MSc Laboratory Diagnostics (2014-2017)
Twenty-20 project "MSc Laboratory Diagnostics"
The project is funded by the BMBF over the period 2014-2017. The project is embedded in the 2020 forum "PARMENIDes Initiative for personalized diagnostics and medicine". The PARMENIDes consortium is coordinated by the DiagnostikNet-BB (Diagnostic Network Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.) and consists of more than 50 partners from small and medium-sized diagnostics companies, research institutes, laboratories as well as physicians from various fields and patient representatives. Laboratory medicine is one of the broadest cross-sectional medical fields with a tremendous informational expansion and a knowledge duplication rate of six years. Alongside the knowledge increase in the medical field, there is a rapid technical progress, which in turn leads to an increase in regulations for development, testing, validation and use in routine diagnostics. As a result of this development, more and more employees with different areas of expertise and in-depth specialization (such as quality management) will have to be employed in the laboratories and diagnostic/medical companies. The PARMENIDes consortium selected the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus - Senftenberg (BTU CS) to take over the training of highly qualified personnel in the personalized medicine field. This is done in the project "Concept development for the training of specialists and executives" ("MSc Laboratory Medicine"). Thus, three concepts are to be developed at the BTU CS:
1) Educational study programme "Master of Science in Laboratory Diagnostics (MSc Laboratory Diagnostics)"
2) Educational study programme "Bachelor of Science in Laboratory Diagnostics (BSc Laboratory Diagnostics)"
3) Concept for training and education of laboratory medicine workers, including the staff of the PARMENIDES consortium in the personalized medicine field.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Peter Schierack