Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Egbers
AZFD, 2.02
T +49 (0) 355 69 4868
Curriculum Vitae
- born 1963 in Münster / Westfalen, Germany,
- married with Dipl.-Met. Melanie Coldewey-Egbers,
- 2 daughters (Hanna, Frauke), 1 son (Jan)
Professional Preparation
10/82 - 3/89
Diploma thesis (1989), University of Hannover Study of Mechanical Engineering
5/89 - 1/94
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bremen, ZARM ("summa cum laude") Dissertation title: On instabilities in spherical Couette flow
2/94 - 6/00
Scientific Assistant, University of Bremen, ZARM
5/89 - 1/94
Ph.D. student at ZARM, University of Bremen
2/94 - 6/00
Scientific Assistent, ZARM, University of Bremen
Head of working group "Rotating Fluids" at ZARM Lecturer: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bremen
7/00 - now
Head of Department for Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Brandenburg University of Technology, BTU Cottbus
5/02 - 12/13
Head of Institute of Traffic Engineering, BTU Cottbus
12/02 - 12/12
Member of the Academic Senat of BTU Cottbus
Guest-Professor "Fluid mechanics", Université LeHavre, LOMC, CNRS
Member of the Scientific Board of the Brandenburg Government
German-wide award: 365 Orte im Land der Ideen "Geoflow"
Best paper 2013, Award (Fluid Dyn. Res. 45, 19pp., 2013)
Koch, S., Harlander, U., Egbers, Ch., Hollerbach, R., 2013, Inertial waves in a spherical shell induced by librations of the inner sphere: experimental and numerical results
Best Book Award: Futterer, B., Yoshikawa, H., Mutabazi, I., Egbers, Ch., 2015, Facilities to alter weight - Electric Fields Generation and Applications of Extra-Terrestrial Environments on Earth, River Publishers, Aalborg, Daniel Beysens, Jacobus van Loon, S. 91-100, ISBN 978-87-93237-53-7
Member of DFG Review Board “Fluid Mechanics” (Fachkollegium 403/404)
Member of DFG Review Board of “Excellence Initiative”
since 2017
Member of Advisory Board of DEKOMECH
Member of Advisory Board of GAMM e.V.
since 2016
Director of DFG Core Facility Center “Physics of Rotating Fluids”, BTU
CNRS-co-operation contract “Laboratory International Association: Instabilities in stratified and rotating fluids, LIA-Istrof”, between BTU, Univ. LeHavre, Univ. Aix-Marseille
Member of EU-Excellence-Network EUHit (European High Performance Infrastructures in Turbulence)
Organizer of 19th “Int. Taylor-Couette Workshop”, ICTW, BTU
Organizer of the 24th GALA-Annual Meeting, BTU
since 2012
Member of Advisory Board of GALA e.V.
since 2011
Director of BTU-wide Research Center CFTMM (Center for Flow phenomena, Transport, Modelling & Measurement)
Chair of Research Training Group DFG FOR 1182 “Transport properties and flow pattern of turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard-, Taylor-Couette- and pipe flows”
Organizer of the 18th GALA-Annual Meeting, BTU
since 2006
Member of Editorial Board of Journal “Technische Mechanik”
Organizer of the GAMM 2005 session “Viscous Flows”, Luxembourg
Organizer of the 13th GALA-Annual Meeting, BTU
Organizer of the 4th Int. Summer School of Supercomputational Fluid Dynamics, Helmholtz- (HISP) Summer School, Potsdam
Since 2000
Co-ordinator (PI) of European ESA-project “GEOFLOW” (Head of Topical Team) for preparation in the Fluid Science Laboratory of ISS
Member of Editorial Board of Journal “Microgravity, Science & Technology”
Organizer of the „11th International Couette-Taylor Workshop“, University of Bremen
Member of the Scientific Board for the „GAMM-Jahrestagung 1998“, University of Bremen
Since 1994
Since 1994
Referee for the following journals:
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Physics of Fluids
- Experiments in Fluids
- Archive of Applied Mechanics (AAM)
- Microgravity, Science & Technology
- Measurement, Science & Technology
- Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
- International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids
International Journal Heat & Mass Transfer
Important Publications since 2013
- Merbold, S., Brauckmann, H.J. & Egbers, Ch., 2013, Torque measurements and numerical determination in differentially rotating wide gap Taylor-Couette flow, Phys. Rev. E 87, 023014
