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Yann Gaillard, Peter S.B. Szabo, Vadim Travnikov, Christoph Egbers, Thermo-electrohydrodynamic convection in a rotating shell with central force field, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 218, 2024, 124760, ISSN 0017-9310,
Gazi Hasanuzzaman, Tom Buchwald, Christoph Schunk, Christoph Egbers, Andreas Schröder, and Uwe Hampel. 2024. "DATIV—Remote Enhancement of Smart Aerosol Measurement System Using Raspberry Pi-Based Distributed Sensors" Sensors 24, no. 13: 4314.
Tom Buchwald, Gazi Hasanuzzaman, Sebastian Merbold, Daniel Schanz, Christoph Egbers, Andreas Schröder, Large-scale flow field and aerosol particle transport investigations in a classroom using 2D-Shake-The-Box Lagrangian Particle Tracking, Heliyon, Volume 9, Issue 12, 2023,
Zanoun, E., Dewidar, Y., & Egbers, C. (2023). Reynolds number dependence of azimuthal and streamwise pipe flow structures. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,973, A1. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2023.700
Mohammed Hussein Hamede, Sebastian Merbold and Christoph Egbers,Experimental methods for investigating the formation of flow patterns in a very wide gap Taylor-Couette flow (\$\eta=0.1\$),tm - Technisches Messen,90,5,
Sebastian Merbold, Gazi Hasanuzzaman, Tom Buchwald, Christoph Schunk, Daniel Schmeling, Andre Volkmann, Robert Brinkema, Uwe Hampel, Andreas Schröder and Christoph Egbers,Reference experiment on aerosol particle transport for dynamic situations,tm - Technisches Messen,90,5,10.1515/teme-2022-0118
Gabriel Maltese Meletti de Oliveira, Stephane Abide, Stephane Viazzo and Uwe Harlander,A parameter study of strato-rotational low-frequency modulations: impacts on momentum transfer and energy distribution,Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society : Series A, Mathematical, physical and engineering sciences,381,2246,10.1098/rsta.2022.0297
Joris Labarbe, Patrice Le Gal, Uwe Harlander and Stephane Le Dizes and Benjamin Favie,Localized layers of turbulence in stratified horizontally sheared Poiseuille flow,Fluid Dynamics,
Uwe Harlander, Andrei Sukhanovskii, Stephane Abide, Ion-Dan Borcia, Elene Popova, Costanza Rodda, Andrei Vasiliev and Miklos Vincze,New Laboratory Experiments to Study the Large-Scale Circulation and Climate Dynamics,Atmosphere,14,5,10.3390/atmos14050836
Ion-Dan Borcia, Sebastian Richter, Rodica Borcia, Franz-Theo Schön, Uwe Harlander and Michael Bestehorn,Wave propagation in a circular channel: sloshing and resonance,The European Physical Journal Special Topics,232,4, 10.1140/epjs/s11734-023-00790-z
Franz-Theo Schön and Michael Bestehorn,Instabilities and pattern formation in viscoelastic fluids,The European Physical Journal Special Topics,Vol. 232,4,10.1140/epjs/s11734-023-00792-x
Antoine Meyer, H. N. Yoshikawa, Peter Szabo, Martin Meier and Christoph Egbers and Innocent Mutabazi,Thermoelectric instabilities in a circular Couette flow,Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. Series A, Mathematical, physical and engineering sciences,381,2243,10.1098/rsta.2022.0139
Peter S B Szabo, Yann Gaillard, Florian Zaussinger, Christoph Egbers; Thermo-electrohydrodynamic convection in a differentially heated shell with electric central force field, PAMM 23, 10.1002/pamm.202200121
M.H. Hamede, S. Merbold, C. Egbers, Experimental investigation of turbulent counter-rotating Taylor-Couette flows for radius ratio eta = 0.1 .J. Fluid Mech.,964, A36
S. Merbold, G. Hasanuzzaman, T. Buchwald, Ch. Schunk, D. Schmeling, A. Volkmann, R. Brinkema, U. Hampel, A. Schröder, Ch. Egbers, Reference experiment on aerosol particle transport for dynamic situations, Technisches Messen 10.1515/teme-2022-0118
M.H. Hamede, S. Merbold, Ch. Egbers, Experimental methods for investigating the formation of flow patterns in a very wide gap Taylor-Couette flow eta=0.1In, Technisches Messen, 10.1515/teme-2022-0107
Ion Dan Borcia1, Sebastian Richter, Rodica Borcia1, Franz-Theo Schön, Uwe Harlander and Michael Bestehorn, Wave propagation in a circular channel: sloshingand resonance, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top,
Franz-Theo Schön and Michael Bestehorn, Instabilities and pattern formation in viscoelastic fluids, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top.
S. Merbold, M.H. Hamede, A. Froitzheim, Ch. Egbers, Flow regimes in a very wide-gap Taylo-Couette flow with counter rotating cylinders. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A., Vol. 381 20220113 DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2022.0113
G. Hasanuzzaman, S. Merbold, V. Motuz, C. Egbers Enhanced outer peaks in turbulent boundary layer using uniform blowing at moderate Reynolds number, Journal of Turbulence Vol. 23 DOI: 10.1080/14685248.2021.2014058
Z. A. Hallol, M. I. Yousry, S. Merbold, C. Egbers
Effect of High Reynolds Number on the Behaviour of Large and Very Large Scale Motions in Fully Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow
DOI: 10.1134/S0015462822040048
Peter Szabo, Antoine Meyer, Martin Meier, Vasyl Motuz, Yaraslau Sliavin, Christoph EgbersSimultaneous PIV and shadowgraph measurements of thermo-electrohydrodynamic convection in a differentially heated annulus, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag,
Hallol, Z., Yousry, M., Merbold, S., Egbers, C. Experimental investigation to study energetic structures in pipe flow at high Reynolds numbers using POD analysis, Journ. Phys. Soc. Japan, Vol. 91, 094401, 2022
Harlander, U.; Borcia, I.D.; Vincze, M.; Rodda, C. Probability Distribution of Extreme Events in a Baroclinic Wave Laboratory Experiment. Fluids, 2022, 7, 274
Rodda, C., Harlander, U., Vincze, M. Jet stream variability in a polar warming scenario – a laboratory perspective, Weather Clim. Dynam., 3, 937-950, 10.5194/wcd-3-937-2022
Hasanuzzaman, G., Eivazi, H., Merbold, S., Egbers, Ch., Vinuesa, R. Enhancement of PIV measurements via physics-informed neural networks, Measurement Science and Technology, DOI 10.1088/1361-6501/aca9eb
Travnikov, V., & Egbers, C. (2021). Numerical investigation of atmospherelike flows in a spherical geometry. Physical Review E, 104(6), 065110,
Uwe Harlander, Michael Kurgansky
Two-dimensional internal gravity wave beam instability. Linear theory and subcritical instability
Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, August 2021, DOI: 10.1080/03091929.2021.1943379
Peter S. B. Szabo, Martin Meier, Antoine Meyer, Elhadj Barry, Vasyl Motuz, Innocent Mutabazi, Christoph Egbers
PIV and shadowgraph measurements of thermo-electrohydrodynamic convection in a horizontal aligned differentially heated annulus at different gravity conditions
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Scienc, Elsevier Inc. 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2021.03.007
E. S. Zanoun, Christoph Egbers, Hassan M Nagib, F. Durst, G. Bellani, Alessandro Talamelli
Wall friction relations in wall-bounded shear flows
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2021.03.007
Zeinab Hallol, Sebastian Merbold, Christoph Egbers
Contribution of Large and Very Large Scale Motions to the Turbulent Kinetic energy in Turbulent Pipe Flow
Volume 20, Issue 1, 91st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Wiley-VCH GmbH, ISSN: 1617-7061, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.202000229
El-Sayed Zanoun, Christoph Egbers, and Yasser Dewidar
Two-Point Velocity Correlations in Fully Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow at Shear Reynolds Number of Reτ ≈ 4000
Volume 20, Issue 1, 91st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Wiley-VCH GmbH, ISSN: 1617-7061, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.202000330
Stefan Richter, El-Sayed Zanoun, Christoph Egbers
Investigation of Large Scale Motion Interaction with the Near‐Wall Turbulence
Volume 20, Issue 1, 91st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Wiley-VCH GmbH, ISSN: 1617-7061, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.202000331
Harunori N. Yoshikawa, Changwoo Kang, Inoccent Mutabazi, Florian Zaussinger, Peter Haun, Christoph Egbers
Thermoelectrohydrodynamic convection in parallel plate capacitors under dielectric heating conditions
Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 113503, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.113503
Wenchao Xu, Uwe Harlander
Inertial mode interactions in a rotating tilted cylindrical annulus with free surface
Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 094801, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.094801
G. Meletti, S. Abide, S. Viazzo, A. Krebs, U. Harlander
Experiments and long-term high-performance computations on amplitude modulations of strato-rotational flows
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Taylor & Francis Online, DOI: 10.1080/03091929.2020.1795647
Costanza Rodda, Uwe Harlander
Transition from Geostrophic Flows to Inertia–Gravity Waves in the Spectrum of a Differentially Heated Rotating Annulus Experiment
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 77(8):2793-2806, DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-20-0033.1
Peter Szabo, Florian Zaussinger, Peter Haun, Vadim Travnikov, Martin Meier, Christoph Egbers
Complementary numerical and experimental study in the baroclinic annulus for the microgravity experiment AtmoFlow
EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-20956, 4–8 May 2020
F. Zaussinger, P. Haun, P. Szabo, V. Travnikov, M. Alkawwas, C. Egbers
Rotating spherical gap convection in the GeoFlow International Space Station (ISS) experiment
Phys. Rev. E 101, 05310, 063502 (June, 19 2020), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.063502
V. Travnikov, F. Zaussinger, P. Haun, C. Egbers
Influence of dielectrical heating on convective flow in a radial force field,
Phys. Rev. E 101, 053106 (2020), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.101.053106
F. Zaussinger, P. Haun, P. Szabo, V. Travnikov, M. Alkawwas, C. Egbers
Rotating spherical gap convection in the GeoFlow International Space Station (ISS) experiment
Phys. Rev. E 101, 05310, 063502 (June, 19 2020), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.063502
G. Hasanuzzaman, S. Merbold, C. Cuvier, V. Motuz, J.-M. Foucaut & Ch. Egbers
Experimental investigation of turbulent boundary layers at high Reynolds number with uniform blowing, part I: statistics
Journal of turbulence, ISSN: (Print) 1468-524, Taylor & Francis
Michael V. Kurgansky, Torsten Seelig, Marten Klein, Andreas Will & Uwe Harlander
Mean flow generation due to longitudinal librations of sidewalls of a rotating annulus
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, ISSN: 0309-1929 (Print) 1029-0419 (Online), Taylor & Francis
V. Travnikov, C. Egbers
Linear stability analysis of the convective flow in a spherical gap with rotating inner surface
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier Verlag, ISSN: 0017-9310
Antoine Meyer, Martin Meier, Marcerl Jongmanns, Torsten Seelig, Christoph Egbers, Innocent Mutabazi
Effect of the Initial Conditions on the Growth of Thermoelectric Instabilities During Parabolic Flights
Microgravity - Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s12217-019-09755-1
Michael Hoff, Uwe Harlander
Stewartson-layer instability in a wide-gap spherical Couette experiment: Rossby number dependence
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 878:522-543, Cambridge University Press, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2019.636
Andreas Froitzheim, Sebastian Merbold, Rodolfo Ostilla-Mónico, and Christoph Egbers
Angular momentum transport and flow organization in Taylor-Couette flow at radius ratio of η=0.357
Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 084605 – Published August, 14 2019
Andreas Froitzheim, Rodrigo Ezeta, Sander G. Huisman, Sebastian Merbold, Chao Sun, Detlef Lohse, Christoph Egbers
Statistics, plumes and azimuthally travelling waves in ultimate Taylor–Couette turbulent vortices
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 876, 10 October 2019 , pp. 733-765, doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.552
Zaussinger, F., Canfield, P., Froitzheim, A., Travnikov, V., Haun, P., Meier, M., Meyer, A., Heintzmann, P., Driebe, T., Egbers, Ch.
AtmoFlow - Investigation of Atmospheric-Like Fluid Flows Under Microgravity Conditions
Microgravity Science and Technologie, Thirty Years of Microgravity Research - A Topical Collection Dedicated to J. C. Legros, DOI: 10.1007/s12217-019-09717-7, pp 1-19
Zanoun, E.-S., Egbers, Ch., Örlü, R., Fiorini, T., Bellani, G., Talamelly, A.
Experimental evaluation of the mean momentum and kinetic energy balance equations in turbulent pipe flows at high Reynolds number
Journal of Turbulence, DOI: 10.1080/14685248.2019.1628968
Sesterhenn, J., Shahirpour, A.
A characteristic dynamic mode decomposition
Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. pp 1–25, ISSN: 0935-4964
Seelig, T., Meyer, A., Gerstner, Ph., Meier, M., Jongmanns, M., Baumann, M., Heuveline, V., Egbers, Ch.
Dielectrophoretic force-driven convection in annular geometry under Earth’s gravity
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 139 (2019) pp 386-398, ISSN: 0017-9310
Ion Dan Borcia, Rodica Borcia, Wenchao Xu, Michael Bestehorn, Sebastian Richter, Uwe Harlander, Costanza Rodda
Undular bores in a large circular channel
European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, Volume 79, January–February 2020, Pages 67-73,
Ghasem, A., Klein, M., Will, A., Harlander, U.
Mean flow generation by an intermittently unstable boundary layer over a sloping wall
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 853:111-149 DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2018.552
Harlander, U., Borcia, I. D., Krebs, A.
Non-normality increases variance of gravity waves trapped in a tilted box
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/03091929.2018.1549660
Meier, M., Jongmanns, M., Meyer, A., Seelig, T., Egbers, C., Mutabazi, I.
Flow pattern and heat transfer in a cylindrical annulus under 1g and low-g conditions
Experiments, Microgravity Sci. Technol. 30 (2018) pp 699-712, DOI 10.1007/s12217-018-9649-y
Meyer, A., Crumeyrolle, O., Mutabazi, I., Meier, M., Jongmanns, M., Renoult, M.-Ch., Seelig, T., Egbers, Ch.
Flow Patterns and Heat Transfer in a Cylindrical Annulus under 1g and low-g Conditions: Theory and Simulation
Microgravity Science and Technology, Springer, ISSN: 0938-0108 (Print), 30 (2018) pp 699-712, DOI: 10.1007/s12217-018-9636-3
Florian Zaussinger, Peter Haun, Matthias Neben, Torsten Seelig, Vadim Travnikov, Christoph Egbers, Harunori Yoshikawa, and Innocent Mutabazi
Dielectrically driven convection in spherical gap geometry
Physical Review Fluids 3, 093501, American Physical Society, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.093501
Zaussinger, F., Kupka, F., Montgomery, M., Egbers, Ch.
Numerical simulation of DA white dwarf surface convection
12th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: ASTRONUM-2017
26–30 June 2017, Saint-Malo, France
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1031, conference 1, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1031/1/012013
Seelig, T., Gellert, M., Harlander, U.
