Smart4All - Self-Sustained, Cross-Border, Customized Cyber-Physical Systems Experiments for Capacity Building among European Stakeholders

Smart4All is an extensive network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) aiming at boosting digital technology uptake and corresponding business development across South, Eastern and Central Europe. It builds capacity via the development of self-sustained, cross-border Pathfinder Application Experiments (PAEs) that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry

SMART4ALL offers funding of €2,2M via 9 open calls and novel coaching services from world lead experts in ethics, technology, funding and business development. The targeted domains are digitized environment, agriculture, transportation, anything everywhere.

SMART4ALL provides AI based services through Marketplace-as-a-Service (MaaS), an one-stop-smart-shop for startups, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and slightly bigger companies that revolutionizes entrepreneurship and leverages market penetration for startups, spin offs and spin outs.

Three types of PAEs are funded: Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTEs), Focused Technology Transfer Experiments (FTTEs), Cross-domain Technology Transfer Experiments (CTTEs).

SMART4ALL is an European Unit Horizon 2020 four-year Innovation Action project funded under call DT-ICT-01-2019: Smart Anything Everywhere Area 2: Customized Low-Energy Computing powering CPS and the IoT.

The Smart4All Consortium consists of 25 Academic & Industrial Partners from 16 countries all over Europe. 

The official project page in provides up-to-date information on all project activities including open funding calls.

You can also follow the project in the following social networks:


  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Hübner
  • Florian Fricke