Core engine construction
Module description
Module number: 31414
Offered very semester; Part 1 in summer semester, Part 2 in Winter semester
Credit Points: 6
Exam, 90 minutes
Learning goals:
After participating in the module, the students are able to understand the structure and construction of aircraft engine cores. They are able to evaluate scientific new designs in the core engine area and to independently propose and develop justified adaptations of standard designs. The independent development of application-related and research-oriented knowledge represents a supplementary point of the acquired competence.
Course Content:
- General: Design objectives, design process and interfaces to other disciplines, aviation law requirements and certification requirements; core engine overview;
- Compressor: implementation aerodyn. Requirements, annulus definition, blade, rotor, housing design, design of the stator adjustment mechanism
- Combustion chamber: construction methods, annular combustion chamber
- Turbine: annulus definition, blade design, rotor design, static components (housing, rings, structures)