Szymczak, S.; Häusser, M.; Garel, E.; Santoni, S.; Huneau, F.; Knerr, I.; Trachte, K.; Bendix, J.; Bräuning, A. (2020): How Do Mediterranean Pine Trees Respond to Drought and Precipitation Events along an Elevation Gradient?. Forest, 11(7), 758.
Szymczak, S.; Barth, J.; Bendix, J.; Huneau, F.; Garel, E.; Häusser, M.; Juhlke, T.; Knerr, I.; Santoni, S.; Mayr, C.; Trachte, K.; van Geldern, R.; Bräuning, A. (2020): First indications of seasonal and spatial variations of water sources in pine trees along an elevation gradient in a Mediterranean ecosystem derived from δ18O. Chemical Geology, 549, 5,
Knerr, I.; Trachte, K.; Garel, E.; Huneau, F.; Santoni, S.; Bendix, J. (2020): Partitioning of Large-Scale and Local-Scale Precipitation Events by Means of Spatio-Temporal Precipitation Regimes on Corsica. Atmosphere, 11, 417.
Juhlke, T. R.; Sültenfuß, J.; Trachte, K.; Huneau, F.; Garel, E.; Santoni, S.; Barth, J. A. C.; van Geldern, R. (2020): Tritium as a hydrological tracer in Mediterranean precipitation events. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 6, 3555-3568.
- Seidel, J.; Trachte, K.; Orellana-Alvear, J.; Figueroa, R.; Célleri, R.; Bendix, J.; Fernandez, C.; Huggel, C. (2019): Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in the Tropical Andes by Means of Vertically Pointing Micro-Rain Radar Observations. Remote Sensing.11, 2985.
- Carrillo-Rojas, G.; Schulz, H.M.; Orellana-Alvear, J.; Ochoa-Sánchez, A.; Trachte, K.; Célleri, R.; Bendix, J. (2019): Atmosphere-surface fluxes modeling for the high Andes: The case of páramo catchments of Ecuador. Science of the Total Environment, 704, 135372.
- Trachte, K. (2018): Atmospheric Moisture Pathways to the Highlands of the Tropical Andes: Analyzing the Effects of Spectral Nudging on Different Driving Fields for Regional Climate Modeling. Atmosphere, 9, 456.
- Campozano, L.; Trachte, K.; Celleri, R.; Samaniego, E.; Bendix, J.; Albuja, C.; Mejia, J.F. (2018): Climatology and Teleconnections of Mesoscale Convective Systems in an Andean Basin in Southern Ecuador: The Case of the Paute Basin. DOI: 10.1155/2018/4259191.
- Trachte, K.; Seidel, J.; Figueroa, R.; Otto, M.; Bendix, J. (2018): Cross-Scale Precipitation Variability in a Semiarid Catchment Area on the Western Slopes of the Central Andes.Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57, 3, 675-694.
Bissolli, P.; Demicran; Kennedy, J.J.; Lakatos, M.; McCarthy, M.; Morice, C.; Pastor Saavedra, S.; Pons, M.R.; Rodriguez Camino, C.; Rösner, B.; Sensoy, S.; Spillane, S.; Trachte, K.; van der Schrier, G. (2018): Regional climates. Europe and the Middle East [in "State of the Climate in 2017"]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99 (8), 222-233. DOI:
- Lehnert, L.W.; Thies, B.; Trachte, K.; Achilles, S.; Osses, P.; Baumann, K.; Bendix, J.; Schmidt, J.; Samolov, E.; Jung, P.; Leinweber, P.; Karsten, U.; Büdel, B. (2017): A Case Study on Fog/Low Stratus Occurrence at Las Lomitas, Atacama Desert (Chile) as a Water Source for Biological Soil Crusts. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 18, 1, 254-269.
- Bissolli, P.; Demicran; Gutiérrez, M.; Kendon, M.; Kennedy,J.; Lakatos, M.; McCarthy, M.; Morice, C.; Pons, M.R.; Rollenbeck, R.; Sensoy, S.; Trachte, K.; van der Schrier, G. (2017): Regional climates. Europe and the Middle East [in "State of the Climate in 2016"]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98 (8), 201-212. DOI:
- Bendix, J.; Fries, A.; Zárate, J.; Trachte, K.; Rollenbeck, R.; Pucha-Cofrep, F.; Paladines, R.; Palacios, I.; Orellana, J.; Oñate-Valdivieso, F.; Naranjo, C.; Mendoza, L.; Mejia, D.; Guallpa, M.; Gordillo, F.; Gonzalez-Jaramillo, V.; Dobbermann, M.; Célleri, R.; Carrillo, C.; Araque, A.; Achilles, S. (2017): RadarNet-Sur First Weather Radar Network in Tropical High Mountains. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98, 1235–1254,
- Trachte, K.; Bendix, J. (2017): Climate indicators on the local scale for past, present and future. In: E. Beck, T. Knoke, N. Farwig, L. Breuer, D. Siddons, J. Bendix (eds.): Sustainable Management, Ecosystem Services, and Cross-scale Monitoring of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions. DOI:10.5678/LCRS/PAK823-825.CIT.1646.
- Giannoni Makowski, S.; Trachte, K.; Rollenbeck, R.; Lehnert, L.; Fuchs, J.; Bendix, J. (2016): Atmospheric salt deposition in a tropical mountain rain forest at the eastern Andean slopes of South Ecuador - Pacific or Atlantic origin? Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 10241-10261 DOI:
- Lehnert, L.; Wesche, K.; Trachte, K.; Reudenbach, C.; Bendix,J. (2016): Climate variability rather than overstocking causes recent large scale changes of the Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports, 6, 24367 DOI:
- Campozano, L.; Celleri, R.; Trachte, K.; Bendix, J.; Samaniego, E. (2016): Rainfall and Cloud Dynamics in the Andes: A Southern Ecuador Case Study. Advances in Meteorology, (ID 3192765), 15 DOI:
- Trachte, K.; Bissolli, P.; Nitsche, H.; Parker, D.E.; Kennedy, J.J.; Kendon, M. (2015): Regional climates. Europe and the Middle East [in "State of the Climate in 2014"]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96 (7), 191-200. DOI:
Rollenbeck, R.; Trachte, K.; Bendix, J. (2015): A new class of quality controls for micrometeorological data in complex tropical environments. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33(No 1), 169-183. DOI:
- Giannoni Makowski, S.; Rollenbeck, R.; Trachte, K.; Bendix, J. (2014): Natural or anthropogenic? On the origin of atmospheric sulfate deposition in the Andes of South Eastern Ecuador. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 13869-13908. DOI:10.5194/acp-14-11297-2014.
- Yi, L.; Zhang, S.; Thies, B.; Trachte, K.; Bendix, J. (2014): Spatio-temporal detection of fog / low stratus top height over the geostationary satellite data as a precondition for ground fog detection – a feasibility study. Atmospheric Research, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.03.020.