Experimental investigation of stratorotational instability using a thermally stratified system: instability, waves and associated momentum flux
Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Vol. 112, No. 4, June 2018, 1–24 DOI10.1080/03091929.2018.1488971
Rodda, C., Bocia, I. D., Le Gal, P., Vincze, M., Harlander, U.
Baroclinic, Kelvin and inertia-gravity waves in the barostrat instability experiment
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics DOI10.1080/03091929.2018.1461858
Selvam, K., Öngüner, E., Peixinho, J., Zanoun, E.-S., Egbers, Ch.
Wall Pressure in Developing Turbulent Pipe Flows
Journal of Fluids Engineering, 140(8), 081203 (2018)
Zanoun, E.-S., Öngüner, E., Shahirpour, A., Merbold, S., Egbers, Ch.
Spectral Analysis of Large Scale Structures in Fully Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow
PAMM. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 17, 647-650, DOI 10.1002/pamm.201710293
v. Larcher, Th., Viazzo, S., Harlander, U., Vincze, M., Randriamampianina, A.
nstabilities and small-scale waves within the Stewartson layers of a thermally driven rotating annulus
J. Fluid Mech., 841, 380-407
Kupka, F., Zaussinger, F., Montgomery, M.H.
Mixing and Overshooting in Surface Convection Zones of DA White Dwarfs: First Results from ANTARES
Oxford Academic Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stx3119, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx3119
Meyer, A., Jongmanns, M., Meier, M., Egbers, C., Mutabazi, I.
Thermal convection in a cylindrical annulus under a combined effect of the radial and vertical gravity
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, Volume 345, Issue 1, January 2017, Pages 11-20, Académie des Sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS
Froitzheim, A., Merbold, S., Egbers, Ch.
Velocity profiles, flow structures and scalings in a wide-gap turbulent Taylor-Couette flow
J. Fluid Mech. (2017), Vol. 831, pp. 330-357, DOI 10.1017/jfm.2017.634
Uhlig, B., Kirner, C., Preuß, A. C., Graf, J., Neben, M., Zaussinger, F.
Kolbenring Öltransport II.
FVV Abschlussberichte (2017), no. 1120
Rüdiger, G., Seelig, T., Schultz, M., Gellert, M., Egbers, Ch., U. Harlander, U.
The stratorotational instability of Taylor-Couette flows with moderate Reynolds numbers
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 111, Issue 6, pages 1-19, Taylor & Francis online DOI 10.1080/03091929.2017.1382487
Uhlig, B., Kirner, C., Preuß, A. C., Graf, J., Neben, M.
Messtechnische und simulative Untersuchung des Ölhaushalts an der Kolbengruppe
MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift 02/2017 78. Jahrgang, pp. 76-81, doi: 10.1007/s35146-016-0175-4
Uhlig, B., Kirner, C., Preuß, A. C., Graf, J., Neben, M.
Measurement and Simulation of the Oil Supply at the Piston Assembly
MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift 78, doi: 10.1007/s38313-016-0167-2
Travnikov, V., Zaussinger, F., Beltrame, Ph., Egbers, Ch.
Influence of the temperature-dependent viscosity on convective flow in the radial force field
American Physical Society, Phys. Rev. E Vol. 96, No.2, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.023108
Borcia, R., Borcia, I. D., Helbig, M., Meier, M., Egbers, Ch., Bestehorn, M.
Dancing drops over vibrating substrates
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 226(6):1297-1306, DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2016-60202-6
Vincze, M., Borcia, I. D., Harlander, U.
Temperature fluctuations in a changing climate: an ensemble-based experimental approach
Nature, Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 254 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00319-0
Zanoun, E.-S., Öngüner, E., Egbers, Ch.
Conventional measuring probes in the wall layerof turbulent subsonic ducted flows
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 2016, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp 329-342, Springer, DOI: 10.1134/S0869864316030033, ISSN: 0869-8643
Hoff, M., Harlander, U., Triana, S.
Study of turbulence and interacting inertial modes in a differentially rotating sphericel shell experiment
Physical Review Fluids, Vol. 1, DOI: 10.1103 PhysRevFluids.1.043701
van der Veen, R. C. A., Huisman, S. G., Merbold, S., Harlander, U., Egbers, Ch., Lohse, D., Sun, Ch.
Taylor-Couette turbulence at radius ratio n=0:5: scaling, flow structures and plumes
J. Fluid Mech. (2016), vol. 799, pp. 334-351, doi:10.1017/jfm.2016.352
Hoff, M., Harlander, U., Egbers, Ch.
Experimental survey of linear and nonlinear inertial waves and wave instabilities in a spherical shell Journal of
Fluid Mechanics Volume: 789 pages 589-616, doi:10.1017/jfm.2015.743
Hoff, M., Harlander, U., Egbers, Ch., 2015
Empirical singular vectors of baroclinic flows deduced from experimental data of a differentially heated rotating annulus
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Stuttgart, 2014, DOI: 10.1127/metz/2014/0563
Egbers, Ch., Gorenz, P., Schmidt, M., Wolf, C., 2015
3-D-CFD-Simulation der Schmierspaltströmung in einem Radialgleitlager
MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift, June 2015, Volume 76, Issue 7, pp 66-73, ISSN 2192-8843
Futterer, B., Dahley, N., Egbers, Ch., 2015
Thermal electro-hydrodynamic heat transfer augmentation in vertical annuli by the use of dielectrophoretic forces through a.c. electric field
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier, Volume 93, February 2016, Pages 144–154
Vincze, M., Borchert, S., Achatz, U., von Larcher, Th., Baumann, M., Liersch, C., Remmler, S., Beck, T., Alexandrov, K., Egbers, Ch., Fröhlich, J., Heuveline, V., Hickel, S., Harlander, U., 2015
Benchmarking in a rotating annulus: a comparative experimental and numerical study of baroclinic wave dynamics
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Stuttgart, 2014, DOI: 10.1127/metz/2014/0600
Seelig, T., Harlander, U., 2015
Can zonally symmetric inertial waves drive an oscillating zonal mean flow?
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 109(06), 541-566 (2015), DOI 10.1080/03091929.2015.1094064
Hoff, M., Harlander, U., Egbers, Ch.
Empirical singular vectors of baroclinic flows deduced from experimental data of a differentially heated rotating annulus
Meteeorologische Zeitschrift, Vol. 23, No. 6, 581–597, DOI 10.1127/metz/2014/0563
Zanoun, E.-S., Jehring, L., Egbers, Ch., 2014
Three measuring techniques for assessing the mean wall skin friction in wall-bounded flows
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, Vol. 21, No 2, Springer, ISSN: 0869-8643, S. 179-190
König, F., Zanoun, E-S., Öngüner, E., Egbers, Ch., 2014
The CoLaPipe - The new Cottbus large pipe test facility at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 075115 (2014)
Klein, M., Seelig, T., Kurgansky, M. V., Ghasemi V., A., Borcia, I.-D., Will, A., Schaller, E., Egbers, Ch., Harlander, U., 2014
Inertial wave excitation and focusing in a liquid bounded by a frustum and a cylinder
J. Fluid Mech. (2014), vol. 751, pp. 255297, doi:10.1017/jfm.2014.304, 2014
Futterer, B., Egbers, Ch., 2014
Geophysikalisches Strömungsexperiment auf der ISS, Der innere Kreislauf der Erde
Physik in unserer Zeit, 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 45. Jahrgang, Mai 2014, ISSN 0031-9252 PHUZAH D 4787
Vincze, M., Harlander, U., von Larcher, Th., Egbers, Ch., 2014
An experimental study of regime transitions in a differentially heated baroclinic annulus with flat and sloping bottom topographies
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 21, 237-250, doi:10.5194/npg-21-237-2014
Butt, U., Jehring, L., Egbers, Ch., 2014
Mechanism of drag reduction for circular cylinders with patterned surface
Int. Journal of heat and fluid Flow, Vol. 45, 2014, 128-134
Merbold, S., Brauckmann, H. J., Egbers, Ch., 2014
Torque measurements and numerical determination in differentially rotating wide gap Taylor-Couette flow
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.023014,
Futterer, B., Krebs, A., Plesa, A.-C., Zaussinger, F., Hollerbach, R., Breuer, D., Egbers, Ch., 2013
Sheet-like and plume-like thermal flow in a spherical convection experiment performed under microgravity
J. Fluid Mech. (2013), vol. 735, pp. 647-683 , Cambridge University Press 2013, doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.507
Herzog, N., Gorenz, P., Egbers, Ch., 2013
CFD modeling of high pressurized CO2 released from onshore pipeline leakages
Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-2536-3
Borcia, R., Bestehorn, M., 2013
Partial coalescence of sessile drops with different miscible liquids
Langmuir 29(14), 4426-4429
Borcia, I.D., Harlander, U., 2013
Inertial waves in a rotating annulus with inclined inner cylinder: comparing the spectrum of wave attractor frequency bands and the eigenspectrum in the limit of zero inclination
Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 22, 397-41
Merbold, S., Brauckmann, H.J., Egbers, Ch., 2013
Torque measurements and numerical determination in differentially rotating wide gap Taylor-Couette flow
Phys. Rev. E 87, 023014
Koch, S., Harlander, U., Egbers, Ch., Hollerbach, R., 2013
Inertial waves in a spherical shell induced by librations of the inner sphere: experimental and numerical results
Fluid Dyn. Res. 45, 19pp
Butt, U., Egbers, Ch., 2013
Aerodynamic characteristics of flow over circular cylinders with patterned surface
Int. Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, 2013, pp 121-125
Gorenz, P., Herzog, N., Egbers, Ch., 2013
Investigation of CO2 release pressures in pipeline cracks
Energy Procedia 40 (2013) 285-293
Herzog, N., Egbers, Ch., 2013
Atmospheric dispersion of CO2 released from pipeline leakages
Energy Procedia 40 (2013) 232-239
Shahirpour, A., Herzog, N., Egbers, Ch., 2013
Towards CFD modeling of carbon dioxide turbulent pipe line transportation
Energy Procedia 40 (2013) 408-417
Harlander, U., Wright, G. B., Egbers, Ch., 2012
Reconstruction of the 3D flow field in a differentially heated rotating annulus by synchronized particle image velocimetry and infrared thermography measurements
16th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 09-12 July, Proceedings, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012
Futterer, B., Dahley, N., Koch, S., Scurtu, N., Egbers, Ch., 2012
From isoviscous convective experiment ‘GeoFlow I’ to temperature-dependent viscosity in ‘GeoFlow II’—Fluid physics experiments on-board ISS for the capture of convection phenomena in Earth's outer core and mantle
Acta Astronautica 71 (2012), S. 11-19
Harlander, U., Wenzel, J., Alexandrov, K., Wang, Y., Egbers, Ch., 2012
Simultaneous PIV- and thermography-measurements of partially blocked flow in a heated rotating annulus
Exp. Fluids, 52, 1077-1085, DOI 10.1007/s00348-011-1195-y, 2012
Borcia, I. D., Harlander, U., 2012
Inertial waves in a rotating annulus with inclined inner cylinder
Theoret. Comp. Fluid Dynamics, published online, DOI 10.1007/s00162-012-0278-6, 2012
Seelig, T., Harlander, U., Faulwetter, R., Egbers, Ch., 2012
Irregularity and singular vector growth in the differentially heated rotating annulus
Theoret. Comp. Fluid Dynamics, published online, DOI 10.1007/s00162-011-0255-5, 2012
Harlander, U., Seelig, T., Faulwetter, R., Egbers, Ch.,2011
Irregularity and singular vector growth of the differentially heated rotating annulus flow
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00162-011-0255-5, Springer-Verlag, 2011
Feudel, F., Bergemann, K., Tuckerman, L., Egbers, Ch., Futterer, B., Gellert, M., Hollerbach, R., 2011
Convection pattern in a spherical fluid shell
Phys. Rev. E, 83, 046304, 2011
Harlander, U., von Larcher, Th., Wang, Y., Egbers, Ch., 2011
PIV- and LDV-measurements of baroclinic wave interactions in a thermally driven rotating annulus
Experiments in Fluids, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-009-0792-5, Springer-Verlag, 2011
Scurtu, N., Futterer, B., Egbers, Ch., 2010
Pulsating and traveling wave modes of natural convection in spherical shells
Physics of Fluids, (Vol.22, Issue 11), 114108, 2011
Scurtu, N., Bänsch, E., 2010
Influence of the Weissenberg number on the stability of Oldroyd kind fluids
Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5(4), pp. 657 - 673, 2010
Scurtu, N., Schreiber, M., Egbers, Ch., Krautz, H. J., 2010
A comparative numerical study of gas-solid fluidized bed hydrodynamics
12th Workshop on two phase flow, 22. –25. March 2010, Halle, Germany, ISBN-978-3-86829-222-0
Futterer, B., Egbers, Ch., Koch, S., Dahley, N., Jehring, L., 2010
First identification of sub- and supercritical convection patterns from‚ GeoFlow`, the geophysical flow simulation experiment integrated in Fluid Science Laboratory
Acta Astronautica, 2010 66, S. 193-200
Harlander, U., von Larcher, Th., Wang, Y., Egbers, Ch., 2009
PIV- and LDV measurements of baroclinic wave interactions in a thermally driven rotating annulus
Exp. in Fluids, DOI10.1007/s00348-009-0792-5
Scurtu, N., Bänsch, E., 2009
Influence of the Weissenberg number on the stability of Oldroyd kind fluids
Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 5(4), pp. 657 - 673, 2010
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Momentum transport and turbulent kinetic energy production in plane-channel flow
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Swart, A., Maas, L. R. M., Harlander, U., Manders, A., 2009
Experimental observations of strong mixing due to internal wave focusing over sloping terrain
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2009.08.003, 2009
Harlander, U., Faulwetter, R., Alexandrov, K., Egbers, Ch., 2009
Estimating local instabilities from data with application to geophysical flows
Advances in Turbulence XII, edited by B. Eckardt, Springer Proceedings in Physics 132, 163-167, 2009
Swart, A., Manders, A., Harlander, U., Maas, L. R. M., 2009
Experimental observations of strong mixing due to internal wave focusing over sloping terrain
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2009.08.003, 2009
Zanoun, E.-S., Durst, F., Shi, J., 2009
The physics of heat transfer from hot-wires in the proximity of walls of different materials
Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 52, pp. 3693–3705, 2009
Scurtu, N., Futterer, B., Egbers, Ch., 2009
Meridional pulsating and helical travelling wave convection in spherical shells
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009, eingereicht
Zanoun, E.-S., Durst, F., Nagib, H. M., 2009
Refined Cf relation for turbulent channels and consequences for high Re experiments
J. Fluid Dyn.Res. 41, 1-12, 2008
Harlander, U., Ridderinkhof, H., Schouten, M. W., De Ruijter, W. P. M., 2009
Long term observations of transport, eddies, and Rossby waves in the Mozambique Channel
J. Geophys. Res., 114:C02003, doi:10.1029/2008JC004846, 2009
Zanoun, E.-S., 2009
Mean flow scaling along smooth and rough wall boundary layers
J. Theromphysics and Aeromechanics, akzeptiert
Zanoun, E.-S., Kito, M., Egbers, Ch., 2009
A study on flow transition and development in Circular and Rectangular Ducts
J. Fluids Engg. 131, 061204, 2009
Futterer, B., Hollerbach, R., Egbers, Ch., 2008
GeoFlow: 3D numerical simulation of supercritical thermal convective states
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 137 (2008) 012026 (5pp)
von Larcher, Th., Futterer, B., Egbers, Ch., Hollerbach, R., Chossat, P., Beltrame, P., Tuckerman, L., Feudel, F., 2008
GeoFlow - European Microgravity Experiments on Thermal Convection in Rotating Spherical Shells under influence of Central Force Field
Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application, Vol. 25, Nr. 3, S. 121-126
Harlander, U., Will, A., Kurgansky, M. V., Ehrendorfer, M., 2008
Editorial: Topics in modern geophysical fluid dynamics
Adv. Geosci., 15, 1.
