19. Doktorandentreffen der Stochastik


Please, feel free to send any question regarding the conference at doktreff2024 [at] b-tu.de.


This conference is organised by the PhD students Florent Ouabo Kamkumo, Eric Pilling, Ibrahim Mbouandi Njiasse, Maalvladedon Ganet Some and Annika Jöster

Florent is a PhD student in the Financial Mathematics research group under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ralf Wunderlich. He works on stochastic epidemic model under partial information. Apart from research, he likes to read up on the latest high-tech developments and enjoys jogging in the great outdoors.

Maalvladedon is a PhD student in the Financial Mathematics research group under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ralf Wunderlich. He works on stochastic optimal control for residential heating systems. Outside research, he loves to read philosophical books and enjoys outdoor excursions.

Ibrahim is a PhD student in the Financial Mathematics research group under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ralf Wunderlich. He works on optimal control of stochastic epidemic model under partial information. Apart from research, he likes to read up on the latest geopolitical developments and enjoys watching and playing sports such as soccer and table tennis.

Eric is a PhD student in the Financial Mathematics research Group under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ralf Wunderlich. He works in machine learning methods for solving stochastic optimal control problems with applications on the energy market. In addition to research, he is playing volleyball and enjoys craftsmanship.