Shaping equality
Tasks of the Central Equal Opportunities Officer
The Equal Opportunity Officers advise and support the Presidential Board and the other bodies and institutions of the university in all matters concerning the equality of women and men.
(Legal mandate according to Brandenburg Higher Education Act § 68)
- Support of the university in the implementation of the legal equality mandate
- Support of strategic and organizational processes
- Participation in committees and steering groups
- Quality assurance of staffing and selection procedures
- Development of concepts, programs and measures
- Individual consulting
- Public relations, communication and sensitization
- Inter-university networking
With a wide range of activities and measures to promote gender equality, we gender equality actors pursue both university policy and socially relevant goals.
Goals of our gender equality work
- Gender-equitable appointment procedures
- Increasing the proportion of women in professorships
- Individual promotion of young female scientists
- Professionalization of gender equality work
- Transparency and gender competence in selection procedures
- Sensitization of managers and decision-makers to gender aspects
- Visualization of new contemporary role (pre-)images
- Attracting female pupils and students to the MINT sector
- Management and controlling of gender equality work
Participation in committees and working groups
It is also the task of the Central Equal Opportunity Officer to ensure that the topics of equality, equal opportunity, diversity, and family are broadly anchored in the university and to systematically expand them.
At the BTU, she is represented on the following university committees:
- Academic Senate
- Structural Commission
- Commission for Teaching, Studies and Continuing Education
- Commission for Budget
- Commission for Conflict Prevention.
In addition, it actively contributes to topic-related working groups and commissions:
- AG Human Resources Development
- Diversity WG
Selection committee for the teaching award and for the award for the best STEM student at the BTU