
  • Schopf S, Herzog B, Rachel R, Wanner G, Wirth R (2009) Functional and structural analyses of Pyrococcusfuriosus flagella. RZBB-Symposium, Kostenz
  • Schopf S, Herzog B, Rachel R, Wanner G, Wirth R (2010) Swimming motility in Pyrococcus furiosus. Genome Function and Gene Regulation in Archaea, Schmitten
  • Gelhaar N, Schopf S, Schlömann M (2014) The effect of media composition on bioleaching of sphalerite. Biohydromet Conference, Falmouth

  • Giebner F, Kaschabek S, Simone S, Schlömann M (2014) Three new methods to quantify biomass and activity of microbial leaching cultures. Biohydromet Conference, Falmouth

  • Gelhaar N, Schlömann M, Schopf S (2014) Analysis of different leaching parameters as preliminaries for in-situ leaching. VAAM Conference, Dresden

  • Schlömann M, Gelhaar N, Mosler S, Giebner F, Tischler J, Kaschabek S, Mühling M, Schopf S, Poehlein A (2014) Bioleaching of indium-containing sphalerite and biological mine-water treatment: two steps towards greener mining. Conference of Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, St. Louis

  • Schopf S, Klink C, Heim J, Daus B, Schlömann M (2014) Microbial leaching of Theisen sludge at acidic conditions. 2nd Transnational Workshop GETGEOWEB, Freiberg

  • Klink C, Heim J, Daus B, Tesch S, Lerchner J, Schlömann M, Schopf S (2014) Bioleaching of fine-grained residues from copper smelting. International Conference in Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, New Delhi

  • Gelhaar N, Schopf S, Schlömann M (2014) The effect of different media compositions on sphalerite bioleaching. German-Japanese workshop “The future of the value-chain”, Holzhau

  • Giebner F, Kaschabek S, Schopf S, Schlömann M (2014) New methods to quantify the activity of iron oxidising bacteria. German-Japanese workshop “The future of the value-chain”, Holzhau

  • Schopf S, Gelhaar N, Echeverría A., Levican G, Schlömann M (2014) Bioleaching of primary and secondary resources. Congreso Sociedad de Microbiología de Chile, La Serena

  • Schlömann M, Gelhaar N, Klink C, Schopf S, Eisen S, Heim J, Daus B (2015) Microbial metal extraction for the winning of strategicelements. FEMS Microbial Congress, Maastricht

  • Giebner F, Roder M, Schäfer J, Guézennec AG, Schlömann M, Schopf S (2015) Degradation of organic matter in copper shale as alternative leaching  concept. Biohydrometallurgy Symposium at 66th Berg-und Hüttenmännischer Tag, Freiberg

  • Gelhaar N, Schopf S, Schlömann M (2015) Metal extraction from Indium-bearing sphalerite.  Biohydrometallurgy  Symposium at 66th Berg-und Hüttenmännischer Tag, Freiberg

  • Eisen S, Klink C, Giebner S, Daus B, Heim J, Schlömann M, Schopf S (2015) Bioleaching of hazardous fly ash as secondary resource. Biohydrometallurgy Symposium at 66th Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag, Freiberg

  • Klink C, Heim J, Daus B, Eisen S, Schlömann M, Schopf S (2015) Bioreactor process optimization for bioleaching of fine-grained residues from copper smelting. International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Bali

  • Giebner F, Eisen S, Schlömann M, Schopf S (2015) Optode-based oxygen measurements in bioleaching reactors. International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Bali

  • Schopf S, Bläsing L, Schlömann M (2016) Comparative genomics on Acidithiobacillus ferrooxodans Hel18 recently isolated from Theisen sludge. Biohydromet Conference, Falmouth

  • Kaszuba M, Schopf S, Schlömann M (2016) Bioleaching of metal sulphides by Ferrimicrobium  acidiphilum in the presence of chloride. Biohydromet Conference, Falmouth

  • Giebner F, Schlömann M, Schopf S (2016) Toxicity of leaching additives on respiration activity of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Biohydromet Conference, Falmouth

  • Heim J, Bachmann K, Rahfeld A, Möckel R, Schopf S, Gutzmer J, Schlömann M (2016) Mineralogical Changes within Polish Weissliegend Sandstones During Bioleaching. IMWA Annual Conference, Leipzig

  • Schopf S (2016) Applications of biomining from an academic point of view. SysMetEx Biomining Summer School, Freiberg

  • Schopf S (2016) Bioleaching: Mechanisms and applications. Biohydrometallurg Symposium at 67th Berg-und Hüttenmännischer Tag.

  • Schopf S. (2016) Mikrobielle Laugung zur Gewinnung von strategischen Rohstoffen. 11. Tag der Wirtschaft für Gymnasiallehrer, IHK Chemnitz

  • Schopf S, Eisen N, Straube F, Schlömann M (2017) In-situ bioleaching for the winning of indium from sphalerite. Environment and sustainability seminar, Camborne school of mines, Falmouth

  • Schopf S, Schieferbein F, Bauer M, Klingl A, Schlömann M (2017) Mineral-specific biofilm formation in “Acidibacillus ferrooxidans”. International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Freiberg

  • Schopf S, Beckmann J, Gotzmann G, Portillo Casado J, Rögner FH, König U (2020) Effect of low energy electron beam irradiation on bacteria and viruses in liquids. NUTECH Conference, Krakau (virtuell)

  • Schopf S, Gotzmann G, Beckmann J, Dietze M, Rögner F-H, Ulbert S, König U (2020) How to develop vaccines in a fast track development. ISPE European Biotechnology Conference (virtuell)

  • Schopf S, Gotzmann G, Gerschke S, Petzold S, Dietze M, König U (2021) Low energy electron irradiation for the inactivation of bacteria in suspension. ACHEMA Pulse Conference (virtuell)

  • Schopf S (2021) Mini-Elektronenstrahler für den Bioreaktor. Sächsische Innovationsbörse FutureSax (virtuell)

  • Schopf S (2022) Photobiological hydrogen conversion- perspectives and challenges. Energy Conversion Seminar, Friedrich-Alexander Universität (virtuell)

  • Schopf S, Gürtler N, Rietscher M, Besecke J, König U (2022) From bioleaching to anti-adhesive coatings: new potential applications of low energy electron beams. International Meeting on Radiation Processing, Bangkok

  • Schopf S, Gürtler N, Gotzmann G, König U (2023) New potential applications of low-energy electron beam technology. International Conference “Building Bridges for the Next Generations”, Dresden

  • Schopf S, Wypior M, Bornkessel S, Dietze M, König U (2023) The novel hybrid technology using low energy electron irradiation for biotechnological processes. 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin

  • Schopf S (2023) Photobiological hydrogen conversion- perspectives and challenges. Biocatalytics Seminar, Friedrich-Alexander Universität (virtuell)