Reflect on learning processes Activate

It is our task to prepare students for the job market of the future. So-called future skills, which include self-organization, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, are essential for this.
At university, students are confronted with contradictory academic thinking styles and patterns of action. The aim of their studies is to achieve various social and individual goals, which leads to disorientation and a lack of academic, critical thinking and reflection in some students.
Have your students reflect on their learning process, for example in the form of a learning diary or recurring reflection questions - this supports self-exploration. Your own requirements, attitudes and convictions are reflected upon and critically examined.
Tips for practice
Are you interested in other ways to encourage students to reflect on the learning content?
- Video tutorials/explanatory videos: Ask your students to create their own videos using PowerPoint or their own smartphone. This not only encourages them to reflect on what they have learned, but can also be used to pass on knowledge to others.
- Tips for your students: Design tips & video creation
- Students can summarize what they have learned by developing content individually or together in the form of mind maps or learning journals (Moodle task), for example.
- You can also create exercises, small learning challenges or gamification elements in Moodle to reinforce the content. This can be done with the help of the Moodle plug-in "H5P" (Interactive Content). In the video "Animations and action - interactive learning materials with H5P in Moodle" you can see examples and learn more about individual H5P applications for creating interactive content. You can find many examples on the H5P website !
- Short formative assessments can also help students to reflect on their newly acquired know-how and identify any gaps in their knowledge. The video "Study-related eTests in Moodle" gives you an initial insight into how to create study-related eTests in Moodle.
- How and why you can award badges to your students after successful completion of learning tasks is explained in the video " Bees and rewards - completion tracking and dependencies in Moodle".