- Trachte, K.; Obregon, A.; Bissolli, P.; Nitsche, H.; Parker, D.E.; Kennedy, J.J.; Kendon, M.; Trigo, R.M.; Barriopedro, D.; Ramos, A.; Sensoy, S.; Hovhannisyan, D. (2014): Regional climates. Europe and the Middle East [in "State of the Climate in 2013"]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95 (7), 181-193. DOI:
- Klein, M., Seelig, T., Kurgansky, M. V., Ghasemi V., A., Borcia, I. D., Will, A., Schaller, E., Egbers, C. and Harlander, U.: Inertial wave exitation and focusing in a liquid bounded by a frustum and a cylinder. J. Fluid Mech, vol 751, pp. 255-297, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2014.304, 2014 More Information
- Ogaja, J.; Will, A.: Fourth order, conservative discretisation of horizontal Euler equations in the COSMO model and regional climate simulations. Meteorologische Zeitschrift (submitted), pp. 1-52, 2014
- Kurgansky, M. V.; Seelig, T.; Ghasemi V., A.; Klein, M.; Will, A.; Harlander, U.: Mean flow generation due to longitudinal librations of side-walls of a rotating annulus. Physics of Fluids (submitted), pp. 1-53, 2014
- Ghasemi V., A.; Klein, M.; Harlander, U.; Will, A.: Mean flow generation by Görtler vortices in a rotating annulus with librating side walls. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (submitted), pp. 1-32, 2014
- Prein, A. F.; Gobiet, A.; Truhetz, H.; Keuler, K.; Goergen, K.; Teichmann, C.; Fox Maule, C.; Mijgaard, E. v.; Dequé, M.; Nikulin, G.; Vautard, R.; Colette, A.; Kjellström, E.: Precipitation in the EURO-CORDEX 0.11° and 0.44° simulations: high resolution, high benefits? Submitted to Climate Dynamics, 2014
- Mohr, S.; Kunz, M.; Keuler, K.: Changes in the hail potential over past and future decades using a logistic hail model. Submitted to Journal of Gephysical Research, 2014
- Casanueva, A.; Kotlarski, S.; Herrera, S.; Fernández, J.; Gutiérrez, J. M.; Boberg, F.; Colette, A.; Christensen, O. B.; Goergen, K.; Jacob, D.; Keuler, K.; Nikulin, G.; Teichmann, C.; Vautard, R.: Daily precipitation statistics in the EURO-CORDEX RCM ensemble: Added value of a high resolution and implication for bias correction. Submitted to Climate Dynamics, 2014
- Klein, M.; Seelig, T.; Kurgansky, M. V.; Ghasemi V., A.; Borcia, I. D.; Will, A.; Schaller, E.; Egbers, C.; Harlander, U.: Inertial wave exitation and focusing in a liquid bounded by a frustum and a cylinder. J. Fluid Mech, vol 751, pp. 255-297, DOI 10.1017/jfm.2014.304
PDF-Dokument - Jacob, D.; Petersen, J.; Eggert, B.; Alias, A.; Christensen, O. B.; Bouwer, L. M.; Braun, A.; Colette, A.; Déqué, M.; Georgievski, G.; Georgopoulou, E.; Gobiet, A.; Menut, L.; Nikulin, G.; Haensler, A.; Hempelmann, N.; Jones, C.; Keuler, K.; Kovats, S.; Kröner, N.; Kotlarski, S.; Kriegsmann, A.; Martin, E.; van Meijgaard, E.; Moseley, Ch.; Pfeifer, S.; Preuschmann, S.; Radermacher, Ch.; Radtke, K.; Rechid, D.; Rounsevell, M.; Samuelsson, P.; Somot, S.; Soussana, J.-F.; Teichmann, C.; Valentini, R.; Vautard, R.; Weber, B.; Yiou, P.: EURO-CORDEX: new high-resolution climate change projections for European impact research. Regional Environmental Change, 14(2), pp. 563-578,
DOI 10.1007/s10113-013-0499-2 - Jacob, D.; Petersen, J.; Eggert, B.; Alias, A.; Christensen, O. B.; Bouwer, L. M.; Braun, A.; Colette, A.; Déqué, M.; Georgievski, G.; Georgopoulou, E.; Gobiet, A.; Menut, L.; Nikulin, G.; Haensler, A.; Hempelmann, N.; Jones, C.; Keuler, K.; Kovats, S.; Kröner, N.; Kotlarski, S.; Kriegsmann, A.; Martin, E.; van Meijgaard, E.; Moseley, Ch.; Pfeifer, S.; Preuschmann, S.; Radermacher, Ch.; Radtke, K.; Rechid, D.; Rounsevell, M.; Samuelsson, P.; Somot, S.; Soussana, J.-F.; Teichmann, C.; Valentini, R.; Vautard, R.; Weber, B.; Yiou, P.: Erratum to: EURO-CORDEX: new high-resolution climate change projections for European impact research. Regional Environmental Change, 14(2), pp. 579-581,
DOI 10.1007/s10113-014-0587-y (printed version) - Kotlarski, S.; Keuler, K.; Christensen, O. B.; Colette, A.; Déqué, M.; Gobiet, A.; Goergen, K.; Jacob, D.; Lüthi, D.; van Meijgaard, E.; Nikulin, G.; Schär, C.; Teichmann, C.; Vautard, R.; Warrach-Sagi, K.; Wulfmeyer, V.: Regional climate modeling on European scales: A joint standard evaluation of the EURO-CORDEX RCM ensemble. Geosci. Model Dev., 7, pp. 1297-1333, DOI 10.5194/gmd-7-1297-2014
- Panitz, H.-J.; Dosio, A.; Büchner, M.; Lüthi, D.; Keuler, K.: COSMO-CLM (CCLM) climate simulations over CORDEX Africa domain: Analysis of the ERA-Interim driven simulations at 0.44? and 0.22? resolution. Clim. Dyn.,42 (11-12), pp. 3015-3038.
DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-1834-5
- Wilcke, W.; Leimer, S.; Peters, T.; Emck, P.; Rollenbeck, R.; Trachte, K.; Valarezo, C.; Bendix, J. (2013): The nitrogen cycle of tropical montane forest in Ecuador turns inorganic under environmental change. Biogeochemical Cycles. DOI:10.1002/2012GB004471.
- Breuer, L.; Exbrayat, J.-F.; Plesca, I.; Buytaert, W.; Ehmann, T.; Peters, T.; Timbe, E.; Trachte, K.; Windhorst, D. (2013): Global climate change impacts on local climate and hydrology. In: J. Bendix, E. Beck, A. Bräuning, F. Makeschin, R. Mosandl, S. Scheu & W. Wilcke (eds.): Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador. Springer, Berlin, 20-34.
- Vautard, R.; Gobiet, A.; Jacob, D.; Belda, M.; Colette, A.; Déqué, M.; Fernández, J.; García-Díez, M.; Goergen, K.; Güttler, I.; Halenka, T.; Keuler, K.; Kotlarski, S.; Nikulin, G.; Patarcic, M.; Suklitsch, M.; Teichmann, C.; Warrach-Sagi, K.; Wulfmeyer, V.; Yiou, P.: The simulation of European heat waves from an ensemble of regional climate models within the EURO-CORDEX project. Clim. Dyn., 41(9-10), pp. 2555-2575,
DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-1714-z - Prein, A.F.; Gobiet, A.; Suklitsch, M.; Truhetz, H.; Awan, N. K.; Keuler, K.; Georgievski, G.: Added value of convection permitting seasonal simulations, Clim. Dyn., No 41, pp. 2655-2677,
DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-1744-6 s - Will, A.: Regional climate modelling with COSMO-CLM: Achivements, uncertainties and challenges. Proceedings of TIKDEK 3-5 June 2013, p. 1-8, SU VAKFI, Instanbul
- Trachte, K.; Bendix, J. (2012): Katabatic flows and their relation to the formation of convective clouds - idealized case studies. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 51, 1531-1546. DOI:
- Trachte, K., Obregon, A.; Bissolli, P.; Kennedy, J.J; Parker, D.E.; Trigo, R.M.; Barriopedro, D. (2012): Regional climates. Europe and the Middle East [in “State of the Climate in 2011"]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93, 186-199. DOI:
- Bendix, J.; Trachte, K; Palacios, E.W.; Rollenbeck, R.; Göttlicher, D.; Nauss, T; Bendix, A: (2011): El Niño meets La Niña - anomalous rainfall patterns in the "traditional" El Niño region of southern Ecuador. Erdkunde 65, 151-167. DOI:10.3112/erdkunde.2011.02.04
- Georgievski, G.; Keuler, K.; Will, A.; Radtke, K.: Evaluation of Central European and Eastern Alpine seasonal climate simulated with CCLM: double nesting vs. direct forcing techniques. COSMO Newsletter (, No. 11, 133-142
- Trachte, K.; Rollenbeck, R; Bendix, J. (2010): Nocturnal convective cloud formation under clear-sky conditions at the eastern Andes of south Ecuador. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1029/2010JD014146.
- Trachte, K.; Nauss, T.; Bendix, J. (2010): The Impact of Different Terrain Configurations on the Formation and Dynamics of Katabatic Flows: Idealised Case Studies. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 134,2, 307-325.
- Will, A.: Higher Order Spatial Discretisation Methods for Non-Hydrostatic. Models of the Atmosphere on Regular Grids. In: Mathematical Theory and Modelling in Atmosphere-Ocean-Science [Majda, Andrew J. and Stevens, Bjorn and Klein, Rupert], Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, vol. 34, pp. 63-64,
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2010/34 - Früh, B.; Feldmann, H.; Panitz, H. -J.; Schädler, G.; Jacob, D.; Lorenz, P.; Keuler, K.: Determination of precipitation return values in complex terrain and their evaluation. J. Climate, Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 2257-2274.
DOI 10.1175/2009JCLI2685.1 - Keuler, K.; Knoche, H.-R.; Jacob, D.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen regionaler Klimamodelle. In „Regionale Klimamodelle – Potentiale, Grenzen und Perspektiven -. Nationales Momitee für Global Change Forschung (Hrsg.), c/o Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel,
ISBN 078-3-9813068-1-1, S. 3-4 - Kreienkamp, F.; Keuler, K.: Umgang mit der Unsicherheit regionaler Klimaprojektionen – Bias-Korrekturen: Pro und Kontra. In „Regionale Klimamodelle – Potentiale, Grenzen und Perspektiven -. Nationales Momitee für Global Change Forschung (Hrsg.), c/o Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel,
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- Bendix, J.; Trachte, K.; Cermak, J.; Rollenbeck, R.; Nauss, T. (2009): Formation of Convective Clouds at the Foothills of the Tropical Eastern Andes (South Ecuador). Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 48,8, 1682-1695.
- Will, A.; Woldt, M.: Comparison of COSMO-CLM results with CM-SAF products: Radiation components ToA, at the Surface and Cloud Properties. DWD, Climate Monitoring - Satellite Application Facility, Visiting Scientist Report No. 16, pp. 121
- Hollweg, H.-D.; Böhm, U.; Fast, I.; Hennemuth, B.; Keuler, K.; Keup-Thiel, E.; Lautenschlager, M.; Legutke, S.; Radtke, K.; Rockel, B.; Schubert, M.; Will, A.; Woldt, M.; d Wunram, C.: Ensemble Simulations over Europe with the Regional Climate Model CLM forced with IPCC AR4 Global Scenarios. Model and Data, MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg, Technical Report No. 3
PDF-Dokument - Harlander, U.; Will, A.; Kurgansky, M.V.; Ehrendorfer, M.: Topics in Modern Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. AiGs, vol. 15 p. 1
- Rockel, B.; Will, A.; Hense, A.: Editorial: Special Issue. Regional Climate Modelling with COSMO-CLM (CCLM). Meteorologische Zeitschrift, vol. 17. pp. 347-348
- Feldman, H.; Früh, B.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H. -J.; Keuler, K.; Jacob, D.; Lorenz, P.: Evaluation of the precipitation for south-western Germany from high resolution simulations with regional climate models. Meteorol. Zeitschrift, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 455-465
- Böhm, U.; Keuler, K.; Österle, H.; Kücken, M.; Hauffe, D.: Quality of a climate reconstruction for the CADSES regions. Meteorol. Zeitschrift ,Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 477-485
