Oral Presentation Guidelines

1. Create your presentation your preferred template. Please pay special attention when embedding fonts and multi-media content.
2. Save your presentation either as PowerPoint (.pptx) or Portable Document Format (.PDF). The files cannot exceed 10 MB in size! We don’t require you to use a specific template although we recommend you to use 16:9 slide format.
3. Verify that you have received all the required approvals from your (academic, corporate, and government) institutions and sponsors.
4. Upload your presentation using the EuMA manuscript submission site: https://manuscripts.eumwa.org/frontend/index.php?sub=20.
Your presentation should be uploaded no later than Thursday, 5 March 2020, due to backup solution. If you still have to make last minutes changes on your presentation please feel free to do it. But be aware to upload your presentation file before your scheduled time. The newer version will be available on the conference laptop.
GeMiC2020 will not provide submitted presentations to the attendees. Technical paper presentation materials are not formally published or archived, and do not need to be IEEE Xplore compliant.
Notice: Please be aware that we’ll not tolerate the use of the USB-Stick on the conference laptops!
Poster Guidelines
The Interactive Poster Session will be held in the Audimax on Tuesday, 10 March 2020 at 10:20 – 12:00.
Your paper is one of 8 presentations that are scheduled for the Interactive Session. Please bring your Poster printed on DIN A0 format. You will not have the possibility to print your poster at the conference center.
Please mount your poster in Audimax during the Tuesday morning, so that all poster are fixed at 10:00. We’ll provide 8 metallic movable walls (90 cm x 180 cm) and magnetically buttons (4 per wall) to fix the posters.
You are required to stay at your station for the entire duration of the Interactive Poster Session.