Projektstart: „LaKo-MA“
An der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) startet im Januar 2025 das innovative Projekt „LaKo-MA“ - Lausitzer Kohletransformation: Maßnahmen zur Akzeptanzerhöhung und Verfahrensoptimierung der planungs- und genehmigungsrechtlichen Prozesse für den beschleunigten Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien in der Lausitz.
Das Projekt wird im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „STARK“ (Stärkung der Transformationsdynamik und Aufbruch in den Revieren und an den Kohlekraftwerkstandorten) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) mit rund 1,07 Millionen Euro aus den Strukturhilfen des Investitionsgesetzes Kohleregionen (InvKG) und des Landes Brandenburg gefördert. Es trägt mit zur Gestaltung der Energiewende und des Strukturwandels in der Lausitz bei.Ziel des auf drei Jahre angelegten Projektes ist es, ein Modell für die Transformation und den Strukturwandel in der Region zu schaffen sowie den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien durch effizientere Planungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren zu beschleunigen und die Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung zu stärken.
Mehr Informationen hier
Workshop in Cottbus on "Climate Migration in the Western Balkans"
Dear Students,
we are carrying out a workshop on "Climate Migration in the Western Balkans: Legal Framework and Security" at the BTU from 16.12.2024 - 18.12.2024. We invite you to join the presentations on the 16th and 18th of December 2024. If you want to join the excursions also, please send an email to steven.kramm(at)b-tu.de , since the spots are limited. Please find the programme here:
The presentations take place in LG4A, R. 3.22
Kind regards,
Steven Kramm
Call for Applications Workshop in North Macedonia & Serbia
Dear Students,
We are excited to invite applications for a workshop as part of the DAAD-funded project, "Climate Migration in the Western Balkans: Legal Framework and Security." Hosted by the Chair of Public Law, in particular, Environmental and Planning Law, this workshop offers a unique opportunity for up to five BTU students. The workshop will take place in October (working dates are 07.10.2024 – 15.10.2024, the exact dates are to be announced), starting with a 1-week event in Skopje and Ohrid, North Macedonia, followed by a 3-day session in Belgrade, Serbia. Workshop topics include climate change adaptation and mitigation, legal rights of climate migrants, migration and asylum policy, and security implications. The final workshop programme will be published within the next few months. Eligible students must demonstrate an interest in the beforementioned topics and preference is given to students who have a serious interest in writing their study projects or theses on these topics.
The trip is fully funded, according to DAAD-regulations.
If you want to apply for this workshop, please send an e-mail with your CV and a ½ - 1 page (max.) motivation letter to Steven Kramm (steven.kramm(at)b-tu.de) with the subject line "Application for Climate Migration Workshop" by latest 14.06.2024 (extended until 21.06.2024). For more information, feel free to contact Mine Turan (turanoez(at)b-tu.de). We look forward to your applications!
75 Jahre Grundgesetz
05. Juni 2024 - 17:30 Uhr
75 Jahre Grundgesetz: Krisenfest oder Erneuerungsbedürftig?
Announcement and Call for Applications - International Germany Alumni Training Seminar
For more information please check in the DAAD section of the projects tab or click here
Looking for participants for Workshop in Erbil, Iraq Kurdistan
Dear students,
we are looking for 6 motivated students to accompany us to a 7-day DAAD-funded workshop titled “ Nature-Based Solutions and Water Management - Local Practices and Transdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange” in Erbil - Iraq Kurdistan.
During this workshop, lectures and seminars on international environmental law, climate change (law), climate resilience, climate change adaptation/mitigation and nature-based solutions will be given. Furthermore a field excursion to a local NbS initiative will be carried out. You are also expected to work in a group on a best-case scenario of a selected NbS initiative, which will be presented during the workshop as well.
The final dates for the workshop will be the 1st of November 2023 until the 7th of November 2023.
Selected students will receive a mobility and accomodation grant, which will cover the costs of the journey.
If you are interested, please send an application with a short letter of motivation (maximum ½ page) and your CV until the 16th of September to steven.kramm(at)b-tu.de.
We are looking forward to your applications.
