Objectives of the Project

Post-graduate and Master-Level Education

Doctoral students used to have focus on research in a relatively narrow area of science, targetted at driving innovation in industry and academia. This worked as long as there was a reasonable number of companies running large research departments. But such companies have gradually disappeared from Europe. Now „fresh“ doctors face the challenge to drive innovation in small and medium sized companies at a larger scale.

A new level and a new quality of post-graduate education is needed which gives prospective doctors a more comprehensive expertise beyond their own thesis. The quality level of doctoral education must be clearly beyond the level of master programs, making doctoral programs that are jointly organized by several universities at international level a must!

PhD in "Dependable Systems"

Candidates for PhD-studies often need a set of courses at the Master level before active participation in the doctoral program. Master level students may optionally get a focussed education targetted at their prospective area of research in doctoral studies. Partners develop a catalogues of master level courses which can be taught in English, if foreign students participate. Such courses may be attended by guest students, but they may also be „exported“ as block-level lectures by professors.

Educational Offers

For prospective  PhD level / doctoral students:

Doctoral studies in the area of „dependable hardware / software systems“ supported by a network of universities, research institutes and top-level technology companies (EADS, Intel, Infineon). Enrolment at one of the partner universities.

For prospective Master level students:

Master level studies in a program of „computer science“, „computer engineering“ or „information and media technology“, offered by one of the partner universities. Guest status for one or two semesters at other partner universities for specific Master courses offered only there. Optional industrial internships at EADS, Intel, Infineon. Thereby optimum preparation for related doctoral studies.

For non-regular students interested in „continuous education“ and „life-long learning“:

Program of workshops  containing state-of-the-art tutorials in topics related to HW / SW  methods, architectures, tools that fecilitate the design of dependable computer-based systems, also including smart sensor networks.

BELAS as a Bridge

Dependability of embedded and distributed hardware/software systems is a hot issue around the world. With a prospective program of two workshops per year with:

  • high-quality tutorials
  • presentation of the state-of-the-art in PhD projects

the Biannual European – Latin American Summer School on Design, Test and Reliability (BELAS) may become the perfect link between networks in Europe and in Latin America!


The third BELAS is organized by Computer Engineering Group of Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus and will take place at the Leibniz-Institute for innovative Microelectronics IHP in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany on April 28-30, 2014.