Scurtu, N., Stücke, P., Egbers, Ch., 2008
Numerical and experimental study of the flow in an eccentric Couette- Taylor system with small gap
PAMM-Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 8 (1), 10641-10642
Futterer, B., Gellert, M., von Larcher, Th., Egbers, Ch., 2008
Thermal Convection in rotating spherical shells: an experimental and numerical approach within GeoFlowThermal Convection in rotating spherical shells: an experimental and numerical approach within GeoFlow
Acta Astronautica, Vol. 62 , S. 300-307
Harlander, U., 2008
Towards an analytical understanding of internal wave attractors
Adv. Geosci., 15, 3-9.
Stücke, P., Lehmann, B., Scurtu, N., Egbers, Ch., 2008
Experimental investigation of the eccentric Couette Flow with superimposed crossf low
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 137 (2008) 012010 (8pp)
Scurtu, N., Stücke, P., Egbers, Ch., 2008
A numerical study of the three-dimensional structure of the Taylor-Couette flow in eccentric configuration with superimposed cross flow
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 137 (2008) 012011 (6pp)
Deters, T., Egbers, Ch., Zanoun, E.-S., Guillerm, R., 2008
Influence of thermal convection in Taylor-Couette system
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 137 (2008) 012015 (6pp)
Scurtu, N., Futterer, B., Egbers, Ch., 2008
Three-dimensional natural Convection in spherical annuli
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 137 (2008) 012017 (9pp)
Smieszek, M., Crumeyrolle, O., Mutabazi, I., Egbers, Ch., 2008
Instabilities with polyacrylamide solution in small and large aspect ratios Taylor-Couette systems
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 137 (2008) 012021 (7pp)
von Larcher, Th., Futterer, B., Egbers, Ch., 2008
GeoFlow: On the status of experimental preparation of spherical gap flow experiments with central force field on International Space Station (ISS)
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 137 (2008) 012025 (6pp)
Futterer, B., Brucks, A., Hollerbach, R., Egbers, Ch., 2007
Thermal blob convection in sperical shells
Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 4079-4088
von Larcher, Th., Futterer, B., Egbers, Ch., 2007
The GeoFlow-Experiment on International Space Station (ISS): Research on Thermal Convective Flows in a Spherical Gap under influence of a Central Force Field
Sitzungsberichte der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e.V. "50 Jahre Weltraumforschung", Band 96, Jahrgang 2008
Egbers, Ch., 2007
The GEOFLOW experiment on ISS
15th International Couette-Taylor Workshop, July 9-12, 2007, Le Havre, France
Hollerbach, R., Junk, M., Egbers, Ch., 2006
Non-axisymmetric instabilities in basic state spherical Couette flow
Fluid Dynamics Research Vol. 38, ISSN: 0169-5983, 2006
Stücke, P., Egbers, Ch., 2006
Visualization of scavenging flow in the design of small two-stroke engines
Optics & Laser Technology 38, 272-276
Zanoun, E.-S., Durst, F., Saleh, O., Al-Salaymeh, A., 2006
Wall skin friction and mean velocity profiles of fully developed turbulent pipe flows
J. Exp. Thermal and Fluid Sci., (akzeptiert)
Beltrame, P., Travnikov, V., Gellert, M., Egbers, Ch., 2006
GEOFLOW: Simulation of convection in a spherical gap under central force field
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 13, 1-11
Smieszek, M., Egbers, Ch., 2006
Untersuchung eines scherverdünnenden Fluids im Zylinderspalt
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 6 (2006), 593-594
Smieszek, M., Egbers, Ch., 2005
Flow structures and stability in Newtonian and non-Newtonian Taylor-Couette flow
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 14, 72-77
Zanoun, E.-S., Durst, F., Nagib, H. M., 2005
Response to “Comment on ‘Evaluating the law of the wall in two-dimensional fully developed turbulent channel flows’”
Physics of Fluids, vol. 16, no. 9, 3509-3510, 2005
von Larcher, Th., Egbers, Ch., 2005
Dynamics of baroclinic wave pattern in transition zones between different flow regimes
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 14 162-167
Gellert, M., Beltrame, P., Egbers, Ch., 2005
The GeoFlow experiment - spherical Rayleigh-Bénard convection under the influence of an artificial central force field
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 14, 157-161
von Larcher, Th., Egbers, Ch., 2005
Experiments on transitions of baroclinic waves in a differentially heated rotating annulus
