
25.10. – 27.10.2015 Cairo, Cairo University: "Historic Districts for Tomorrow", Transformation Partnership in Urban Design and Architecture, Cooperation Project of the Alexandria University, Cairo University and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, funded by DAAD, Change by Exchange Programme (Program and Documentation).

09.06. – 10.06.2012 Cairo, DAAD Building in Zamalek: "Joint Research Conference for Urban Development and Architecture", 1st Conference of the "Transformation Partnership for Urban Design and Architecture in Historic City Districts", Cooperation Project of the University of Alexandria, the University of Cairo/Giza and the University of Technology Cottbus,  with about 20 participating institutions from Egypt, Iraq and Germany and with funding DAAD

15.09.2011 BTU Cottbus, Conference: "Vitalization of historic city districts, an initial for sustainable urban development", together with all participants from the Joint Urban Design Workshop Cottbus 2011 and with involvement of PhD-students, further colleagues from the BTU and external guests, with funding by the DAAD in the context of the "German – Arabic / Iranian University’s Dialogue" 

03.06. – 05.06.2011 Cairo, DAAD Building in Zamalek, Conference to elaborate and to estab-lish the program "Vitalization of historic city districts", a Joint Master Program of the Middle East Cooperation for Urban Design and Development, together with the responsible Professors and Coordinators of the Cooperation-Network Aleppo, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus and Cottbus, with funding by the DAAD in the context of the "German – Arabic / Iranian University’s Dialogue"

12.07. – 16.07.2010 BTU Cottbus, Colloquium about the preparation for the Joint Urban Design Workshop and further projects and opportunities for the Middle East Cooperation-Network, with participants from the University of Baghdad, the American University of Beirut and the BTU Cottbus; focal points: Student’s Colloquium, Dialogue-Forum for the academic Exchange as well as for the establishment of a Joint Urban Design Master Progamme within the Middle East, presentations of student’s work from joint projects and excursions, with funding by the DAAD

07.04. – 12.04.2010 Aleppo, Kick of Workshop for German – Middle East academic Cooperation for the Rehabilitation and Development Strategies of Inner Historical Cities, 1st Meeting of the Cooperation Group, with participants from the University of Aleppo, the University of Baghdad, the American University of Beirut and the BTU Cottbus; focal points: preparation of the Joint Urban Design Workshop in September 2010 in Aleppo, selection of the case study, agreement about short-, middle- and long term aims and steps for the academic Cooperation-Network and for establishing a Joint Master-Programme, the Kick of Workshop was funded by the DAAD

01.12. – 04.12.2009 International Conference, Architectural and Urban Transformation of Arabic and Central Asian Cities, towards a structuralized postgraduate education at the BTU Cottbus, organized by the chair of "Theory of Architecture", Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engi-neering and Urban Planning, in cooperation with the chairs for "Urban Development and Design" and "Urban Planning and the Renewal of Towns", funded by the Federal State Brandenburg, Ministry for Science, Research and Culture

December 2009 / January 2010 International Conference about the partnership between BTU Cottbus and University of Baghdad in academic affairs concerning the rehabilitation of the old town and the development of the inner city of Baghdad; at the BTU Cottbus, with Professors and PhD-Students from the University of Baghdad, College of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, together with Professors from the Cooperation-Network within the Middle East (American University of Beirut, University of Aleppo, University of Cairo / Giza); invited partner from Germany are from the DAAD, the GTZ, Prof. Dr. Christa Reichert, University Dortmund, Programme Spatial Planning; funded by the DAAD-loan programme: Strategic Academic Partnership with the Iraq 2009; accomplishment by the chairs for "Urban Development and Design" and "Urban Planning and the Renewal of Towns", Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning and furthermore the chair for "Environmental Planning", Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering