BTU Stochastics Seminar

Prof. Carsten Hartmann, Prof. Ralf Wunderlich, Dr. Omar Kebiri
Wednesdays 11:30 am - 12:30 am (Berlin time)
Talks are held in presence in room HG 3.45

On special announcement we will organize hybrid sessions using the
NEW webex meeting link
If you wish to receive seminar announcements by email then please send an email with your full name and affiliation to  Carsten Hartmann.

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Upcoming talks

Talks of winter semester 2024/25

29. Januar 2025Abdeljabbar Kandouci
Saida University, Algeria
On the existence, uniqueness and stability of the solutions for natural stochastic differential equation under non-Lipschitz conditions
22. Januar 2025Jonas Hoffmann
Statistische Prognoseverfahren für den Stromhandel
15. Januar 2025Islem Bennadja
USTHB University Algeria
Stochastic Multiobjective Optimal Control of HIV Dynamics
12. Dezember 2024Khelifa Berkane
Universität Saida, Algerien
Stochastic Optimal Controlled SIRV3S COVID-19 model
27. November 2024Pride Duve
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg
From PDEs to mosquitoes. What insights can we draw? The spatial distribution of West Nile Virus in Germany
06. November 2024Nathalie Fruiba
AIMS Cameroon
Stochastic Optimal Control Problems for the Cost-Optimal Management of a Standalone Microgrid
30. Oktober 2024Josef Hudak
Change-Point Detection in elektrischen Netzwerken mit Hilfe des CUSUM Algorithmus
23. Oktober 2024Florent Onana Assouga
AIMS Cameroon
Stochastic Optimal Control of an Energy System with Renewable Energy Source and Battery
9. Oktober 2024Sarra Kentache
University Houari Boumeddiene USTHB Algiers-Algeria
Numerical study for solving Multi-Objective Stochastic Discrete Models

Talks of sommer semester 2024

11. September 2024Omer Elhussien
EPFL Lausanne / AIMS Senegal
Antibiogo: ML approach for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing
10. Juli 2024Paul Eisenberg
WU Wien, Österreich
On finite dimensional energy futures models
5. Juni 2024Calisto Eduardo Guambe
Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique
Time consistent mean variance asset allocation for pension funds and insurance
22. Mai 2024Nathalie Wandji
AIMS Cameroon/Uni Kassel
A gentle introduction to SAT and SMT solvers
15. Mai 2024David Nualart
Kansas University, USA
Malliavin Calculus and Normal Approximations
8. Mai 2024Audrey Demafo
AIMS Rwanda/TU Ilmenau
A Simplified Mathematical Model for Thermal Analysis in a Loaded Refrigerated Food Storage Unit

Talks of winter semester 2023/24

13. Februar 2024Girma Zelleke
University of Buea, Cameroon
BIfurcation Analysis in a Mathematical Model of Activated Complement-Mediated Response to Bacterial Infection in Humans: The Complement System as Part of the Innate Immune Response
7. Februar 2024Wilfried Kenmoe Nzali
WIAS Berlin
Volatile Electricity Markets and Battery Storage: A Model-Based Approach for Optimal Control
31. Januar 2024Calvin Tadmon
University Dschang, Cameroon
Formulation and Analysis of a Model of Ebola Epidemic Incorporating Intervention From Trained Teams and Random Fluctuations
20. Dezember 2023Sakina Bekaddour
Saida Universität, Algerien
The Rosenblatt process
13. Dezember 2023Samantha Glory Guiate Simo
AIMS Cameroon/BMS Berlin
Semi-tamed Milstein scheme for commutative stochastic differential equations with non-global Lipschitz coefficients
13. Dezember 2023Junior Parfait Ngalamo
AIMS Cameroon/Universität Münster
Least Squares Monte Carlo Methods for Solving Stochastic Optimal Control Problems
6. Dezember 2023Eric Pilling
Solving Stochastic Optimal Control by Combining Stochastic Maximum Principle and Reinforcement Learning
22. November 2023Josep Vives
University Barcelona, Spain
Stability of Some Anticipating Semilinear Stochastic Differential Equations of Skorohod Type
15. November 2023Hamed Bouraoui
Annaba University, Algeria
Stability of thermoelastic Timoshenko system: Mathematical and Numerical study
8. November 2023Wilfried Kuissi Kamdem
Optimal consumption with labor income and borrowing constraints for recursive preferences
1. November 2023Edward Korveh
Stochastic Maximum Principle for contagion models with applications in finance
25. Oktober 2023Yahia Bousseloub
University of Annaba Algeria
New method for bearing fault diagnosis based on variational mode decomposition technique

Talks of summer semester 2023

12. Juli 2023Wolfgang Bock
Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Recent Results on Weakly Self-Avoiding fractional Brownian Motion
6. Juli 2023Adnan DaraghmehNumerical mathematics in a changing environment: The MSc programmes in Mathematics at An-Najah National University in Nablus
28. Juni 2023Evrard Nguele KenmogneOptimal Control of SDEs with Non-Smooth Coefficients by the Maximum Principle
29. Juni 2023Nicole Nganshe Endale epse MbondeThe Space-Time Finite Element Method for the Wave Wquation in Polygonal Domains
30. Mai 2023Alois Pichler
TU Chemnitz
Uniform Function Estimators in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and with applications in stochastic optimization
26. April 2023Eric Pilling
Solving stochastic optimal control with reinforcement learning
19. April 2023Annika Jöster
Variational Formulation of Importance Sampling and its Connection to Stochastic
Optimal Control with a Random Time Horizon

Talks of winter semester 2022/23

15. März 2023Boutabia Hacène
University of Annaba Algeria
SDEs of the eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix process
8. Februar 2023Philipp Wolf Schleicher
Spektrale Eigenschaften reversibler Markovketten
1. Februar 2023Nabil Elgroud
Annaba University Algeria and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Stochastic Optimal Control Problems under the G-expectation framework
25. Januar 2023Mohamed Lamine Sahari
Annaba University, Algerien
Stability and bifurcations for the 2D Spatiotemporal Discrete Systems
18. Januar 2023Khelifa Berkane
Saida University Algeria and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Fractional Stochastic Differential Equation SIRV Model
11. Januar 2023Zakaria Boumezbeur
Annaba University Algeria and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Differentiability of Neutral Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by G-Brownian Motion with Respect to Initial Data and Parameter
24. November 2022Barbara PauszekEin Markovscher Entscheidungsprozess für ein Energiesystem mit Hochtemperatur-Wärmepumpe und thermischem Speicher
Verteidigung Masterarbeit
7. November 2022Eric PillingMachine Learning Methoden für die optimale Steuerung eines Energiesystems mit Hochtemperaturwärmepumpe
Verteidigung Masterarbeit
2. November 2022
Wilfried Kenmoe Nzali
AIMS Cameroon
Optimal control problems in energy finance
2. November 2022
Kevine Meugang Toukam
AIMS Cameroon
Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms
26. Oktober 2022Redjil Amel
Annaba University, Algerien
On The relaxed control problem in the G-frame work

Talks of summer semester 2022

PhD Symposium October, 11 - 12, 2022

Talks of winter semester 2021/22

PhD Symposium March 1-3, 2022

8. März 2022
14:00 Uhr, HG 0.18
Eric Pilling
Neuronale Netze und (partielle) Differentialgleichungen
26. Januar 2022Georgia Fargetta
Catania University, Italy
A two-stage variational inequality for medical supply in emergency management
15. Dezember 2021Mario Pavone
Catania University, Italien
Discovering Entities Similarities in Biological Networks
24. November 2021Lorenz Richter
Freie Universität Berlin / BTU CS
Solving high-dimensional PDEs, approximation of path space measures and importance sampling of diffusions
17. November 2021
11:00 Uhr
Elizabeth Dadzie
AIMS Ghana
Pricing and hedging weather linked insurance derivatives for Agricultural goods
17. November 2021
12:00 Uhr
Sorelle Murielle Toukam
AIMS Ghana
Stochastic Optimal Control of Systems driven by Stochastic Differential Equations of Mean-Field Type with an Irregular Drift Coefficient
10. November 2021
17:00 Uhr
Paul Dupuis
Brown University USA
Divergences, variational formulas, and their application to model uncertainty and learning
27. Oktober 2021Natalia Danilova
South federal university, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Robust estimation of options and robust optimization in the portfolio problem
20. Oktober 2021
15:30 Uhr
Guanghui (George) Lan
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Stochastic Optimization for Reinforcement Learning

Talks of sommer semester 2021

PhD Symposium July 15-16, 2021 

21. Juli 2021
14:00 pm
Jiequn Han
Princeton University, USA
Solving High-Dimensional Control Problems with Deep Learning
14. Juli 2021Martin Hairer
Imperial College London, UK
Towards a Euclidean Yang-Mills Theory
7. Juli 2021Calisto Justino Guambe
University Pretoria, Südafrika
On the representation of BSDE-based dynamic risk measures and dynamic capital allocations.
30. Juni 2021Hafida Bouanani
University Saida, Algerien
On the existence and uniqueness of solutions to forward backward stochastic differential equations driven by G-Brownian motion
23. Juni 2021Nacira Agram
Linnaeus University, Schweden

