Terence Onang Egute (Ph.D.)

- Promotionsstudium Environment and Resource Management an der Universität Cottbus
- Studium der World Heritage Studies an der Universität Cottbus
- Studium der Geschichte/ Archäologie an der Universität Buea (Kamerun)
- Application of the World Heritage Convention in Cameroon since 1982: An Appraisal of the Strengths and Limitations (Anwendung der Welterbekonvention in Kamerun seit 1982: Ermittlung von Stärken und Grenzen)
- Modern Law and Local Tradition in Forest Heritage Conservation in Cameroon: The case of Korup (Modernes Recht und lokale Traditionen bei der Erhaltung des Walderbes in Kamerun: Eine Fallstudie über Korup)
- Natural and cultural heritage management through legal instruments
- Forest conservation and management through regulatory and market-based instruments
- Forests and climate change
- Biodiversity conservation through legal instruments
- International environmental law and policy with focus on Africa
- Law and policy on renewable energy development
- Environmental governance
Schwerpunkte während der Zeit als Doktorand
- Erhalt des natürlichen und kulturellen Erbes durch modernes Recht und traditionelle, regionale Techniken mit Fokus auf Afrika
- Durchführung und Durchsetzung internationaler Umweltkonventionen in Entwicklungsländern mit Fokus auf Afrika
- Lehrbeauftragter des Seminars 410496
"Environmental Governance in Developing Countries" des Masterprogrammmoduls 410495 "Advanced Studies of International Environmental Law" am Lehrstuhl Zivil- und Öffentliches Recht mit Bezügen zum Umwelt- und Europarecht - Lehrbeauftragter des Seminars 410443
"Implementation of International Environmental Law in Sub-Saharan Africa" des Bachelorprogrammmoduls 41201 "International Environmental Law" am Lehrstuhl Zivil- und Öffentliches Recht mit Bezügen zum Umwelt- und Europarecht - Vorlesung: Advanced Studies of International Environmental Law (520211) im Modul Advanced Studies of International Environmental Law (11284), Wahlpflichtmodul im Master Environmental and Resource Management, Master Umweltingenieurwesen
- Vorlesung: “International Environmental Law” (520229) im Modul International Environmental Law (41201), Pflichtmodul im Bachelor Environmental and Resource Management
Betreuung von Studienprojekten und Abschlussarbeiten
- Ajonina, S.A., Egute, T.O. & Atud, C. (2017). The Role of Traditional Taboos and Custom as Complementary Tools in Wildlife Conservation within Mount Cameroon National Park Buea. International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. Vol. 2, No. 3, 60-68.
- Egute, T.O., Albrecht, E. & Ateghang, E.W. (2017). Legal and Policy Framework Affecting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Deployment in Cameroon. RELP - Renewable Energy and Policy Review, 7(4), 17-30
- Egute, T.O., Albrecht, E. and Ajonina, A.S. (2015): The Legal Protection of Biodiversity in Cameroon, Journal of Environment and Human, Journal of Environment and Human, in Press, http://www.scipublish.com/journals/EH/recent.
- Krause, L. & Egute, T.O. (2014). Risk management and climate change - A question of insurability. in: E. Albrecht, M. Schmidt, M. Mißler-Behr, & M.S.P.N. Spyra (Eds.), Implementing adaptation strategies by legal, economic and planning instruments on climate change (pp. 207-217). Environmental Protection in the European Union, Vol. 4, Springer Berlin.
- Albrecht, E., Egute, T.O.,& Wanki, E.A. (eds.) (2014). International Environmental Law (IEL) - Agreements and Introduction. 4th expanded and updated edition, Eigenverlag ISBN 978-3-00-046540-6.
- Egute, T.O. & Albrecht, E. (2014). Cameroon's sustainable forest management initiatives with potentials for climate change mitigation and adaptation. in: E. Albrecht, M. Schmidt, M. Mißler-Behr, & M.S.P.N. Spyra (Eds.), Implementing adaptation strategies by legal, economic and planning instruments on climate change (pp. 255-277). Environmental Protection in the European Union, Vol. 4, Springer Berlin.
- Environmental Law and Local Traditional Practices as Potential Tools in Combating Forest Biodiversity Loss in Cameroon, in: Albrecht, E., Egute, T. O., Forbid, G.T. (Eds.).
- Risk Assessment and Management for Environmental Protection in Sub-Saharan Africa, Der Juristische Verlag Lexxion, Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-86965-160-6, 2011 (Egute, T.O., Albrecht, E.), Pp. 113-122.
- Urban Upgrading and Rehabilitation of the Nylon Zone of Douala, Cameroon, in: Kammeier H. Detlef (Ed.), Urban Development and Heritage management: A Collection of Selected Case Studies (1st ed.), Cottbus: University of Cottbus, 2004 (Egute, T.O.), pp. 53-55.
- Historical Settlement Development in Lagos, Nigeria, in: Kammeier H. Detlef (ed.), Urban Development and Heritage Management: A Collection of Selected Case Studies (1st ed.), Cottbus, Cottbus University of Technology, 2004, S. 44-46.
- Intangible Heritage as Part of the Urban Fabric, in: Kammeier H. Detlef (ed.), Urban Development and Heritage Management: A Compilation of Technical Terms and Concepts (1st ed.), Cottbus University of Technology, Cottbus, 2003, S. 29-30.
- City Privileges: Trade, Administration and Planning. in: Kammeier H. Detlef (ed.) Urban Development and Heritage Management: A Compilation of Technical Terms and Concepts. (1st ed.), Cottbus University of Technology, Cottbus, 2003, S. 9-10.
- Workshop "Greening the Curriculum - Voluntary Sustainable Standards" (20. - 26.10.2013), BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg, Thema: "Implementing Voluntary Partnership Agreements and Forest Certification in Cameroon" (23.10.2013).
- Risk management and climate change - A question of insurability, Postervortrag, Dialog zu öffentlichem und privatem Risikomanagement im Klimawandel Umweltbundesamt, 11./12.10.2012, in: UBA, Dialogreader, 11/2012, S. 24. (Krause, Lars/ Egute, Terrence)
- Workshop "High Conservation Value and Voluntary Sustainability Standards Tools in Forests Management" (05. - 07.11.2012), Buea (Kamerun), Thema: "Role of High Conservation Value in FSC Certification Standard" (06.11.2012).