The following dissertations and PhD thesis have been or are supervised at the chair:

Current Dissertations

Johanna Witttba
Henrique ManhiqueCost benefit analysis of ground cover management techniques, using fruit orchards in the Western Cape province, South Africa, as a case study (preliminary title)
Ashley Comma Roytba
Caterina De PetrisThree Essays on Agri-Environment Schemes
Johan BärwaldAnalyse der Folgen überhöhter Wildbestände auf die Waldverjüngung und Evaluierung von Maßnahmen zur Problemlösung aus ökonomischer Sicht
Simeon OnyaHousehold Preferences for Flood Mitigation Measures in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Mai NusirInstitutional change and common-pool resource management
Tobias Nowakowskitba
Ahmed Shaqfatba
Misganaw Badasa WakeDecision behavior of farmers concerning participation in Agri-environmental Schemes

Former Dissertations

The following Dissertations have been successfully supervised at the chair in the past:

Befikadu Legesse AlemayehuPayments for environmental services for improved watershed management: a case study of Koga watershed of the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
Alex KombatImplementation of environmental taxation in Ghana
Zhengzheng HaoA Novel Integrated Modelling Approach to Design Cost-effective Agri-Environment Schemes to Prevent Soil Erosion and Water Pollution from Cropland — A Case Study of Baishahe Watershed in Shanxi Province, China
Lutz-Philip HeckerWhat does it take to treat municipal wastewater in developing countries? An econometric analysis of Mexican municipalities
Nonka Markova-NenovaVerteilungsaspekte im Design von Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen und Agrarumweltprogrammen
Mary NthambiEconomic Valuation and Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Sub-Saharan African Agriculture: A Case Study of Makueni County, Kenya
Oliver SchöttkerMake-or-Buy: Should nature conservation agencies buy land and perform conservation activities on their own behalves, or should they pay farmers for voluntarily performing conservation activities?
Cathrin SpringEnergiesteuern in der Europäischen Union und in den Mitgliedstaaten als Nachhaltigkeitsinstrument. Eine Policy-Mix-Analyse unter Beachtung verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse
Johanna GötterAdaptation and change from an institutional perspective in Southwest Madagascar
Charlotte GerlingEconomics of climate adaptation for biodiversity conservation
Malte WellingEconomic value of urban green: Empirical results and methodological challenges in discrete choice experiments
Maho NakagawaPermanence in Economics, Social Preferences and Social Interactions - Application to Environmental Issues