Regional Innovative Growth Core PRAEMED.BIO
The Regional Innovative Growth Core PRAEMED.Bio is a project funded by the BMBF with a duration of 3 years 01.01.2019 - 30.06.2022. Companies and research institutions such as attomol GmbH, GA Generic Assay, Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg, PolyAn GmbH, German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research, Technical University Dresden- Immunology, Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus in Dresden, Gesellschaft für medizinische und wissenschaftliche genetische Analysen Dresden mbH (Mewigen), Lipotype GmbH, Medipan GmbH, Cybertron GmbH, KDS Radeberger Werkzeugbau GmbH and Resintec GmbH cooperate with each other.
Project Description
PRAEMED.BIO - Precision medicine through biomarker-based diagnostics
The innovative regional growth core PRAEMED.Bio focuses on customized cancer therapy based on personalized diagnostics. Subprojects of the BTU are divided into two joint projects.
Two joint projects :
Joint project 1: Development and construction of a modular fully automatic analysis system (PRAEMED.BIO-Scan) Basic system software for PRAEMED.BIO-Scan Objective Joint project 1: The BTU 1 subproject deals with the development and construction of a modular fully automatic analysis system (PRAMED.BIO - Scan) in the joint project 1 "Development and construction of a modular fully automatic analysis system (PRAMED.BIO - Scan) with the development of the system software and the basic kernel, with which the modules can be controlled flexibly, as well as the integration of the application modules into the system software. A further focus of our work is the development of a data management system which records, evaluates, archives and interacts with LIMS measurement and system data. The BTU 1 tests the hardware components for the tissue reader, transfers reaction environments into the modules tissue reader, bead reader, array cyler and analytically tests the process chains for the tissue reader.
Joint project 2: Development of test systems for the PRAEMED.Bio-Scan for the characterization of head, neck and rectal carcinomas, detection of microRNA and CHI3L1 and development of hydrophobic particles. The aim of the joint project is the development of different test formats which, integrated in the PRAMED.BIO technology, enable the detection of biomarkers in different biological matrices. Besides test format development, biomarker validation and development of a stratification strategy are the second main topics of the collaborative project. Prof. Dr. Peter Schierack and his team are working on the development of test formats for multiparameter diagnostics. In this subproject, the competence gained along the entire value chain of diagnostic development is incorporated into the development of various test formats. The subproject is divided into 3 main areas of work: (1) Development of a multiparameter test for the detection of CHI3L1 antigens in tissue of rectal carcinoma, (2) Development of a multiparameter test for the detection of miRNA in tissue of head and neck plate epithelial carcinoma and (3) Development of hydrophobic particles for the coupling of lipids and lipoproteins. The multiparameter tests and microparticles will be developed with the VideoScan technology established in the working group, which can be used from the start of the project, and can be seamlessly integrated into the PRAMED.BIO technology after completion.

Brandenburg Technical University (BTU) Cottbus - Senftenberg
Faculty of Environment and Natural Sciences
Universitätsplatz 1
01968 Senftenberg
Prof. Dr. habil. Peter Schierack
E-Mail: peter.schierack(at)