News archive


Innovative team receives EXIST research transfer funding

The "HochQuant" team led by Anne Handschick, Dr Owen C. Ernst and Dr David Uebel is delighted to have received two years of EXIST research transfer funding totalling over €900,000. This support was made possible by the BTU Start-up Service and Prof Dr Jörg Acker from Faculty 2 - Physical Chemistry at Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU).

[Translate to Englisch:]


BTU recruiting fair campus-X-change

On Wednesday, June 12, 2024 from 10:00 - 16:00, the largest recruiting fair for academic professionals in the state of Brandenburg "campus-X-change" will take place at the main campus of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.


"Why do we need a critical reminder of National Socialism today?"

Invitation to the lecture series in Spremberg/Grodk as part of the Science Year 2024 on the topic of "Freedom" Why we need a critical culture of remembrance for our future - a joint series of events by the BTU Presence Office of the State of Brandenburg and the town of Spremberg/Grodk

Dr. Enrico Heitzer


Review of the 18th Cottbus lightweight construction workshop

On March 14 and 15, the tradition of the Cottbus lightweight construction workshop was revived at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg - with complete success! Under the direction of the Institute for Lightweight Construction and Value Creation Management (ILW) and the SpreeTec neXt cluster project, people interested in lightweight construction came together at starting block B2.

Netzwerken auf dem Cottbuser Leichtbauworkshop