Critical Urban Studies
Modulnummer: 13905
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer: 640114
Lehrende: Dr. Emily Bereskin
Termine: dienstags 13:45 – 16:30
Ort: Lehrgebäude 2B - BU.11 - Zentralcampus
The way we represent cities plays a powerful role in shaping urban realities. Urban representations can limit or direct our understanding of space and have the power to influence the design and evolution of cities. This course trains students to recognize the subjectivity inherent in data and various forms of portrayal, while learning to use multiple modes of representation—quantitative, textual, and visual—to craft arguments for urban futures. A key focus is on urban indicators and indexes, which are increasingly viewed as “objective,” “neutral,” and “scientific” tools for guiding decision-making and shaping policy. The course also explores comparisons with qualitative and visual data, examining how these forms can contribute to more holistic urban representations. Conducted in a workshop format, the class emphasizes discussion and project-based assignments. Students will engage firsthand in data collection, creating city profiles, and composing argumentative issue papers or designs.