Floating Architecture 4 Construction on and near water

Gesetzliche Anforderungen an Schwimmende Architektur: Bauen auf dem Wasser – ein rechtliches Problem? - Juliane Jentsch
Ecological requirements for floating architecture by the example of floating photovoltaic systems - Dieter Leßmann
Aspekte der Genehmigung eines schwimmenden Photovoltaik-Feldes aus gemeindlicher Sicht - Thomas Kramer
Sanierungsmaßnahmen der LMBV für die weitere Entwicklung des Lausitzer Seenlands - Gerd Richter
Financing and Valuation of Floating Homes in Austria. An Analysis of the Financing and Valuability of Floating Homes with a View to a Possible Real Estate Financing - N.N.
Schwimmende Bauten: Lösungsansätze zur Sicherung der individuellen Mobilität innerhalb weiträumiger schwimmender Siedlungen - Frank Höfler
The elephant in the climate shop - Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Gitta Köllner
Zusammenfassung und Ausblick - H. Stopp
Floating Architecture 3 Construction on and near water

Floating Architecture in Vietnam and the Use of Robotics for Cost-Effective Floating Solutions - Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, I.Vukorep
Sufficiency in Floating Architecture - Zimermann
Potential of thermal energy surface waters with seasonal storage - E.Völker, W. Schmidt
Investigation of a floating house with regard to the acoustic optimization potential - R. Schneider, T.Fritsch, S. Simon
Numerical simulation of the behavior movement of floating structures - Y.Sliavin, H. Stopp
The Cottbus Ostsee is created - T.Kramer
Floating constructions - Fire protection requirements - L. Hübner
Market/Valuation of Floating Houses - An Analysis of Existing Market Data and Literature for the Valuation of Floating Houses According to German Real Estate Valuation Procedures and First Valuation Approaches - Gerdau
Floating Production: First approaches for the production of biomass and food on water - C. Hildmann
Summary and Outlook - H. Stopp
Floating Architecture 2 Construction on and near water
Floating architecture SE-Asia and the worldwide umbrella campaign of BMBF (Federal Ministry for Education and Research) - I. Vukorep
Adhesives and their applications – a particular challenge - A.Kain
Approaches to Reduce Wave-Movements of Floating Structures - G.Fischer, S.Opperskalski, F. Weidhase
Movement Behaviour of Floating Structures Numerical Simulation and its Validation - W. Schmidt, E. Völker
The Room Climate of Occupied Rooms in Pontoons - Passive Air Conditioning - H. Stopp, P. Strangfeld, F. Hansel
Cottbus East Lake as urban catalyst - S.Korb, T. Kramer, L.Scharnholz
autartec®-FreiLichtHaus at lake Bergheider See - E. Schulze
Finanzierung und Bewertung von schwimmenden Wohnbauten (Hausbooten) - N.N.
Results of Competition Floating Settlement on the Mekong Delta of the BMWF Project “SchwimmTour” - T. Nguyen, E.Voelker
Floating Architecture Construction on and near water
Floating architecture is not only an issue for luxurious tourism but with the climatic change the building of floating structures becomes relevant for many areas in the world. In regions with rising sea levels, frequent flooding, or thawing permafrost, floating structures can be a solution to adapt existing settlement areas to these new conditions.
The self-sufficient energy and supply systems required for floating settlements can also be used in rural areas with a lot of migration.
The collection presents papers of conferences organized by the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU).
Horst Stopp is Professor the Institute of Floating Buildings at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU).
Peter Strangfeld is Director of the Institute of Floating Buildings at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU).