Cadence Academic Network

The Ca­dence Aca­de­mic Net­work was laun­ched in 2007 by Ca­dence EMEA. The aim is to pro­mo­te the pro­li­fe­ra­ti­on of lea­ding-edge tech­no­lo­gies and me­tho­do­lo­gies at uni­ver­si­ties re­now­ned for their en­gi­nee­ring and de­sign ex­cel­lence. A know­ledge net­work among selec­ted uni­ver­si­ties, re­se­arch in­sti­tu­tes, in­dus­try ad­vi­sors and Ca­dence was es­ta­blis­hed to fa­ci­li­ta­te the sharing of tech­no­lo­gy ex­per­ti­se in the areas of ve­ri­fi­ca­ti­on, de­sign and im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of micro­elec­tro­nic sys­tems. The Ca­dence Aca­de­mic Net­work, the­re­fo­re, si­gni­fi­cant­ly sup­port and im­pro­ve the uni­ver­si­ties ac­tivi­ties.

The Academic Network became an integral part of CDNLive! where universities and industry members are offered a knowledge exchange platform in order to demonstrate scientific achievements, present ideas and establish further collaborations.

The Cadence Academic Network manages a page for discussion and opportunities on LinkedIn, and information can also be found on the Cadence Academic Network webpage. On LinkedIn, the groups are moderated by the lead institutions of the Academic Network ensuring a constant flow of reviewed information relevant to academia.


Design of energy-aware embedded systems utilizing the Tensilica processor IP and cadence design tools (RT compiler, Virtuoso, Innovus)



  • Applications for ASIPs (Application Specific Instruction Set Processors) in heterogeneous systems
  • RRAM (Resistive Random Access Memory) applications research
  • Secure circuits using methods for fault-tolerant design

Ca­dence is a re­gis­te­red trade­mark of Ca­dence De­sign Sys­tems, Inc., 2655 Seely Ave­nue, San Jose, CA 95134.