Environmental Management
In July 2010, the BTU Cottbus became the first EMAS-registered University in Berlin and Brandenburg. EMAS - Eco-Management and Audit Scheme - requires organizations to implement an environmental management system and voluntarily go beyond the legal requirements in their contribution to environment protection. EMAS-Organizations also have to inform the public about their environmental performance through an environmental statement. The environmental statement and the environmental management system have to be validated in regular intervals by accredited environmental verifiers.
The chair of Environmental Economics was resposible for the environmental management from October 2011 until March 2016.
E-Mail: umweltmanagement(at)b-tu.de
EMAS at the BTU: www.b-tu.de/umweltmanagement
EMAS: www.emas.de and http://ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/index_en.htm