Institutes and Chairs

Institute for Building History and Art History

Chair ofConduct
Architectural ConservationProf. Dr. phil. habil. Johanna Blokker
Architectural theoryProf. Dr. Albert Kirchengast
Architecture and Visualisation Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Lengyel
Building History Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Alexandra Druzynski von Boetticher
Construction HistoryProf. Dr.-Ing. David Wendland
Cultural ManagementVertretungsprofessor Dr. phil. Roland Bernecker
History of Art Prof. Dr. phil. Sylvia Claus
Field of studyConduct
Heritage ManagementDr. phil. Britta Rudolff

Institute of Architecture

Chair ofConduct
Architectural Design, Typology and SpaceProfessorenstellenvertreter Schellenberg und Thaut
Architectural Design and Building Construction Prof. Karl Plastrotmann
Architectural design and Construction economics Gastprofessor Roland Bondzio
Building Structures and Structural Systems Prof. Karen Eisenloffel
Design and Construction Building in existing Contexts Prof. Per Pedersen
Digital Design MethodsProf. Ilija Vukorep
Sustainable Building Construction and Design Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susan Draeger
Visual Arts Prof. Verena Issel

Institute of Civil and Structural Engineering

Chair ofConduct
Building physics and building technologykomm. Leiter Prof. Dr-Ing. Winfried Schütz
Civil Engineering Materials and Chemistry komm. Leiter Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mathias Euler
Construction Engineering and ManagementVertretungsprofessor Dr. Wolfgang-Gunnar Adams
Construction Informatics, Geodesy and Geographic Information systems komm. Leiter Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carlos Grandas Taveras
Hybrid Structures - Structural Concrete Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Bleicher
Mechanics and Numerical MethodsVertretungsprofessor Dr.-Ing. habil. Geralf Hütter
Soil Mechanics and Foundations/Geotecnical EngineeringProf. Dr.-Ing. Carlos Eduardo Grandas Tavera
Steel and Timber Structures Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mathias Euler
Structural Analysis and DynamicsGast-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Drieschner

Institute of Urban Planning

Chair ofConduct
Construction and planning law Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Weyrauch
Landscape architectureProf. Dipl.-Ing. Anna Lundqvist
Mobility planning komm. Leiter Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Höfler
Regional planningProf. Dr. Ludger Gailing
Spatial Transformation and Social Research Prof. Dr. Oliver Ibert
Urban Design Prof. Verena Schmidt
Urban Design and Urban StudiesVertretungsprofessoren Dr. phil. Julia Binder und Christoph Wessling
Urban management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silke Weidner
Urban PlanningProf. Dr. Nina Gribat


Construction statics, steel construction, finite element method Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartwig Hübel
Building Materials, Building Chemistry, Concrete Technology Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gert Gebauer
Visual ArtsProf. Jo Achermann
Railway Engineering Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Christoph Thiel
Energy management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Mügge
Architectural Design and Building Construction Prof. Karl Plastrotmann
Design, building theory and interior designProf. Dr. h. c. Jörg Kühn
Design, transport buildings and workplaces Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Axel Oestreich
Design, residential and social buildings Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Huckriede
Basics of architectural composition and design Prof. Dr.-Ing. (I) Raimund Fein
Air Conditioning Prof. Dr.-Ing. Winfried Schütz
Planning in Post-industrial Landscapes Prof. Markus Otto
Planning and construction economics Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Wolfdietrich Kalusche
Planning theoryGastprofessorin Dr.-Ing. Sarah Ginski
Urban and Regional Development Prof. Dr. Heiderose Kilper
Transportation and urban planning Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Höfler
Surveying Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerold Noack
Residential and social construction Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf-Rüdiger Sommer