Semester overwiew

Prüfung Cost Benefit Analysis in Environmental Evaluation (240901)

Study paths

  • Environmental and Resource Management Master (1. - 3. ) / Examination regulations 2006 / Modul 41405 Wahlpflicht
  • Betriebswirtschaftslehre Master (1. - 4. )
  • Environmental and Resource Management Master (1. - 3. ) / Examination regulations 2011 / Modul 41405 Wahlpflicht

Course content

Part I: Normative and Positive Theories Overview: The Functioning of Markets and the Cases for State Intervention - Basic Problems of Environmental Politics; Part II: Cost Benefit Analysis in environmental politics. Methods to value changes in environmental quality. Theoretical background and practical application.

Students will be able to: - describe the different methods to measure the welfare effects of changes in environmental quality - describe the problems of measuring the benefits of changes in environmental quality - understand the different steps and parts of a CBA - understand the political implications of a CBA

Economics (BA), Environmental and resource economics (BA)

Exam and Essay

Lehrmethoden und Lernziele:
The students will be able to apply various methods to examine the economic value of environmental goods and the judge the validity of each method. The additional lecture notes contain supplements. At the end of each lecture, there is a short conclusion of the previous lecture before starting with a new chapter. The questions of each chapter are directed at the students in some exercises which take place instead of some lectures. With a written examination at the end of semester (90 minutes) the students should demonstrate their ability to explain the principles and main relations of economics mentioned in the lecture course. The students should proof that they are able to give an economic interpretation of their answers.The students will be enabled to apllicate their knowledge about economic theory and environmental economics in a practical approach. This lecture focusses on special issues of the valuation of the natural environment applying useable economic instruments. - To enable students to understand and use the CBA for environmental measures. - To enable students to understand the implications of the results of a CBA for the process of political decision. - To sensitize students for some limits of the valuation of environmental goods.


  • Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Frank Wätzold
  • Misganaw Badasa Wake


Cost-Benefit Analysis in Environmental Evaluation (41405)

240901 in HIS

Kolloquium Research Colloquium (240904)


Di 13:45 - 15:15, A/B week, 09.04.2024 to 16.07.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.20

Study path

Environmental and Resource Management PhD / Examination regulations 2009

Course content

The Research Colloquium is designed for the presentation and discussion of ongoing PhD and other reserach projects. It is primarily aimed at ERM PhD students but also Master students in their final year are welcome. The course programme, i.e. the lpresentations, will be published through public notices on the Chairs website after the first meeting.


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Frank Wätzold

Hours per week



  • Research Colloquium (12244)
  • Academic Research and Methods (12243)
  • PhD Seminar Scientific Working (42101)
240904 in HIS

Vorlesung/Seminar Academic Research and Methods (240906)


  • Mo 09:00 - 17:00, Einzel, at 22.07.2024, Hauptgebäude / HG 0.18
  • Di 11:30 - 13:00, A/B week, 09.04.2024 to 16.07.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.19
  • Do 09:00 - 17:00, Einzel, at 08.08.2024, Hauptgebäude / HG 0.18

Study paths

  • Environmental and Resource Management PhD / Examination regulations 2009
  • Environmental and Resource Management PhD / Examination regulations 99

Course content

The purposes of the seminar „scientific working“ are (I) to introduce the PhD students to selected theoretical and empirical scientific methods, (II) to demonstrate how to apply them in their research, and (III) to teach the students how to publish their scientific work in international peer-reviewed journals.


to be announced in the lecture


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Frank Wätzold

Hours per week



  • Academic Research and Methods (12243)
  • PhD Seminar Scientific Working (42101)
240906 in HIS

Vorlesung/Seminar Business administration (240907)


  • Mo 09:15 - 10:45, Einzel, at 22.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 3
  • Mo 09:15 - 10:45, A/B week, 08.04.2024 to 15.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 3
  • Do 09:15 - 10:45, A/B week, 11.04.2024 to 18.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 2
  • Do 09:15 - 10:45, Einzel, at 06.06.2024, Hauptgebäude / HG 0.17, Ausweichraum am 06.06.2024 (statt ZHG SR 2) (wg. "Geometrietag")

Study paths

  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (4. ) / Examination regulations 2005 / Modul 41107 Pflicht
  • Process Engineering and Plant Design Master / Examination regulations 2005 / Modul 41107
  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (4. ) / Examination regulations 2015 / Modul 41107 Pflicht

Course content

Motives and functions of a business

Business ethics and social responsibility

Assessing economic conditions

Starting a new business

Business planning

Managing effectively

Organizational structure

Improving productivity and quality

Hiring, training, motivating, and evaluating employees

Creating, pricing and promoting products

Distributing products

Accounting and financing

Expanding business abroad



Finance, evaluation and decision making; creating a business plan

Voraussetzung: none


Written Exam of 90 minutes for the lecture (50%), written paper (25%) and presentation (25%) for the seminar.


Students should understand the various aspects of how to establish and run a business, get to know selected management concepts and get acquainted with decision-making tools in business and how to use them.


