Energiewirtschaftliches Forschungsseminar

Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des Energiewirtschaftlichen Forschungsseminars im Wintersemester 2024

Der Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft wird auch im Wintersemester 2024 wieder ein Forschungsseminar Energiewirtschaft durchführen. Die geplanten Sitzungen werden hier wieder bekannt gegeben. Diese finden entweder im Präsenz- oder im Online-Format statt.

Vorträge im Rahmen des Energiewirtschaftlichen Forschungsseminars

Geplante Präsentationen Winter Semester 2024 

 “(i)CCS Acceptance – Challenges of Decarbonizing the Industry”Leon Fazlik, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany

Vergangene Vorträge

02. Juli 2024 (Online)“Household willingness to pay for various attributes of residential solar panels: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment”Dilek Uz, Dr., University of Nevada, United States of America
18. Juni 2024 (Online)“Energy Communities – current status in research and practice with a special focus on Austria”Bernadette Fina, Dr., Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
04. Juni 2024 (Online)“A new method for identifying weather-induced power system stress using shadow prices”Aleksander Grochowicz, University of Oslo, Norway
21. Mai 2024 (Präsenz)“Evaluating the Effectiveness of Sustainable Transport Alternatives in Reducing Car Use: A Large-Scale Field Test”Viola Helmers, RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, Germany
07. Mai 2024 (Online)“Collection policy analysis for retired electric vehicle batteries: Evidence from China”Yanyan Tang, Dr., China University of Geoscience Beijing, China
23. April 2024 (Online)“Exploring Long-Range Dependence through Structured Multifractality in Electricity Markets”Foued Saâdaoui, Dr., International University of Rabat, Morocco
09. April 2024 (Online)“Meet Me at the Threshold: Asymmetric Preferences in a Threshold Public Goods Game”Sarah Spycher, Dr., University of Bologna, Italy
23. Januar 2024 (Online)“Shaping the hydrogen ramp-up in eastern Germany - Insights into VNG's green gas projects”Philipp Hauser, Dr., VNG AG, Germany
09. Januar 2024 (Online)“Analyzing differences in household’s renewable technology profiles: a comparison of sociopsychological characteristics”Stephanie Stumpf, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany