Secure Cyber-Physical Systems Lecture and Exercise

Course Description

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are closely connected to their environment via sensors and actuators. It is "the fusion of reality with the network". They comprise of a A/D and D/A converters to sense and interact, to influence the physical environment in a coordinated way. The spectrum of CPS ranges from medical devices (e.g., pace makers), smart vehicles up to countrywide industrial control networks (e.g., energy networks, smart grids). Functioning of our society depends on the cyber-physical systems.

This course is offered for master students, especially in Computer Science, Cyber Security, eBusiness, and Information and Media Technology. The goal of the course is to introduce challenges in securing cyber-physical systems and industrial control networks. This course is the continuation of the Introduction into Cyber Security and covers principles of system and network security with a special focus on cyber-physical systems. It introduces security and privacy concepts as building blocks for later specialization. In the scope of this course, we explore, among others, the following topics:

  • Introduction and General Security Concepts
  • The World of Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Industrial Protocols
  • Definitions, Security Goals, Attacker Models
  • Physical Security
  • Access Control
  • Isolation Mechanisms
  • Firewalls
  • Anomaly and Intrusion Detection
  • Honeypots
  • Fingerprinting Techniques
  • Security Protocols
  • Malware

Please enroll for this course in Moodle.


Thursday (lecture)15:30 - 17:00Hörsaal C, ZHG
Tuesday (exercise)17:30 - 19:00Hörsaal B, ZHG