Pricing of European options in incomplete jump diffusion markets
16. Juni 2021Giorgio Ferrari
Universität Bielefeld
Taming the spread of an epidemic by lockdown policies
9. Juni 2021Sascha Desmettre
Johannes-Kepler-Universtität Linz, Österreich
Dynamic Surplus Optimization with Performance- and Index-Linked Liabilities
26. Mai 2021Bernt Øksendal
University of Oslo, Norwegen
SPDEs with space interactions - a model for optimal control of epidemics
19. Mai 2021Falko Krause Cauduro
Methoden der räumlichen Statistik und Ökonometrie zur Konzentrationsanalyse
(Verteidigung Bachelorarbeit / Defense bachelor's thesis)
5. Mai 2021Rhoss Likibi Pellat
AIMS Ghana
A class of quadratic forward-backward SDEs : Existence and Uniqueness
28. April 2021Edward Korveh
AIMS Ghana
Dynamic Mean-Variance Asset Allocation with Hawkes Term Structure

PhD Symposium March 25 and 26, 2021

Maalvladedon Ganet Some 
A Mean Field Control Model for a Network of Residential Heating Systems
Mohamed Elfatih Hady   
Optimal Management of Occupational Pension Funds
Paul Honore Takam 
Stochastic Optimal Control of a Thermal Energy Storage
Valentina Ocloo   
Mathematical Optimization Methods for the Transport of Horse Manure to Biogas Plants
Florent Ouabo Kamkumo 
On Stochastic Epidemic Models and Optimal Control
Bernard Effah Nyarko   
Stochastic Optimal Control Methods for Water Management of Irrigation Systems

Talks of winter semester 2020/21

17. Februar 2021Arnulf Jentzen
Universität Münster, Deutschland
Overcoming the curse of dimensionality: from nonlinear Monte Carlo to deep learning
10. Februar 2021Michaela Szölgyenyi
Universität Klagenfurt, Österreich
A deep neural network algorithm for semilinear elliptic PDEs with applications in insurance mathematics
3. Februar 2021Brahim Mezerdi
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
On the relaxed stochastic maximum principle for mean-field control problems
20. Januar 2021Weinan E
Princeton University, USA
A Mathematical Perspective of Machine Learning
13. Januar 2021Huyên Pham
Paris University (Paris Diderot), Frankreich
Solving mean-field PDEs with symmetric neural networks
9. Dezember 2020Said Hamedene
Le Mans University, Frankreich
Mean-field reflected backward stochastic differential equations
2. Dezember 2020Oksana Bashchenko
UNIL and Swiss Finance Institute, Schweiz
Deep learning for dynamic classification of stochastic processes
25. November 2020Youssef Ouknine
Cadi Ayyad University, Marokko
Doubly RBSDE whose obstacles are irregular over a larger set of stopping strategies
11. November 2020Nacira Agram
Linnaeus University, Schweden
Deep Learning and Stochastic Mean-Field Control for a Neural Network Model
28. Oktober 2020Bernt Øksendal
Unversity of Oslo, Norwegen
A financial market with singular drift and no arbitrage
21. Oktober 2020M'hamed Eddahbi
King Saud University, Saudi-Arabien
Quadratic BSDEs with jumps and related PIDEs
28. September 2020Nico Schulz
Defense Master Thesis:
Modellierung und Berechnung der Gesamtschadensverteilung mit gemischten zusammengesetzten Poisson-Verteilungen
23. September 2020Mohamed Elfatih Hady
Optimal Management of Occupational Pension Funds
10. September 2020Bernard Effah Nyarko
Stochastic Optimal Control Methods for Water Management of Irrigation Systems
10. September 2020Florent Ouabo Kamkumo
On Stochastic Epidemic Models and Optimal Control
10. September 2020Maalvladedon Ganet Some

A Mean Field Game Model for a Network of Residential Heating Systems
22. Juli 2020Paul Honore Takam
Short-Term Simulation of a Geothermal Storage and Model Reduction

Past semesters

Wintersemester 2019/20
Sommersemester 2019
Wintersemester 2018/19
Sommersemester 2018
Wintersemester 2017/18
Sommersemester 2017
Wintersemester 2016/17
Sommersemester 2016
Wintersemester 2015/16
Sommersemester 2015