Study Programmes

International International
Dual study-work programme Dual

Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning

Architecture B.Sc.
Architecture M.Sc.
Building History and Art History B.A.
Building History and Art History M.A.
Civil Engineering B.Sc. Dual work-study programmes
Civil Engineering M.Sc.
Climate-adapted Construction and Operation M.Sc.
Heritage Conservation and Site Management M.A. International
Heritage Studies Ph.D. International
Urban and Regional Planning M.Sc.
Urban Design and Sustainable Revitalization M.Sc. International
Urban Planning and Urban Design B.Sc.
World Heritage Studies M.A. International

Business, Law and Social Sciences

Business Administration B.Sc. Dual work-study programmes
Business Administration M.Sc.
Business informatics B.Sc.
Business Law for Technology Companies M.B.L.
Digital Societies B.A.
Transformation Studies M.A. International

Environmental and Natural Sciences

Biotechnology B.Sc.
Biotechnology M.Sc. International
Chemistry: Materials, Engineering and Sustainability M.Sc. International
Environmental and Resource Management B.Sc. International
Environmental and Resource Management M.Sc. International
Environmental and Resource Management Ph.D. International
Environmental Engineering B.Sc.
Environmental Engineering M.Sc.
Forensic Sciences and Engineering M.Sc.
Land Use and Water Management B.Sc.
Life Science and International Health B.Sc. International
Natural and Applied Sciences B.Sc. Dual work-study programmes

Human Sciences

Instrumental and Vocal Performance and Teaching B.A.
Midwifery science B.Sc.
Nursing Science B.Sc. Dual work-study programmes
Social Work B.A.
Social Work M.A.
Teaching Degree for Primary Education B.Ed.
Therapy Science B.Sc.
Vocational Education in Healthcare Professions M.A.

Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Energy Systems

Business Administration and Engineering B.Sc. Dual work-study programmes
Business Administration and Engineering M.Sc.
Control of Renewable Energy Systems M.Sc.
Electrical Engineering B.Sc. Dual work-study programmes
Electrical Engineering M.Eng.
Electrical Engineering M.Sc.
Energy Technology and Economics B.Sc.
Energy Technology and Economics M.Sc.
Hybrid Electric Propulsion Technology M.Sc. International
Lightweight and Material Technology M.Sc. Dual work-study programmes
Mechanical Engineering B.Sc. Dual work-study programmes
Mechanical Engineering M.Sc. Dual work-study programmes
Medical Engineering B.Eng. Dual work-study programmes
Power Engineering M.Sc. International
Transfers-Fluids-Materials in Aeronautical and Space Applications M.Sc. International

STEM - Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Information Technology

Applied Mathematics M.Sc.
Artificial Intelligence B.Sc.
Artificial Intelligence M.Sc. International
Artificial Intelligence Engineering B.Sc.
Artificial Intelligence Engineering M.Sc.
Computer Science B.Sc.
Computer Science M.Sc.
Cyber Security M.Sc. International
Economathematics B.Sc. Dual work-study programmes
Mathematics B.Sc. Dual work-study programmes
Medical Informatics B.Sc.
Micro- and Nanoelectronics M.Sc. International
Physics B.Sc.
Physics M.Sc. International


Academic profile of a study programme

Degree obtained

Form of studies

Subject group

Start of studies

Admissions Procedure