Selected women's networks and associations

An important building block for the success of our gender equality work is the constructive exchange of information in university, Brandenburg and national networks. This is where expertise meets experience, actors receive collegial advice, joint initiatives are launched, and mutual support is offered.
Excellence portal "Women in Science" to search for highly qualified female scientists.
Federal Association of Municipal Women's Offices (BAG)
Association of female, full-time municipal women's and equality officers.
Federal Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunity Officers at Universities (bukof)
Nationwide association of women's and equal opportunity officers at universities.
Connecta - das Frauennetzwerk e. V.
nationwide inter-professional women's network.
DCND Dual Career Network Germany
nationwide association of about 20 dual career services of universities.
Deutscher AkademikerInnenbund e.V.
interdisciplinary exchange forum of women with academic and professional experience.
Deutscher Frauenrat
association of nationally active women's associations and organizations.
database of women in science.
EPWS European Platform of Women Scientists
Umbrella organization of various networks and organizations of women scientists from the European Union.
EWDM European Women's Development Management Network
Association of Professional Women in Europe.
database for female scientists: makes the existing potential of qualified female scientists, i.e. professors, private lecturers and post-doctoral scientists, visible.
Swiss database for female scientists offers ambitious women and academics the most comprehensive job network. accompanies companies and women entering, advancing and changing careers with expertise, network and advice.
FemTech - the database of
female experts In the FEMtech database of female experts, you will find over 2,000 female experts from a wide variety of fields with a focus on science and technology: EXPERT SEARCH
FidAR e.V.
an initiative for more women in the supervisory boards.
FidH Netzwerk Familie in der Hochschule
Best practice club of universities on compatibility and family orientation.
FiF-Kontaktstelle 'Frauen in die EU-Forschung'
advises female scientists on the acquisition of EU projects.
FIM e.V.
Frauen im Management e.V. Network for women in professional and managerial positions and self-employed women.
FOPA - Feminist Organization of Women Planners and Architects
aims to take into account the specific life situation of women in urban planning and housing construction.
Frauenpolitscher Rat Land Brandenburg e. V.
federation of women's associations, organizations, clubs and women's groups in trade unions, churches and political parties.
Women's Center Cottbus e. V.
Education, meeting and counseling for women.
Gender Mainstreaming Experts International Network of feminist experts who have extensive practical experience and proven expertise in the implementation of gender mainstreaming.
Humboldt Network
The public Humboldt Network shows a large part of the Foundation's more than 28,000 sponsorship recipients worldwide as well as their academic hosts.
Competence Center Women in Information Society and Technology
bundles nationwide measures for equal opportunities in education, training, career, science and research.
Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung - Center of Excellence Women in Science (CEWS)
THE national hub for achieving gender equality in science and research in Germany.
Kompetenzzentrum Technik - Diversity - Chancengleichheit e. V.
for gender and diversity in technology and the natural sciences.
networks individual and already organized women from the fields of art, science and media.
State Conference of Equal Opportunity Officers at Brandenburg Universities (LaKoG) Association of women's and equal opportunity officers at Brandenburg universities
Professionalization for Women in Research & Teaching: MENTORING - TRAINING - NETWORKING, supports highly qualified female scientists on their way to professorship.
Verband berufstätiger Mütter e. V. (Association of Working Mothers )
calls for framework conditions that make the compatibility of motherhood and career a matter of course.