Announcement and Call for Applications - International Germany Alumni Training Seminar
For more information please check in the DAAD section of the projects tab or click here
Looking for participants for Workshop in Erbil, Iraq Kurdistan
Dear students,
we are looking for 6 motivated students to accompany us to a 7-day DAAD-funded workshop titled “ Nature-Based Solutions and Water Management - Local Practices and Transdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange” in Erbil - Iraq Kurdistan.
During this workshop, lectures and seminars on international environmental law, climate change (law), climate resilience, climate change adaptation/mitigation and nature-based solutions will be given. Furthermore a field excursion to a local NbS initiative will be carried out. You are also expected to work in a group on a best-case scenario of a selected NbS initiative, which will be presented during the workshop as well.
The final dates for the workshop will be the 1st of November 2023 until the 7th of November 2023.
Selected students will receive a mobility and accomodation grant, which will cover the costs of the journey.
If you are interested, please send an application with a short letter of motivation (maximum ½ page) and your CV until the 16th of September to steven.kramm(at)b-tu.de.
We are looking forward to your applications.
Call for Participants for Workshop at BTU
Dear students,
from the 12.12.2022 until the 16.12.2022 the Chair of Public Law with focus on Environmental- and Planning law has the great pleasure to welcome a delegation of students and lecturers from the German University of Technology in Oman. As part of this visit, a workshop full of interesting presentations has been planned for the entire week. We would be very happy if some BTU students would also be interested in attending the workshop and we highly encourage you to do so! It is not necessary to attend every single lecture, you can join whenever you have time.
You can find the programme here:
Workshopprogram 11.12.2022 - 16.12.2022
The workshop takes place in the main building, room 4.29.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Call for Applications for participation in conference in Kozani (Greece) / 07.12.2022 - 11.12.2022
Dear students,
This is a last-minute call for applications from the chair of Public Law, with Focus on Environmental and Planning Law for a DAAD-funded workshop at the University of Western Macedonia (UOWM) in Kozani (Greece) from the 7th of December 2022 until the 11th of December 2022.
Due to the very limited time until the workshop, we can only accept applications until the end of this week (27.11.2022), but the sooner you apply the higher your chances to be accepted.
The title of the workshop is: “Pursuing Societal Transformation through Education and Knowledge Transfer”
Main foci of the workshop are structural changes in Germany and Greece with a special focus on the phasing out of coal, as well as on public participation, public engagement and more. You will also work with students of the UOWM in preparing a joint study project. You are expected to keep working on (and finalize) this project also after the end of the workshop and you will have the opportunity to publish your results in a conference proceeding in 2023.
The trip is fully funded, according to DAAD regulations.
If you are interested, please send a short letter of motivation (max. half a page) and a short CV until the 27th of November 2022 to steven.kramm(at)b-tu.de
LNG-Streit: Geht der Schweinswal vor Gericht baden? (lto.de) - Mit Kommentar von Prof. Dr. Eike Albrecht
Climate Change and Sustainable Resource Management in Oman (Rosin-Oman) - II
The first activity in the ongoing DAAD-funded project "Climate Change and Sustainable Resource Management in Oman (Rosin-Oman) - II" between the BTU and the GUtech (Oman) was carried out in March 2022. This included a student workshop, as well as the first steps towards establishing a "Green Village" in the Star-Light Reserve within the Jebel Shams region in Oman.
For more information please visit: A workshop entitled "Climate change and sustainable development goals in Oman in cooperation between GUtech and German Brandenburg University - GUtech
Looking for students to participate in workshop on „Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040. Case Study: “Green Village” of ADWA AL Nujum”
Looking for students to participate in workshop on „Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040. Case Study: “Green Village” of ADWA AL Nujum”
Dear students,
We are currently looking for several students to join the workshop on „Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040. Case Study: “Green Village” of ADWA AL Nujum” in Muscat, Oman in the period of 12th of March until the 20th of March 2022.
Within this workshop a delegation from BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg will travel to the GUtech (German University of Technology in Oman) in Muscat, Oman.
The goal of this project is for the students on one hand to participate in lectures covering topics with a focus on Environmental Impact Assessment and the Sustainable Development Goals with a special focus on water and waste management.
The second part of this workshop includes the participation of the students in the initial steps of a “Green Village” project in a remote village in the ADWA Al Nujum area. The goal of this project is the transformation of an existing village into a fully sustainable village (waste management, water management, agriculture, energy). As the first part of this project, initial scoping of the area as well as the communication with the local population is required and will be carried out by experts from Germany and Oman with the assistance of students from BTU and GUtech.
