Protection against sexualized discrimination and violence
Application of the General Equal Treatment Act
The General Equal Treatment Act of August 14, 2006 implements the European directives on the implementation of equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination. The AGG replaces the Act on Protection against Sexual Harassment (Employee Protection Act), which has been in force since 1994. The AGG aims to prevent or eliminate discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity. It includes, among other things, an obligation for employers to take action against discrimination based on harassment and sexual harassment. The required protective measures also include preventive measures.
Safety precautions
In cooperation with female employees and students, the Equal Opportunity Officers examine university facilities and buildings for sources of danger with regard to sexual harassment and violence and develop suggestions for appropriate improvements, e.g. structural changes, better lighting, emergency call systems. The suggestions received are passed on to the safety engineer and through him to the university management.
Self-assertion and self-defense courses
As part of the university sports program, the Central Institution for University Sports offers courses in self-assertion and self-defense to all members and affiliates of the BTU.