst, K., Drechsler, M., 2001. Die Entwicklung von effizienten und effektiven Instrumenten für den Artenschutz - Eine interdisziplinäre Vorgehensweise erläutert am Beispiel eines Schutzkonzeptes für den Weißstorch, Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung, 1-4, 317-336.
- Wätzold, F., 2001. Teilnahmeanreiz mit Grenzen. Analyse europäischer Erfahrungen mit Vollzugserleichterungen für EMAS-Unternehmen, Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 3/4, 6-7.
- Drechsler, M., Wätzold, F., 2001. The importance of economic costs in the development of guidelines for spatial conservation management, Biological Conservation, 11, 51-59. (Link)
- Wätzold, F., 2000. Efficiency and Applicability of Economic Concepts Dealing with Environmental Risk and Ignorance, Ecological Economics, 2/33, 299-311. (Link)
- Bültmann, A., Wätzold, F., 2000. Die wirtschaftsnahe Ausgestaltung des Öko-Audit-Systems in Deutschland: Erfahrungen und Analyse, Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung, 1/2, 155-169.
- Wätzold, F., 2000. Anforderungen von Unternehmen an kommunale Organisationen in ländlichen Räumen, Der Landkreis - Zeitschrift des deutschen Landkreistages, 5, 373-376.
- Bültmann, A. und Wätzold, F., 1999. Die Öko-Audit-Verordnung im verflixten siebten Jahr: Vergangenheit und Zukunft einer ungewöhnlichen Ehe aus freiwilligem Umweltschutz und gesetzlichem Eingriff, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 48/99, 31-38.
- Cames, M. , Döpfer, J. , Gebers, B., Uricher, A., Wätzold, F., 1999. Potentiale für Umweltentlastungen durch Abgaben auf Landesebene: Ergebnisse einer ökologischen und ökonomischen Wirkungsanalyse für das Bundesland NRW, Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht, 2 (99), 243-270.
- Bültmann, A., Wätzold, F., 1999. Die Förderung der Teilnahme am Öko-Audit-System, UmweltWirtschaftsForum, 3 (99), 63-67.
- Wätzold, F., 1998. Konzeption und Wirkungsweise einer Abgabe auf Wirtschaftsdünger, Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung, 1 (98), 51-64.
- Wätzold, F., Simonis, U. E., 1997. Ökologische Unsicherheit: Über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Umweltpolitik, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 27 (97), 3-14.
- Franke, J., Wätzold, F., 1995. The Political Evolution of EMAS: Perspectives from the EU, National Governments and Industrial Groups, European Environment - The Journal of European Environmental Policy, 5 (6), 155-159. (Link)