Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine Übersicht über die derzeit vom Lehrstuhl ausgeschriebenen Abschlussarbeiten und Studienprojekte. Die jeweiligen Ansprechpersonen sind den Themen zugeordnet.

On this page you can find an overview of the theses and study projects currently being advertised by the Chair. The respective contact persons are assigned to the topics.

Supervisor: Katharina Lindt (Katharina.Lindt(at)

  1. Metastudy about the economic impact on the work of environmental NGOs or community work: Is money the most important factor for civil-led environmental sustainable campaigns, and if so, how to find the tipping point for long-term success, normalising other factors. 
  2. How do different regime types, for example fragile states, well institutionalised democracies within legal states, autocratic regimes and others, influence the work of civil environmental campaigns (that means either organised by communities or NGOs)?
  3. How to capture non-linear developments in self-organizing processes around socio-technical systems with complexity science. 
  4. Sustainablility strategies vs. uncertainty: How to organize civil long-term environmental programs (by communities or NGOs) facing political, financial or legal uncertainties?

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Eike Albrecht (albrecht(at)

  1. Tuvalu in Metaverse: Chances and Challenges of international law recognising digital twins of vanishing states (This topic should analyse if and how far the Tuvalu plans to create a digital twin of Tuvalu in the Metaverse are a suitable possibility for states to continue to exist in times of sinking under sea level because of climate change or being destroyed by natural catastrophes. )