18th International Conference on the EUROPEAN ENERGY MARKET in Ljubljana, Slovenia | What do we know about green hydrogen supply costs? | Lucien Genge |
»FraunhoferEnergie Talk« Aktuelle Herausforderungen (Leipzig, 30. November 2022) | "Deutschland in Not? Zur Lage in der Energiewirtschaft im Winter 2022" | Folien | Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens |
KI → verständlich: KI + Energie (29. September 2022) | "AI in Energy Economics" | Folien | Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens |
8th International conference on Time Series and Forecasting, Gran Canaria, Spain. (06.2022) | “Bridging Fundamental models with the econometric approach for electricity price forecasting” | Dr. Souhir Ben Amor |
32nd EURO Conference on operations research. Espoo, Finland. (07.2022) | "Making transmission system planning robust to extreme weather events – an application of adaptive robust optimization" | Maximilian Bernecker |
Research seminar of the chair of energy economics at the BTU. Cottbus, Germany. (06.2022) | "Making transmission system planning robust to extreme events" | Maximilian Bernecker |
Abschlussworkshop BMWK Förderprojekt Prokomo BTU und KIT (13.05.2022) | "Energiesystemmodelle für die Praxis – Wo und wo besser nicht?" | Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens |
Forschungsseminar DLR Dekarbonisierte Industrieprozesse (04.05.2022) | "Regelenergiemärkte – Einnahmequelle für Flexibilität mit Herausforderungen im Marktdesign" | Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens |
IHK Ausschuss für Umwelt und Energie IHK Cottbus (27.04.2022) | "Energiewende in Deutschland, Energieforschung in der Lausitz – und was hat die Ukraine damit zu tun?" | Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens |
Hertie School Energy Research Seminar (February 2nd, 2022) | "The inter-annual weather variability in structural power system modelling" | Smaranda Sgarciu |
Conference on Climate, Weather and Carbon Risk in Energy and Finance - Department of Mathematics (uio.no), Oslo, Norway, (May 30th – June 1st) | "Clustering techniques for stochastic weather modelling in energy systems" Full presentation | Smaranda Sgarciu |