Wardrobe and lockers
Carrying of jackets, bags and backpacks in the premises of the University Library (UB) is not allowed.
According to § 11 of the User regulations of the University Library of the BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg these objects are "... to store it in the designated lockers".
Central Campus Cottbus
The Holder of a student card can lock the lockers with their card. For this you can use the lockers in the front of the ground floor cloakroom (No. 001 -. 437).
Please note:
- Before each new use:
Initialization / update the map at the information terminal (left of the Kopierkartenaufladegerät) by briefly holding the card in front of the machine. - Theuse of a locker is now possible.
To open or close the cabinet press the button with the card until it clicks.
Please make sure that the locker is really closed
The wardrobe terminal shows you the number of your currently occupied locker!
The lockers have to be evacuated after usage the latest on the closure of the university library.
If you fail to vacate your lockers on time, it will be cleared out by the library staff.
The removed objects will treated as lost property.
The right to get a refund of the deposit coin does not exist.

For the coin-operated lockers (number 438-476 and 500-529) you need a 1 euro coin.
Please do not use a chip!
Notify the service point immediately when you lost a key. The costs incurred in case of a lost key or for the repair of damage caused by improper operation are charged to the user of the locker.
Campus Senftenberg / Sachsendorf
In the lobby you can find lockable lockers for the stay during the day. To use the lockers either a 1 euro coin or a chip , which can be purchased at the loan desk, is required.