Leading the Working Group “Electricity Market Design” in the Project “Energy Systems of the Future”
Sponsor: Project Office “Energy Systems of the Future” supported by acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities; financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Questions and tasks regarding the regulation and design of the electricity market are different today, compared e. g. to the process of the markets liberalization around the turn of the millennium. Therefore, the current energy and electricity market design needs to be adapted. Regarding the foreseeable challenges and considering recent records, the development of a new market design in the electricity sector must be reassessed fundamentally: Optimized energy market design is able to accomplish climate protection goals more efficiently and more effectively, achieve an improved integration of renewable energies and contribute to the security of supply. The Working Group focusses on market design questions up to 2030 and will show “options for actions” for framing the electricity market to fulfill the goal of decarbonizing the German energy system. For this purpose, work will focus especially on the European Emission Trading Scheme, the support of renewable energies, as well as interdependencies between the electricity market and other sectors, such as the mobility heat sectors.
Members of the Working Group (in alphabetic order): Dr. F.-D. Drake (innogy SE), Prof. Dr. O. Edenhofer (PIK), Dr. C. Growitsch (Fraunhofer IMWS / CEM), Prof. Dr. A. Moser (RWTH Aachen), Prof. Dr. W. Münch (EnBW), Prof. Dr. F. Müsgens (BTU), Prof. Dr. A. Ockenfels (Uni Köln), Dr. Dr. T. Paulun (EEX), Dr. K. U. Pritzsche (Linklaters), Prof. Dr. A. Wambach (ZEW), Prof. Dr. M. Weinhold (Siemens), Prof. Dr. H. Weyer (TU Clausthal)
Click here for further information: energiesysteme-zukunft.de/en/project/working-groups/