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 12, 1033-1041
Deters, T., Egbers, Ch., 2005
The Taylor-Couette system with radial temperature gradient
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 14, 138-142
Pop, I., Rees, D.A.S., Egbers, Ch., 2004
Mixed convection flow in a narrow vertical duct filled with a porous medium
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 489-498
Hollerbach, R., Futterer, B., More, T., Egbers, Ch., 2004
Instabilities of the Stewartson Layer, Part 2. Supercritical mode interactions
Theor. Comp. Fluid Dynamics, 18, 197 – 204, Springer
Egbers, Ch., Beyer, W., Bonhage, A., Hollerbach, R., Beltrame, P., 2003
The GEOFLOW-experiment on ISS (part I): Experimental preparation and design
Advances in Space Research, vol. 32, No.2, pp. 171-180
Travnikov, V., Egbers, Ch., Hollerbach, R., 2003
The GEOFLOW-experiment on ISS (part II): Numerical simulation
Advances in Space Research, vol. 32, No.2, pp. 181-189
Beltrame, P., Egbers, Ch., Hollerbach, R., 2003
The GEOFLOW-experiment on ISS (part III): Bifurcation analysis
Advances in Space Research, vol. 32, No.2, pp. 191-197
Travnikov, V., Rath, H. J., Egbers, Ch., 2002
Stability of natural convection between spherical shells: Energy Theory
Int J. Heat & Mass Transfer, 45, 4227 - 4235
Brucks, A., Sitte, B., Egbers, Ch., 2002
Onset of thermal convection and influence of rotation in wide sherical gaps
Proc. appl. Math. Mech., 1
Brasch, W., Sitte, B., Egbers, Ch., 2002
Numerische Untersuchung der thermischen Konvektion in einer weiten Kugelschale
Proc. appl. Math. Mech., 1
Sitte, B., Brasch, W., Junk, M., Travnikov, V., Egbers, Ch., 2001
Thermal flow in a rotating spherical gap with a dielectrophoretic central force field. "Dynamo and Dynamics: A mathematical challenge" (ed. Chossat, Armbruster, Oprea)
NATO Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 93-100
Egbers, Ch., Brasch, W., Sitte, B., Immohr, J., Schmidt, J.-R., 1999
Estimates on diagnostic methods for investigations of thermal convection between spherical shells in space. In: Instrumentation and Diagnostics for Microgravity Experiments
Measurement, Science & Technology, Special Issue, vol. 10, no. 10
Egbers, Ch., (Ed.), 1999
Instrumentation and Diagnostics for Microgravity Experiments
Measurement, Science & Technology, Special Issue, vol. 10, no. 10
Meincke, O., Egbers, Ch., 1999
Routes into chaos in small and wide gap Taylor Couette flow
Phys. Chem. Earth (B), vol 24, no. 5, pp. 467-471
Wulf, P., Egbers, Ch., Rath, H. J., 1999
Routes into chaos in wide gap spherical Couette flow
Physics of Fluids, vol. 11, no. 6, 1359 - 1372
Sitte, B., Egbers, Ch., 1999
LDV-Measurements on baroclinic waves
Phys. Chem. Earth (B), vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 473-476
Liu, M., Egbers, Ch., Rath, H. J., 1997
Thermische Konvektion im konzentrischen Kugelspalt
Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 77, S1, 193-194
Blohm, C., Egbers, Ch., Rath, H. J., 1997
Über die Vieldeutigkeit von Lösungen im konzentrischen Kugelspalt
Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 77, S1, 37-38
Wulf, P., Egbers, Ch., Rath, H. J., 1997
Bifurcation scenario in wide spherical Couette flow
Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 77, S1, 379-380
Brasch, W., Egbers, Ch., Olbers, D., Rath, H. J., 1997
Stabilitätsanalyse zur thermischen Konvektion im nichtrotierenden und rotierenden Kugelspalt
Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 77, S1, 55-56
Liu, M., Blohm, C., Egbers, Ch., Wulf, P., Rath, H. J., 1996
Taylor vortices in wide spherical shells
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 77, No. 2, pp 286-289
Rath, H. J., Egbers, Ch., 1996
Thermal convective phenomena in the spherical gap flow
Microgravity Q, vol. 6, no. 2-3, pp. 13-16
Liu, M., Egbers, Ch., Rath, H. J., 1995
Three-dimensional finite-amplitude thermal convection in a spherical shell
Adv. Space Res., vol. 16, pp 105-108
Egbers, Ch., Rath, H. J., 1995
The existence of Taylor vortices and wide-gap instabilities in spherical Couette flow
Acta Mechanica, vol. 111, pp 125-140
Egbers, Ch., Liu, M., Rath, H. J., 1993
Simulation of large-scale geophysical motions with the model of a rotating spherical fluid layer
Microgravity Science & Technology., vol. 5, pp 192-202
Liu, M., Egbers, Ch., Delgado, A., Rath, H. J., 1992
Zur Simulation großräumiger Ozeanbewegungen unter Mikrogravitation
Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 72, pp 329-232