- Futterer, B., Krebs, A., Plesa, A.-C., Zaussinger, F., Hollerbach, R., Breuer, D., Egbers, Ch., 2013, Sheet-like and plume-like thermal flow in a spherical convection experiment performed under microgravity, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 735, pp. 647-683 , Cambridge University Press 2013, doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.507,
- König, F., Zanoun, E-S., Öngüner, E., Egbers, Ch., 2014, The CoLaPipe - The new Cottbus large pipe test facility at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 075115 (2014),
- Klein, M., Seelig, T., Kurgansky, M. V., Ghasemi V., A., Borcia, I.-D., Will, A., Schaller, E., Egbers, Ch., Harlander, U., 2014, Inertial wave excitation and focusing in a liquid bounded by a frustum and a cylinder, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 751, pp. 255-297, doi:10.1017/jfm.2014.304, 2014
- Hoff, M., Harlander, U., Egbers, Ch., 2016, Experimental survey of linear and nonlinear inertial waves and wave instabilities in a spherical shell, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 789, pp. 589-616
- van der Veen, R., Huisman, S., Merbold, S., Harlander, U., Egbers, Ch., Lohse, D., Sun, Ch., 2016, Taylor-Couette turbulence at radius ratio η=0.5: scaling, flow structures and plumes, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 799, pp. 334-351, doi:10.1017/jfm.2016.352
- Travnikov, V., Zaussinger, F., Beltrame, Ph. & Egbers, Ch., 2017, Influence of the temperature-dependent viscosity on convective flows in the radial force field. Phys. Rev. E, 96(2),
- Froitzheim, A, Merbold, S, Egbers, Ch, 2017, Velocity profiles, flow structures and scalings in a wide gap turbulent Taylor-Couette flow, J. Fluid. Mech., Vol. 831, 330-357.
- Rüdiger, G., Seelig, T., Schultz, M., Gellert, M., Egbers, Ch., U. Harlander, U., 2017, The stratorotational instability of Taylor-Couette flows with moderate Reynolds numbers, Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 111, Issue 6, pages 1-19, Taylor & Francis online DOI 10.1080/03091929.2017.1382487
- Zaussinger, F., Haun, P., Neben, M., Seelig, T., Travnikov, V., Egbers, Ch., Yoshikawa, H. & Mutabazi, I., 2018: Dielectrically driven convection in spherical gap geometry, Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 093501, American Physical Society, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.093501
- Froitzheim, A, Merbold, S, Egbers, Ch, “Velocity profiles, flow structures and scalings in a wide gap turbulent Taylor-Couette flow”, J. Fluid. Mech., Vol. 831, 330-357, (2017)
- Froitzheim, A., Ezeta, R., Huisman, S. G., Merbold, S., Sun, C., Lohse, D., Egbers, Ch.: “Statistics, plumes and azimuthally travelling waves in ultimate Taylor–Couette turbulent vortices”, J. Fluid. Mech., vol. 876, 773-765, (2019)
- Froitzheim, A., Merbold, S., Ostilla-Mónico, R., & Egbers, Ch.: “Angular momentum transport and flow organization in Taylor-Couette flow at radius ratio of η=0.357”, Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 084605 – Published August, 14 (2019)
- Merbold, S., Hamede, M. H., Froitzheim, A., and Egbers, Ch., “Flow regimes in a very wide-gap Taylor-Couette flow with counter-rotating cylinders”. In: Phil. Trans. Roy. Society doi: 10.1098/rsta.2022. 0113, (2023).
- Hamede, M.H., Merbold, S., Egbers, Ch., “Experimental investigation of turbulent counter-rotating, Taylor-Couette flows for radius ratio (η=0.1).” J. Fluid Mech., doi 10.1017/jfm.2023.392, (2023).
- Meyer, A., Meier, M., Motuz, V., Egbers, Ch. “Thermo-electric convection in a cylindrical annulus during a sounding rocket flight”. J. Fluid Mech. 972:A26, (2023).Zanoun, E.-S., Egbers, Ch., Schanz, D., Schröder, A., Öngüner, E., Dittmar, M., Experiments on large-scale structures in fully developed turbulent pipe flow, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids,
- Volume 102, 2023, Pages 103-117, ISSN 0997-7546,
- Buchwald, T., Hasanuzzaman, G., Merbold, S., Schanz, D., Egbers, C., and Schröder, A. (2023). Large-scale flow field and aerosol particle transport investigations in a classroom using 2D-Shake-The-Box Lagrangian Particle Tracking. Heliyon, 9(12), e22826.
- Merbold, S., Hasanuzzaman, G., Buchwald, T., Schunk, C., Schmeling, D., Volkmann, A., Brinkema, R., Hampel, U., Schröder, A. and Egbers, Ch. (2023). Reference experiment on aerosol particle transport for dynamic situations. tm - Technisches Messen,90(5), 340-352.