Selected students will receive a lump-sum from the DAAD, covering costs for accommodation and mobility. However, please note that the lump-sum may not be paid until after the trip and you might need to cover the expenses of your trip by yourself until then!!
Please also check the entry regulations to Oman for your country of origin and make sure that it would be possible to receive a visa on relatively short notice (the trip starts on the 12th of March 2022).
Additionally, please consider that it is at the moment only possible to enter Oman fully vaccinated against Covid-19!!
If you are interested in participating, please send a short expression of interest (including your name and study course) as well as your CV as soon as possible but latest by Tuesday (8th of February 2022) to Steven Kramm (steven.kramm@b-tu.de).
Call for Participants for Workshop at BTU
Dear students,
from the 12.12.2022 until the 16.12.2022 the Chair of Public Law with focus on Environmental- and Planning law has the great pleasure to welcome a delegation of students and lecturers from the German University of Technology in Oman. As part of this visit, a workshop full of interesting presentations has been planned for the entire week. We would be very happy if some BTU students would also be interested in attending the workshop and we highly encourage you to do so! It is not necessary to attend every single lecture, you can join whenever you have time.
You can find the programme here:
Workshopprogram 11.12.2022 - 16.12.2022
The workshop takes place in the main building, room 4.29.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Call for Applications for participation in conference in Kozani (Greece) / 07.12.2022 - 11.12.2022
Dear students,
This is a last-minute call for applications from the chair of Public Law, with Focus on Environmental and Planning Law for a DAAD-funded workshop at the University of Western Macedonia (UOWM) in Kozani (Greece) from the 7th of December 2022 until the 11th of December 2022.
Due to the very limited time until the workshop, we can only accept applications until the end of this week (27.11.2022), but the sooner you apply the higher your chances to be accepted.
The title of the workshop is: “Pursuing Societal Transformation through Education and Knowledge Transfer”
Main foci of the workshop are structural changes in Germany and Greece with a special focus on the phasing out of coal, as well as on public participation, public engagement and more. You will also work with students of the UOWM in preparing a joint study project. You are expected to keep working on (and finalize) this project also after the end of the workshop and you will have the opportunity to publish your results in a conference proceeding in 2023.
The trip is fully funded, according to DAAD regulations.
If you are interested, please send a short letter of motivation (max. half a page) and a short CV until the 27th of November 2022 to steven.kramm(at)b-tu.de
LNG-Streit: Geht der Schweinswal vor Gericht baden? (lto.de) - Mit Kommentar von Prof. Dr. Eike Albrecht
Climate Change and Sustainable Resource Management in Oman (Rosin-Oman) - II
The first activity in the ongoing DAAD-funded project "Climate Change and Sustainable Resource Management in Oman (Rosin-Oman) - II" between the BTU and the GUtech (Oman) was carried out in March 2022. This included a student workshop, as well as the first steps towards establishing a "Green Village" in the Star-Light Reserve within the Jebel Shams region in Oman.
For more information please visit: A workshop entitled "Climate change and sustainable development goals in Oman in cooperation between GUtech and German Brandenburg University - GUtech
Looking for students to participate in workshop on „Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040. Case Study: “Green Village” of ADWA AL Nujum”
Looking for students to participate in workshop on „Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040. Case Study: “Green Village” of ADWA AL Nujum”
Dear students,
We are currently looking for several students to join the workshop on „Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040. Case Study: “Green Village” of ADWA AL Nujum” in Muscat, Oman in the period of 12th of March until the 20th of March 2022.
Within this workshop a delegation from BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg will travel to the GUtech (German University of Technology in Oman) in Muscat, Oman.
The goal of this project is for the students on one hand to participate in lectures covering topics with a focus on Environmental Impact Assessment and the Sustainable Development Goals with a special focus on water and waste management.
The second part of this workshop includes the participation of the students in the initial steps of a “Green Village” project in a remote village in the ADWA Al Nujum area. The goal of this project is the transformation of an existing village into a fully sustainable village (waste management, water management, agriculture, energy). As the first part of this project, initial scoping of the area as well as the communication with the local population is required and will be carried out by experts from Germany and Oman with the assistance of students from BTU and GUtech.
