News archive


Can computers read minds?

A live experiment in the state-of-the-art Science Gallery showroom at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) on Wednesday, December 14, 12 p.m., will demonstrate how a computer can detect a person's workload from brain waves



102 million euro for the future energy model region of Lusatia

Minister of Science Dr. Manja Schüle hands over the grant to the BTU's new Energy Innovation Center (EIZ). More than 90 scientists from 14 disciplines are researching the effective and efficient energy supply of the future together with more than 40 partner institutions.

Group photo after presentation of the grant notification


chesco contact conference 2022

Agile manufacturing, innovative product development, cutting-edge research infrastructure, climate-friendly mobility - review of our chesco contact conference.


Plant-based bioeconomy in Lusatia: Refinement of active substances

Plant-based active ingredients have become indispensable in medicine. However, the basis for their broad application is the efficient extraction of these substances from medicinal plants. Using a novel process, scientists at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) can extract efficiently the active ingredients from essential oils.

Tractor harvesting chamomile


BTU beteiligt sich am Bündnis für mehr Verbindlichkeit im Klimaschutz

BTU-Präsidentin Prof. Gesine Grande zählt zu den Unterzeichner*innen eines offenen Briefes an den brandenburgischen Ministerpräsidenten Dietmar Woidke, der konkretere Ziele für den Klimaplan des Landes fordert. Darüber hinaus bestehen die Unterzeichnenden auf ein Klimaschutzgesetz. Noch zum 3. Juni können sich Brandenburger*innen online in den Klimaplan einbringen

Portraitfoto der Präsidentin