- Vidal-Verdú A, Torrent D, Iglesias A, Latorre-Pérez A, Abendroth C, Corbín-Agustí P, Peretó J, Porcar M. 2024. The highly differentiated gut of Pachnoda marginata hosts sequential microbiomes: microbial ecology and potential applications. npj biofilms and microbiomes. 10:65.
- Otto P, Abendroth C. 2024. Neue Bakterienordnung entdeckt. Biogasjournal. 2:24, 96-99.
- Otto P, Puchol-Royo Roser, Ortega-Legarreta A, Tanner K, Tideman J, de Vries S-J, Pascual J, Porcar M, Latorre-Pérez A, Abendroth C. 2024. Multivariate comparison of taxonomic, chemical and operational data from 80 different full-scale anaerobic digester-related systems. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. 17:84.
- Oviedo-Ocaña ER, Abendroth C, Domínguez IC, Sánchez A, Dornack C. 2023. Life cycle assessment of biowaste and green waste composting systems: A review of applications and implementation challenges. Waste Management. 171, 350-364.
- Otto P, Alipoursarbani M, Torrent D, Latorre-Pérez A, Paust T, Albert A, Abendroth C. 2023. Microbiome Characterization after Aerobic Digestate Reactivation of Anaerobically Digested Sewage Sludge. Fermentation. 9(5):471.
- Abendroth C, Dornack C, Nefigmann S, Otto P. 2022. Mikroskopische Helden der Biogasbranche. Schriftenreihe Umweltingenieurwesen Band 110. Tagungsband - Dialog Abfallwirtschaft & 16. Rostocker Bioenergieforum, 233 – 241, 2022.
- Otto P, Abendroth C, Dornack C. 2022. Designer-Mikrobiome für den Biogassektor. Müll und Abfall. 5, 243 - 247,
- Heitkamp K, Latorre-Pérez A, Nefigmann S, Gimeno-Valero H, Vilanova C, Jahmad E, Abendroth C. 2021. Monitoring of seven industrial anaerobic digesters supplied with biochar. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 14:185.
- Abendroth C, Rückert A, Bierwage H, Maletz R, Dornack C. 2021. Das Projektvorhaben Greening Belarus - Export grüner Technologien mit dem Schwerpunkt Kompostierung und Biogas. Müll und Abfall, doi: 10.37307/j.1863-9763.2021.06.03.
- Javier P, Hahnke S, Abendroth C, Langer T, Ramm P, Klocke M, Luschnig O, Porcar M. 2020. Draft Genome Sequence of a New Oscillospiraceae Bacterium Isolated from Anaerobic Digestion of Biomass. Microbiology Resource Announcements 9: e00507-20.
- Schwan B, Abendroth C, Latorre-Pérez A, Porcar M, Vilanova C, Dornack C. 2020. Chemically Stressed Bacterial Communities in Anaerobic Digesters Exhibit Resilience and Ecological Flexibility. Frontiers in Microbiology 11:867.
- Abendroth C, Latorre-Pérez A, Porcar M, Simeonov C, Luschnig O, Vilanova C, Pascual J. 2020. Shedding light on biogas: Phototrophic biofilms in anaerobic digesters hold potential for improved biogas production. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 43, 126024.
- Ramm P, Abendroth C, Latorre-Pérez A, Herrmann C, Sebök S, Geißler A, Vilanova C, Porcar M, Dornack C, Bürger C, Schwarz H, Luschnig O. 2020. Ammonia removal during leach-bed acidification leads to optimized organic acid production from chicken manure. Renewable Energy 146, 1021-1030.
- Hahnke S, Abendroth C, Javier P, Langer T, Ramm P, Klocke M, Luschnig O, Porcar M. 2019. Complete Genome Sequence of a New Clostridium sp. Isolated from Anaerobic Digestion and Biomethanation. Microbiology Resource Announcements 9: e01472-19.
- Hahnke S, Abendroth C, Javier P, Langer T, Codoñer FM, Ramm P, Klocke M, Luschnig O, Porcar M. 2019. Complete Genome Sequence of a New Bacteroidaceae Bacterium Isolated from Anaerobic Biomass Digestion. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8: e01203-19.
- Hardegen J, Latorre-Pérez A, Vilanova C, Günther T, Porcar M, Luschnig O, Simeonov C, Abendroth C. 2018. Methanogenic community shifts during the transition from sewage mono-digestion to co-digestion of grass biomass. Bioresource Technology 6, 265-275-281.
- Hahnke S, Abendroth C, Langer T, Codoñer FM, Ramm P, Porcar M, Luschnig O, Klocke M. 2018. Complete genome sequence of a new Ruminococcaceae bacterium isolated from anaerobic biomass hydrolysis. Genome Announcements 6:e00030-18.
- Tanner K, Abendroth C, Porcar M. Warm and wet: robust lipase-producing bacteria from the indoor environment, bioRxiv 148148; doi:
- Abendroth C, Hahnke S, Simeonov C, Klocke M, Casani-Miravalls M, Ramm P, Bürger C, Luschnig O, Porcar M. 2017. Microbial communities involved in biogas production exhibit high resilience to heat shocks. Bioresource Technology 249, 1074 – 1079.
- Abendroth C, Hahnke S, Codoñer FM, Klocke M, Luschnig O. Porcar M. 2017. Complete Genome Sequence of a New Firmicutes Species Isolated from Anaerobic Biomass Hydrolysis. Genome Announcements pii: e00686-17.
- Abendroth C, Simeonov C, Peretó J, Antúnez O, Gavidia R, Luschnig O, Porcar M. 2017. From grass to gas: microbiome dynamics of grass biomass acidification under mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures. Biotechnology for Biofuels 10:171.
- Abendroth C, Vilanova C, Günther T, Luschnig O, Porcar M. 2015. Eubacteria and Archaea communities in seven mesophile anaerobic digester plants. Biotechnology for Biofuels 8:87.
- Abendroth C, Hofmeister A, Hake SB, Kamweru PK, Miess E, Dornblut C, Küffner I, Deng W, Leonhardt H, Orthaus S, Hoischen C, Diekmann S. 2015. The CENP-T C-Terminus Is Exclusively Proximal to H3.1 and not to H3.2 or H3.3. Int J Mol Sci 16, 5839 – 5862.
- Abendroth C, Wünsche E, Luschnig O, Bürger C, Günther T. 2015. Producing high-strength liquor from mesophilic batch acidification of chicken manure. Waste Managements & Research 33, 291 – 294.
- Rodríguez-Barreiro R, Abendroth C, Vilanova C, Moya A, Porcar M. 2013. Towards a Microbial Thermoelectric Cell. PlosOne; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056358.