Unfortunately, no applications are currently possible - the available funds for 2025 have not yet been released
Support for teaching in the STEM* field
*STEM = Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Technology As part of the measures to promote equality, a female tutor project was set up for the mathematics department in 2009. This was expanded in 2019 and female tutors for STEM subjects can now be deployed and funded. The aim is to get young women from the STEM subjects more interested in teaching and to introduce them to research at an early stage. The female tutors are thus to be supported and strengthened in their personal development. As "role models," they will encourage schoolgirls and (future) female students to follow a similar path...
Who is sponsored?
All institutes and departments in the STEM field can apply for appropriate funding. This applies to Faculties 1, 2, 3 and 6.
2,500 euros can be applied for per faculty. Funding is granted on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to the availability of funds. There is no legal entitlement to the funding. When submitting an application, it is essential to state the amount of personnel funding required in each case. This serves the purpose of better planning and commitment of the funds for the promotion of equality. The informal application can be submitted via e-mail, in-house mail or gladly in person and should include the following information:
- Name, first name of tutor
- Planned activity in which module?
- Weekly number of hours and period
- Amount of funding requested
- Contact person for any queries
What else is needed?
- Complete documents for the employment of the scientific assistant
(see "Guidelines for the Hiring and Employment of Scientific / Artistic Assistants") Note: Project number: 812 763 20 Cost center: 81270