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Abgeschlossene BSc & MSc Arbeiten (Auswahl)
- Analysis of the influence of deforestation on the atmospheric water budget along a land use gradient in South Ecuador using in-situ measurements
- Ecological significance of dewfall for the development of biological soil crusts of Brandenburg
- Physiological response of grapevines to the microclimate, especially at high temperatures and water limitations in a vineyard in Lower Lusatia, Brandenburg, Germany
- Analyse von Klimacharakteristiken in Norddeutschland und deren Wandel zwischen 1970 und 2080 aus unterschiedlichen Klimasimulationen. Ein Beitrag zum Ecoclimb Projekt
- Spatio-temporal Analysis of Rain Shadow Effects in the Low Mountain Range in Central Germany using Machine Learning Approaches (1995 – 2018)
- Land sea wind in high and very high resolution regional climate simulations of North-East Germany
- Zeitliche Änderungen extremer Niederschlagsereignisse in regionalen Klimasimulationen
Abschluss | Thema | Betreuer |
MSc | Analysis of the structure and the dynamic of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) on the Mediterranean island of Corsica.
| Prof. Dr. Katja Trachte |
MSc / BSc | Impact of vegetation types on microclimatic conditions in a tropical rain forest ecosystem in South Ecuador.
| Prof. Dr. Katja Trachte |
MSc / BSc | Climatic changes in two different ecosystems in the tropical Andes Mountains in South Ecuador
| Prof. Dr. Katja Trachte |
MSc / BSc | Changes of atmospheric moisture fluxes in the western Mediterranean.
| Prof. Dr. Katja Trachte |
MSc | Climate Change in Central America: The climate change simulation assuming an emission scenario needs to be conducted using the COSMO-CLM system and a reference configuration. The climate change signal shall be calculated and the results shall be discussed.
| Dr. Andreas Will |
MSc | Conservative numerical methods for climate models: Recently new numerical methods have been developed for climate models, which allow to reduce the horizontal numerical diffusion significantly. The question arises which grid resolution is needed to simulate certain meteorological phenomena using the conservative numerical methods. Hereto different idealized and real case simulations can be used. A high resolution reference simulation shall be conducted and a series of simulations for different resolutions and numerical schemes with the COSMO model for one of the test cases described further below. Hereby a reference test case configuration can be used. The resolutions which provide similar simulation quality shall be assessed for the numerical schemes investigated.
| Dr. Andreas Will |
MSc | Regionalspezifische Analyse von Extremniederschlägen in regionalen Klimasimulationen:
| Dr. Klaus Keuler |
MSc | Klassifikation von Teilregionen anhand statistischer Klimadaten
| Dr. Klaus Keuler |
MSc | Erweiterung der offline Diagnostik für das regionale Klimamodell COSMO-CLM:
| Dr. Klaus Keuler |
MSc | Vergleichende Auswertung intensiver Niederschlagsereignissen bei unterschiedlicher räumlicher Auflösung numerischer Klimasimulationen
| Dr. Klaus Keuler |
BSc | Auswirkung von Landnutzungsänderungen auf lokale Klimamuster
| Dr. Klaus Keuler |
BSc | Analyse der Wasserbilanz im Raum Cottbus mit Hilfe regionaler Klimasimulationen
| Dr. Klaus Keuler |
MSc | Climate Change in Central America The regional climate change in the regions of the world is a current topic of research. Some regions have been investigated very intensively, others not. The Central America region is an interesting tropical region in which Hurricanes develop and propagate, it has a complex land-sea mask and steep mountains, covers parts of the green (Amazonas), Atlantic and Pacific ocean. The climate change simulation assuming an emission scenario needs to be conducted using the COSMO-CLM system and a reference configuration. The climate change signal shall be calculated and the results shall be discussed.
| Dr. Andreas Will |
MSc | Conservative numerical methods for climate models Recently new numerical methods have been developed for climate models, which allow to reduce the horizontal numerical diffusion significantly. The question arises which grid resolution is needed to simulate certain meteorological phenomena using the conservative numerical methods. Hereto different idealized and real case simulations can be used. A high resolution reference simulation shall be conducted and a series of simulations for different resolutions and numerical schemes with the COSMO model for one of the test cases described further below. Hereby a reference test case configuration can be used. The resolutions which provide similar simulation quality shall be assessed for the numerical schemes investigated.
| Dr. Andreas Will |