Cancelled: Diversity - social justice, marketing, or anti-discrimination? | Lecture with Elisabeth Tuider, University of Kassel

In her lecture, Elisabeth Tuider, University of Kassel, will examine the question of constructions of normality in relation to sexuality and violence.

Elisabeth Tuider is an educationalist, sociologist and textbook author. She teaches as a professor at the University of Kassel, where she heads the department of Sociology of Diversity, with a special focus on the dimension of gender. Tuider is particularly known for her contributions to biographical research, gender research, queer studies and postcolonial studies. 

Her lecture in Cottbus, entitled "Diversity - social justice, marketing, or anti-discrimination?", is dedicated to the concept of diversity and asks about young people's constructions of normality in relation to sexuality and violence. Elisabeth Tuider refers to the results of the BMBF-funded joint project "Protection Concepts in Child and Youth Work", which examined young people's views and assessments and their definitions of the "normality" of sexuality and violence. With this lecture, Tuider offers an impulse for reflection on how to deal with gender and sexuality in the university context as well.

We're sorry, but this event was cancelled.

HG 0.16
Hauptgebäude (HG)

Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1
03046 Cottbus


Birgit Hendrischke
T +49 (0) 355 69-2324

Sarah Döring
T +49 (0) 355 69-3745