eAssessments & eExaminations

At the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, procedures for testing knowledge on the computer are legally permissible and are becoming increasingly important. The Multimedia Center offers technical, organizational and didactic support.
eTesting systems
Electronic tests and examinations are possible at the BTU in the Moodle learning management system. This is particularly suitable for preliminary and intermediate tests. The Multimedia Center also offers the LPLUS "Teststudio" examination system as a central service for conducting legally compliant electronic final examinations. For the selection of the appropriate tool and for questions regarding the creation of eTests and eExams, please contact us. If you want to conduct an eTest, please book it with us in time.
eAssessment Center
In the basement of the IKMZ (central campus Cottbus), eTests and other eTests can be conducted in a specially equipped center with 85 PCs. With privacy screens, individual lighting, silent keyboards and (if required) headsets, the workstations are optimally equipped for testing. The room is barrier-free and has several wheelchair-accessible seats and seats for visually impaired people. On request, it is also possible to conduct eExams in PC pools at the Senftenberg site. The rooms can be booked via the eLearning team.
Consulting and training
Electronic testing of (pre-)knowledge and competencies is conceivable in many scenarios:
- Self-tests, pre-tests, aptitude tests and placement exams.
- Intermediate tests during the semester, live quizzes during the course
- Certificates, final exams as e-exams, electronic submission of assignments
- Distance eExams (online exams) and oral exams via video conference
For the target-oriented use of eAssessments, various didactic, technical and design principles have to be considered, depending on the desired learning objective, format and timing. The Multimedia Center offers a range of user training courses for this purpose. And we are happy to accompany you step by step with didactic consulting and training, from the design of electronic tests to the evaluation and archiving of test results.
Here is an excerpt from our training offering:
- Deliverables, eTests, and Assessment in the Moodle LMS.
- Creating questions and eTests with LPLUS
- Creation and evaluation of multiple choice questions
- Designing inclusive and heterogeneity-sensitive teaching and exams
- also individual trainings (in small groups) on request