
  • Newspaper article Gernot Klepper, Christine Merk, Karen Pittel and Frank Wätzold: Für einen Klima-Check (German languarge, Süddeutsche Zeitung,7.6. 2020, Link)
  • Newspaper article by Alex Kombat: 'Women's role in tax administration laudable' (Link)
  • News article (hungarian) about ClimeFish project (link)
  • TV-News: Report/Interview on EuroNews about the ClimeFish Project (Links: and
  • News article "Artenvielfalt schützen" in journal "EINBLICKE in Forschung und Unileben", Beilage der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Jahrgang 2, Nr. 6, vom 31.3.18, Seite 6 (Link)
  • News article in information platform "Agra Europe" about the working paper of Nonka Markova-Nenova und Frank Wätzold (2017): Fairness to dairy cows or fairness to farmers: What counts more in the preferences of conventional milk buyers for ethical attributes of milk? (Link)
  • TV-Interview: Former PhD student Alex Combat, currently Director of the Tax Policy and Research Unit at Ghana Revenue Authority, was interviewed on Ghanian Joy News TV on one of his PhD topics, the introduction of environmental and plastic waste taxation in Ghana. (Link)
  • Lausitzer Rundschau reports on project of the chair of environmental economics: "Besserer Schutz für Wiesenbrüter", 15.10.2015 (to the article)
  • Lausitzer Rundschau reports on project of the chair Sulama: "Von Cottbus nach Madagaskar - für mehr Nachhaltigkeit", 20.12.2014 (to the article)