Fraunhofer-IPMS Institute for Photonic Microsystems
In many cases, technology transfer takes place in close cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS) which has been active in the field of research on silicon-based micromechanical and micro photonic systems for more than 25 years. Hardly any fast-growing technical industry can exist without components for microsystem technology such as sensors or actuators. Current trends such as the Internet of Things or Industry 4.0 open up numerous new fields of application for micromechanical components with increasing demands in terms of performance, miniaturization, energy consumption, integrability and reliability.
The scientists of Fraunhofer IPMS work on the optimization of existing micromechanical components and their adaptation for new applications as well as on the development and testing of completely new technologies, Micro-(Opto)-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS and MOEMS) and Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS). The range of services covers the entire development chain for CMOS-compatible MEMS products and technologies - from conceptual design to process development, the construction of demonstrators and prototypes to pilot production in the state-of-the-art cleanroom according to industrial standards.
The division »Integrated Silicon Systems« IPMS-ISS was founded in early 2018 in Cottbus and serves as an interface between the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and the Fraunhofer IPMS.