Dr. Andrea Vetter

Dr. Andrea Vetter is a transformation researcher and accompanies the socio-ecological transformation as a scientist, entrepreneur, speaker, consultant and author. The connection between theory and practice is always central to her work. The tools she uses include the patterns of commoning, post-growth perspectives, the matrix for convivial technology and a care-centered feminist perspective. She is a trained daily newspaper editor, studied European Ethnology, Modern and Contemporary History and Philosophy in Berlin and Paris and has worked for various networks and collectives in project management, event organization, program management and as a press spokesperson. She has co-founded various associations and cooperatives and is an expert in grassroots democratic event and company organization.

Due to the various ecological and social crises, we are in the midst of a huge global social upheaval that can be felt every day. It is now important for science to get involved and make options for shaping a just future visible.

Current research


Teaching and supervisor of theses

Since 2018, regular teaching activities and, on request, supervisor of BA and MA theses at various universities in German-speaking countries (including Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Braunschweig University of Art).

Publications (selection)


Vetter, A. (2023). Convivial technology. Empirical ethics of technology for a post-growth society. Bielefeld: Transcript.

Schmelzer, M., Vetter, A. & Vansintjan, A. (2022). The Future is Degrowth. A Guide to a World beyond Capitalism. Verso 2022. (Translated into Italian, Czech, Korean and Vietnamese; in preparation: Spanish and Greek).

Schmelzer, M., Vetter, A. (2019). Degrowth/post-growth introduction. Hamburg: Junius.


Poehls, K., Scholze-Irrlitz, L. & Vetter, A. (2017). Strategies of subsistence. New precarious, subversive and moral economies. Berliner Blätter vol. 74. Berlin: Panama2017.

Rudolf, C., Heide, D., Lemmle, J., Roßhart, J. & Vetter, A. (2013). Snow White settles accounts. Feminist economics for a different way of living, working and producing.Hamburg: VSA 2013.


Vetter, A. (2024). How transformation can be shaped. In: Oya Almanach 2024, pp.200-2011.

Schmelzer, M., Vetter, A. (2022). degrowth. In: Handbook of Political Ecology. Theories, conflicts, concepts, methods. Ed. Gottschlich, D. et al. Bielefeld: Transcript.

Guenot, N., Vetter, A. (2022). Digital Technologies, In: Degrowth & Strategy: how to bring about social-ecological transformation. Ed. Barlow, N. et al. Mayflybooks, pp.246-267.

Fersterer, M., Vetter, A. (2022). Right here, right now. The art of living together. In: Convivial Futures. Views from a Post-Growth Tomorrow. Eds. Adloff, F., Caillé, A. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 161-174.

Vetter, A. (2022). Which critiques of growth are emancipatory? In: analyse&kritik No. 678.

Vetter, A. (2022). Convivial technology. A construction manual in 8 steps. In: Springerin. Journal for Contemporary Art, Issue 03/2022, Degrowth.

Vetter, A.(2021): From imperial to convivial technology. In: Denknetz Schweiz (ed.): Yearbook 2021, Postwachstum, pp. 159-167.

Schmelzer, M., Vetter, A. (2020). City for all beyond growth. What can urban research learn from the degrowth debate? In: Post-growth city. Contours of a solidary urban policy. Ed. Brokow-Loga, A., Eckardt, F.. Munich: Oekom, pp. 44-57.

Schmelzer, M., Vetter, A. (2020). The emancipatory project of post-growth economies. In: Post-growth geographies. Spatial references of diverse and alternative economies. Ed. Lange, B. et al. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp.101-108.

Vetter, A. (2018). The Matrix of Convivial Technology - assessing technologies for degrowth, in: Journal of Cleaner Production. Special Issue Degrowth&Technology, Vol. 197 (2), 2018, pp.1778-1786.


Dr. Andrea Vetter