Madura, J. (2007): Introduction to Business, Thompson South-Western, 4th edition, Mason, USA.

Baye, M.R. (2003): Managerial Economics and Business Strategy. Boston u.a.O.: McGraw-Hill.

Pride, W.M./ Hughes, R.J./ Kapoor, J.A. (2010): Introduction to Business, 10th edition, South-Western Cengage Learning, London


  • Caterina De Petris
  • Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Frank Wätzold

Hours per week



Business Administration (41107)

240907 in HIS

Vorlesung/Übung Economics (240910)


  • Di 15:30 - 17:00, A/B week, 09.04.2024 to 16.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / HS A
  • Do 13:45 - 15:15, A/B week, 11.04.2024 to 18.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / HS A,
  • Do 13:45 - 15:15, Einzel, at 23.05.2024, Lehrgebäude 3A / 338, optional: Ausweichraum am 23.05.2024 (statt ZHG HS A) (wg. Bbg. Energietag)
  • Do 13:45 - 15:15, Einzel, at 23.05.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.19
  • Do 13:45 - 15:15, Einzel, at 23.05.2024, Gebäude 9 - SD / 9.122, optional: Ausweichraum am 23.05.2024 (statt ZHG HS A) (wg. Bbg. Energietag)

Study paths

  • fachübergreifend
  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (2. ) / Examination regulations 2005 / Modul 41105 Pflicht
  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (2. ) / Examination regulations 2015 / Modul 41105 Pflicht
  • Umweltingenieurwesen Bachelor (6. ) / Examination regulations 2021
  • Orientierungsstudium 1Sem (1. ) / Examination regulations 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 2Sem (2. ) / Examination regulations 2022

Course content

Preliminary Course Content:
- Market forces of demand and supply
- Markets welfare and government intervention
- Market failure and public policies
- Costs of production and firms in competitive markets, monopoly and oligopoly
- Economics of labour markets
- Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy
- Stimulating economic growth in the long and short run
- Unemployment and inflation
- Money and monetary policy
- Fiscal policy
- International trade and comparative advantage
- Exchange rates and the macro economy

The course is splitted into apprx. 14-15 lectures which cover above topics. Basicly, the course covers aa wide range of economic basics and is intended to bring you a bit closer towards economic concepts and thinking.

Each topic will cover approx. one week (two lessons) and will usually be divided into two parts. In the first part, I will present relevant knowledge about the topic. In the second part there will be a presentation from your side.

In order to get the credit points, a written exam (50% of the final grade) and either a presentation + handot or an essay (50%) have to be passed. (The relevant topics for the presentations and the essays will be published in the first lecture.)

Voraussetzung: none


Written Exam of 90 minutes (50%), Presentation + hand-out or essay (50%).


The course will introduce students to economic thinking and how economics is applied to solve policy problems from various areas.


Baumol, W.J., Blinder, A.S. (2003) Economics: Principles and Policies, 9th edition, Thomson South-Western, Mason/Ohio.

Mankiw, G.N., Taylor, M.P. (2006) Economics, Thomson South-Western, Mason/Ohio


  • Misganaw Badasa Wake
  • Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Frank Wätzold

Hours per week



Economics (41105)

240910 in HIS

Vorlesung/Praktikum Ecological-Economic Modelling for Biodiversity Conservation (240911)


  • Fr 09:30 - 15:30, Einzel, at 12.04.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.22
  • Fr 09:30 - 15:30, Einzel, at 19.04.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.22
  • Fr 09:30 - 15:30, Einzel, at 24.05.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.22
  • Fr 09:30 - 15:30, Einzel, at 26.04.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.22
  • Fr 09:30 - 15:30, Einzel, at 14.06.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.22
  • Fr 09:30 - 15:30, Einzel, at 03.05.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.22
  • Fr 09:30 - 15:30, Einzel, at 10.05.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.22
  • Fr 09:30 - 15:30, Einzel, at 17.05.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.22

Study paths

  • Environmental and Resource Management Master (1. - 4. ) / Examination regulations 2006 / Ergänzungsmodul
  • Environmental and Resource Management Master (1. - 4. ) / Examination regulations 2011 / Ergänzungsmodul
  • Bauingenieurwesen Master (1. - 4. ) / Examination regulations 2014
  • Klimagerechtes Bauen Master (1. - 4. )

Course content

Please refer to the module description for course content.

Hours per week



Ecological-Economic Modelling for Biodiversity Conservation (11693)

240911 in HIS

Prüfung Economics of land and biodiversity conservation management (240912)

Study paths

  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Master (1. ) / Examination regulations 2018 / Wahlpflicht
  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Master (1. - 3. ) / Examination regulations 2011 / Modul 41427 Wahlpflicht
  • Environmental and Resource Management Master (1. - 3. ) / Examination regulations 2011 / Modul 41427 Wahlpflicht

Course content

  • optimal spatial allocation of land use
  • policy instruments for sustainable land use (PES, conservation banking)
  • institutions and governance structures, common pool resources
  • REDD (reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation)

Basic economic knowledge recommended!

A written exam in the middle of the term and a short written summary and an oral presentation of a scientific paper in class.

Lehrmethoden und Lernziele:
Student shall

  • acquire knowledge about the economic analysis of sustainable land use and biodiversity conservation
  • get acquainted with an economic analysis of related policy instruments
  • be able to discuss related issues on a scientific level
  • be able to read scientific papers and discuss them critically


To be announced in class


  • Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Frank Wätzold
  • Caterina De Petris


Economics of Land Use and Biodiversity Conservation (41427)

240912 in HIS

Prüfung Einführung in die Ökonomik der Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung (240959)

Study paths

  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor (3. ) / Examination regulations 2017 / Pflicht
  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor (3. ) / Examination regulations 2011 / Pflicht

Course content

• Einführung in die Ökonomik
• Märkte und Effizienz
• Gründe für Marktversagen
• Wohlstandmessung und Umweltqualität
• Coase-Theorem und Verfügungsrechte im Gewässerschutz
• Umweltpolitische Instrumente einer nachhaltigen Landnutzung
• Ökonomische Aspekte des Gewässermanagements
• Einführung in die monetäre Bewertung von Umweltschäden und die Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse


  • Vorlesung / 4 SWS
  • Selbststudium / 120 Stunden

Schriftliche Prüfung (90 min.)

Lehrmethoden und Lernziele:
Die Studierenden sollen
• die Grundlagen des (mikro)ökonomischen Denkens erlernen,
• umweltpolitische Instrumente aus ökonomischer Perspektive analysieren können und
• ausgewählte Landnutzungskonflikte aus ökonomischer Sicht bewerten können. 


  • Dr. rer. pol. Nonka Markova-Nenova
  • Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Frank Wätzold


Einführung in die Ökonomik der Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung (11143)

240959 in HIS

Prüfung Economics (240960)


  • Mi 14:00 - 16:00, Einzel, at 31.07.2024, Großer Hörsaal / GH
  • Do 08:00 - 10:00, Einzel, at 19.09.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / Audimax 2

Study paths

  • fachübergreifend
  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (2. ) / Examination regulations 2005 / Modul 41105 Pflicht
  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (2. ) / Examination regulations 2015 / Modul 41105 Pflicht
  • Umweltingenieurwesen Bachelor (6. ) / Examination regulations 2021
  • Orientierungsstudium 1Sem (1. ) / Examination regulations 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 2Sem (2. ) / Examination regulations 2022

Course content

Market forces of demand and supply Markets, welfare and government intervention
Market failure and public policies
Costs of production and firms in competitive markets
Monopoly and oligopoly
Economics of labour markets
Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy
Stimulating economic growth in the long and short run
Unemployment and inflation
Money and monetary policy
Fiscal policy
International trade and comparative advantage
Exchange rates and the macro economy

Voraussetzung: none

Leistungsnachweis: Written Exam of 90 minutes (50%), Presentation and hand-out or essay (50%).

The course will introduce students to economic thinking and how economics is applied to solve policy problems from various areas.


Baumol, W.J., Blinder, A.S. (2003) Economics: Principles and Policies, 9th edition, Thomson South-Western, Mason/Ohio.

Mankiw, G.N., Taylor, M.P. (2006) Economics, Thomson South-Western, Mason/Ohio


  • Misganaw Badasa Wake
  • Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Frank Wätzold


Economics (41105)

240960 in HIS

Prüfung Business administration (240963)


  • Mi 08:00 - 10:00, Einzel, at 31.07.2024, Großer Hörsaal / GH
  • Do 14:00 - 16:00, Einzel, at 19.09.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / Audimax 2

Study paths

  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (4. ) / Examination regulations 2005 / Modul 41107 Pflicht
  • Process Engineering and Plant Design Master / Examination regulations 2005 / Modul 41107
  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor (4. ) / Examination regulations 2015 / Modul 41107 Pflicht

Course content


Motives and functions of a business

Business ethics and social responsibility

Assessing economic conditions

Starting a new business

Business planning

Managing effectively

Organizational structure

Improving productivity and quality

Hiring, training, motivating, and evaluating employees

Creating, pricing and promoting products

Distributing products

Accounting and financing

Expanding business abroad


Finance, evaluation and decision making;

Creating a business plan


Voraussetzung: none


Written Exam of 90 minutes for the lecture (50%), written paper (25%) and presentation (25%) for the seminar.


To understand the various aspects of how to establish and run a business, to get to know selected management concepts and to get acquainted with decision-making tools in business and how to use them.



Madura, J. (2007): Introduction to Business, Thompson South-Western, 4th edition, Mason, USA.

Baye, M.R. (2003): Managerial Economics and Business Strategy. Boston u.a.O.: McGraw-Hill.

Pride, W.M./ Hughes, R.J./ Kapoor, J.A. (2010): Introduction to Business, 10th edition, South-Western Cengage Learning, London


Caterina De Petris


Business Administration (41107)

240963 in HIS