Ben Amor, S., Möbius, T., Müsgens F. (in review): Bridging an energy system model with an ensemble deep-learning approach for electricity price forecasting,  Preprint

Muhammad. S., Hoffmann. C. (2024) From investment to impact: The role of green finance and technological innovation on German energy transition. Renewable Energy.

Antweiler, W. und Müsgens, F. (2024): The New Merit Order: The Viability of Energy-Only Electricity Markets With Only Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources and Grid-Scale Storage. USAEE Working Paper No. 24-614, Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4702939

Müsgens, Felix und Bade, Alexander (2024): Energy Trading and Risk Management (2024), Springer Nature Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-031-57237-1

García, J.F., Genge, L., Hauser, P., Isbert, A.-M., Klaassen, B., Lux, B., Maghnam, A., Mielich, T., Mohr, S., Müsgens, F., Pfluger, B., and Pleier, A. (2024): Hydrogen Supply – Production and Imports, in: Ausfelder, F. et al. (2024): European Hydrogen Infrastructure Planning,

Hoffmann C., Byrukuri Gangadhar, S., Müsgens F, (2024) Smells Like Green Energy - Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Impact of Bioenergy Production on Residential Property Values https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4760312