A/V Lab - TV Studio
In the laboratory complex built in 2002, the television studio with the control room and recording room was taken over by the media technology department in 2003. Within bachelor's and master's theses in 2006, students in the Information and Media Technology course replaced the analog video signal routing with SD-SDI signal processing. For teaching purposes, however, there is still the possibility to measure and set up analog video signals. Furthermore, in 2006 the studio was upgraded for uncompressed storage of an HD signal via a Storage Area Network (SAN) in order to investigate video scaling or scaled process chains of signal processing.
Currently, HDTV production is possible with two SD and three HD cameras via a Blackmagic 40x40 router and via the Sony MFS 2000 mixer in the green screen recording room. The lab is used for CampusTV, external productions, subjective and instrumental measurements of displays, projections, and evaluation of video and image processing algorithms.
The audio equipment in the lab's control room is fully digital with the ProTools system. With this technology, and with a highly variable-use microphone system, voice and music recordings can be created with up to 24-bit and 96 kHz sampling rates in a non-compressed multitrack format and stored on a hard disk array.