Recruitment of women for active participation in bodies, boards and commissions of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
The BTU has set itself the goal of continuing to relieve the burden on women in committee work and actively recruiting new players. In addition, the funds serve to strengthen and support the women on the committees and to raise awareness of women's concerns (e.g. in gender equality issues and/or for care tasks).
Faculties in whose committees1 the proportion of women is below 40% can apply for these funds for equality measures. In their application, the faculties present their concrete measures for increasing the proportion of women in the committees (e.g. by organizing the committee work in terms of location/time/content, active recruitment, creation of incentives) and with what success they have been implemented. The funds are an incentive for the faculties to make the committee work more attractive for the participation of women and to intensify the efforts for female participation. The funds are to be earmarked for measures to recruit female committee members at the BTU. Informal evidence of how the funds will be used must be provided to the Central Equal Opportunity Officer. Approval is subject to the availability of funds . There is no legal entitlement.
1z. E.g. Faculty Council, Examination Committees, Commissions.