Completed PhD theses

  • Ali Mahmoodinezhad
    »Atomic layer deposition and characterization of metal oxide thin films» (2022)
    Online (DOI, OPUS)
    Citation: [urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-61343]
  • Qiong Li (Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden)
    »Laboratory hard X-ray microscopy studies on pollen and diatoms« (2024)
  • Nicolas Braud (Universität Bremen)
    »Unraveling the Oxidative Behavior of Platinum-Tin Alloys« (2024)
  • Linus Pleines (Universität Bremen)
    »Untersuchung von Ceroxidmodellkatalysatoren auf Cu(111) und Ru(0001)« (2024)
  • Ta-Shun Chou (Institut für Kristallzüchtung Berlin)
    »Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial Gallium Oxide Films« (2023)
  • Fatima Akhtar (ihp Frankfurt/O.)
    »Growth of gaphene under Si-CMOS compatible conditions« (2022)
    online (DOI, OPUS)
    Citation: [urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-59270]
  • Simon Fischer (Universität Bremen)
    »Strongly Strained Growth of Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films On Microscale Ruthenium Dioxide Islands«, (2021)
    Onlie (DOI)
  • Penghui Yang (HZB Berlin)
    "Impact of alkali treatments on the surface and interface properties of Chalcopyrite thin-film solar cell absorbers" (2020)
    online (OPUS)
    Citation: [urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-51772]
  • Ting Xiao (HZB Berlin)
    »X-ray Spectroscopic Study of Heterostructure Contacting Schemes for Optoelectronic Devices« (2019)
    online (OPUS)
    Citation: [urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-49391]