Selected students will receive a lump-sum from the DAAD, covering costs for accommodation and mobility. However, please note that the lump-sum may not be paid until after the trip and you might need to cover the expenses of your trip by yourself until then!!
Please also check the entry regulations to Oman for your country of origin and make sure that it would be possible to receive a visa on relatively short notice (the trip starts on the 12th of March 2022).
Additionally, please consider that it is at the moment only possible to enter Oman fully vaccinated against Covid-19!!
If you are interested in participating, please send a short expression of interest (including your name and study course) as well as your CV as soon as possible but latest by Tuesday (8th of February 2022) to Steven Kramm (steven.kramm@b-tu.de).
Call for Applications for participation in conference in Kozani (Greece) / 07.12.2022 - 11.12.2022
Dear students,
This is a last-minute call for applications from the chair of Public Law, with Focus on Environmental and Planning Law for a DAAD-funded workshop at the University of Western Macedonia (UOWM) in Kozani (Greece) from the 7th of December 2022 until the 11th of December 2022.
Due to the very limited time until the workshop, we can only accept applications until the end of this week (27.11.2022), but the sooner you apply the higher your chances to be accepted.
The title of the workshop is: “Pursuing Societal Transformation through Education and Knowledge Transfer”
Main foci of the workshop are structural changes in Germany and Greece with a special focus on the phasing out of coal, as well as on public participation, public engagement and more. You will also work with students of the UOWM in preparing a joint study project. You are expected to keep working on (and finalize) this project also after the end of the workshop and you will have the opportunity to publish your results in a conference proceeding in 2023.
The trip is fully funded, according to DAAD regulations.
If you are interested, please send a short letter of motivation (max. half a page) and a short CV until the 27th of November 2022 to steven.kramm(at)b-tu.de
LNG-Streit: Geht der Schweinswal vor Gericht baden? (lto.de) - Mit Kommentar von Prof. Dr. Eike Albrecht
Climate Change and Sustainable Resource Management in Oman (Rosin-Oman) - II
The first activity in the ongoing DAAD-funded project "Climate Change and Sustainable Resource Management in Oman (Rosin-Oman) - II" between the BTU and the GUtech (Oman) was carried out in March 2022. This included a student workshop, as well as the first steps towards establishing a "Green Village" in the Star-Light Reserve within the Jebel Shams region in Oman.
For more information please visit: A workshop entitled "Climate change and sustainable development goals in Oman in cooperation between GUtech and German Brandenburg University - GUtech
Looking for students to participate in workshop on „Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040. Case Study: “Green Village” of ADWA AL Nujum”
Looking for students to participate in workshop on „Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040. Case Study: “Green Village” of ADWA AL Nujum”
Dear students,
We are currently looking for several students to join the workshop on „Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040. Case Study: “Green Village” of ADWA AL Nujum” in Muscat, Oman in the period of 12th of March until the 20th of March 2022.
Within this workshop a delegation from BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg will travel to the GUtech (German University of Technology in Oman) in Muscat, Oman.
The goal of this project is for the students on one hand to participate in lectures covering topics with a focus on Environmental Impact Assessment and the Sustainable Development Goals with a special focus on water and waste management.
The second part of this workshop includes the participation of the students in the initial steps of a “Green Village” project in a remote village in the ADWA Al Nujum area. The goal of this project is the transformation of an existing village into a fully sustainable village (waste management, water management, agriculture, energy). As the first part of this project, initial scoping of the area as well as the communication with the local population is required and will be carried out by experts from Germany and Oman with the assistance of students from BTU and GUtech.
Selected students will receive a lump-sum from the DAAD, covering costs for accommodation and mobility. However, please note that the lump-sum may not be paid until after the trip and you might need to cover the expenses of your trip by yourself until then!!
Please also check the entry regulations to Oman for your country of origin and make sure that it would be possible to receive a visa on relatively short notice (the trip starts on the 12th of March 2022).
Additionally, please consider that it is at the moment only possible to enter Oman fully vaccinated against Covid-19!!
If you are interested in participating, please send a short expression of interest (including your name and study course) as well as your CV as soon as possible but latest by Tuesday (8th of February 2022) to Steven Kramm (steven.kramm@b-tu.de).