- Hollweg, H.-D.; Böhm, U.; Fast, I.; Hennemuth, B.; Keuler, K.; Keup-Thiel, E.; Lautenschlager, M.; Legutker, S.; Radtke, K.; Rockel, B.; Schubert, M.; Will, A.; Woldt, M.; Wunram, C.: Ensemble Simulations over Europe with the Regional Climate Model CLM forced with IPCC AR4 Global Scenarios. M&D Technical Report No. 3, 145 pp., Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg
- Harlander, U.; Hense, A.; Will, A.; Kurgansky, M.V.: New Aspects of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics - Editorial. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, vol. 15, pp. 387-388
- Will, A.; Harlander, U.; Metz, W.: Climatological Relevance of Leading Seasonal Singular Vectors. Part I: Energy, Enstrophy and Spatio-Temporal Variability. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 463-472
- Will, A.; Keuler, K.; Block, A.: The Climate Local Model - Evaluation Results and Recent Developments. TerraFLOPS 8, pp. 2-3
- Böhm, U.; Kücken, M.; Ahrens, W.; Block, A.; Hauffe, D.; Keuler, K.; Rockel, B.; Will, A.: CLM - The Climate Version of LM: Brief Description and Long-Term Applications. . U. Schaettler, A. Montani, M. Milelli (Edts.), COSMO Newsletter, No. 6, DWD, Offenbach, Germany, pp. 225-235
- Walter, A.; Keuler, K.; Jacob, D.; Knoche, R.; Block, A.; Kotlarski, S.; Müller-Westermeier, G.; Rechid, D.; Ahrens, W.: A high resolution reference data set of german wind velocity 1951-2001 and comparison with regional climate model results. Meteorol. Zeitschrift, Vol. 15, No 6, pp. 585-596
- Keuler, K.; Block, A.; Ahrens, W.; Jacob, D.; Rechid, D.; Kotova, L.; Kotlarski, S.; Heimann, D.; Zemsch, M.; Knoche, R.; Dittmann, E.; Walter, A.; Berger, F.; Sommer, M.: f Quantifizierung von Ungenauigkeiten regionaler Klima- und Klimaänderungssimulationen (QUIRCS). Zusammenfassung der wesentlichen Ergebnisse eines Projektes des deutschen Klimaforschungsprogramms DEKLIM, 153 pp., BTU Cottbus
PDF-Dokument - Will, A.; Keuler, K.; Block, A.: The Climate Local Model – Evaluation Results and Recent Developments. TerraFLOPS, Nov. 2006, Newsletter des Deutschen Klimarechenzentrums, Hamburg, 2-3
- Keuler, K.; Block, A.; Schaller, E.: Assessment of quality and uncertainty in regional climate simulations. Lund Electronic Reports in Physical Geography, No. 5, pp. 68-69
- Keuler, K.; Block, A.: High-resolution climate change simulation for central Europe. Lund Electronic Reports in Physical Geography, No. 5, pp. 106-107
- Kotlarski, S.; Block, A.; Böhm, U.; Jacob, D.; Keuler, K.; Knoche, R.; Rechid, D.; Walter, A.: Regional Climate Model Simulations as Input for Hydrological Applications: Evaluation of Uncertainties. Advances in Geosciences, 5, pp. 119-125
- Keuler, K.; Block, A.; Ahrens, W.; Jacob, D.; Rechid, D.; Kotova, L.; Kotlarski, S.; Heimann, D.; Zemsch, M.; Knoche, R.; Dittmann, E.; Walter, A.; Berger, F.; Sommer, M.: QUIRCS: Quantification of uncertainties in regional climate and climate change simulations. German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006), Final Symposium 2005, 171-179, Projektträger Umweltforschung und –technik, DLR, Bonn
- Böhm, U.; Kücken, M.; Hauffe, D.; Gerstengarbe, F. -W.; Werner, P. C.; Flechsig, M.; Keuler, K.; Block, A.; Ahrens, W.; Nocke, Th.: Reliability of regional climate model simulations of extremes and of long-term climate. NHESS, 4, pp. 417-431
- Block, A.; Keuler, K.; Schaller, E.: Impacts of anthropogenic heat on regional climate patterns. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L12211