Prof. Ing. Mag. Dr. rer.soc.oec. Herwig Winkler
Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der Vorträge von Professor Winkler.
Küpper, C./Rösch, J./Porada, A./Loidl, K./Seitz, J./Winkler, H.: Use Case Driven Feasibility Study on the Technical Capabilities of 5G Indoor Positioning in the Automotive Production, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2023), 25.09.2023 – 28.09.2023, Nürnberg (Deutschland)
Bindel, S./Küpper, C./Winkler, H./Alt, R.: Conception of a holistic system model for effective technical innovations integration applied to 5G positioning feasibility analysis, International Conference on Innovation and Industrial Logistics (ICIIL 2023), 25.08.2023 – 27.08.2023, Macau, (China)
Schmid, S./Winkler, H.: Empirical Findings on the Status Quo of Industrial Production Management Systems in the Context of Advancing Digitalization, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA), 04.-07. Apr. 2023, Phuket Island (Thailand)
Hayat, M./Winkler, H.: Exploring the Basic Features and Challenges of Traditional Product Lifecycle Management Systems, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 7th – 10th December, 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Hayat, M./Winkler, H.: Challenges with the Blockchain Applications/Implementations in Product Lifecycle Management, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (ICIEOM), 17th - 18th July, 2022, New York, United States.
Schmid, S./Winkler, H.: Hybrid Production Management System in the Context of Industry 4.0, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 07-10 Dec. 2022, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Küpper, C./Rösch, J./Winkler, H.: Empirical findings for the usage of 5G as a basis for real time locating systems (RTLS) in the automotive industry, CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2022 (CIRP CMS 2022), 11.05.2022 – 13.05.2022, Lugano (Schweiz)
Bartsch, D./Winkler, H.: Blockchain technology in Germany: an excerpt of real use cases in logistics industry, Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), 26.09.-27.09.2020, Hamburg, Germany.
Tangour, C./Gebauer, M./Fischer, L./Winkler, H.: Digital Business Model Patterns of Big Pharmaceutical Companies - A Cluster Analysis, DIGITAL ECONOMY. Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation 4th International Conference, ICDEc 2019 Beirut, Lebanon, April 15-18, 2019.
Kunath, M./Winkler, H.: Flow Shop Scheduling Optimization in the Chipboard Industry: A Simulation-based Analysis using Priority Dispatching Rules, 24th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR 2017), Poznan, Poland.
Hermann, M./Tinello, D./Winkler, H.: Bio-inspired factory layouts: a morphological approach forinvestigating design criteria, 24th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR 2017), Poznan, Poland.
Batz, A./Kunath, M./Winkler, H.: Discrepancies between Cluster Services and SMEs’ Needs Constraining the Creation of a Culture of Innovation amidst Industry 4.0, 24th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR 2017), Poznan, Poland.
Kunath, M./Winkler, H.: Integrating the Digital Twin of the manufacturing system into a decision support system for improving the order management process, 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 16.05.-18.05.2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
Lubosch, M./Kunath, M./Winkler, H.: Industrial scheduling with Monte Carlo tree search and machine learning, 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 16.05.-18.05.2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
Lugert, A./Winkler, H./Völker, K.: Dynamization of Value Stream Management by technical and managerial approach, 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 16.05.-18.05.2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
Hermann, M./Tinello, D./Winkler, H.: Elaboration and analysis of key figure-based approaches for the efficiency assessment of traditional and bio-inspired factory layouts, 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 16.05.-18.05.2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
Gebauer, M./Winker, H.: Managing Business Models: How a Lifecycle Approach Can Help Boosting Business Innovations, 28th Annual Conference Production and Operations Management Society 2017, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 05-08 2017
Satz, A./Rese, A./Winkler, H.: Effects of Innovation Network Topologies on Innovation Network's Performance: Findings From German Innovation Networks, 28th Annual Conference Production and Operations Management Society 2017, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 05-08 2017
Winkler, H.: Die Wertstrommethode im Zeitalter von Industrie 4.0, Erfa Runde des VDMA Ost, 22.03.2017, Cottbus
Winkler, H.: Optimierung- und Gestaltungspotentiale von Industrie 4.0 in Unternehmensprozessen aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht, 1. Digitalisierungsdialog, 21.03.2017, Cottbus
Batz, A./Winkler, H.: Theoretical considerations to reduce anomalies from the globalization of innovation, 27th POMS annual conference, 06.05.-09.05.2016 Orlando, Florida.
Batz, A./Winkler, H.: Network topologies to manage the globalization of innovation, 27th POMS annual conference, 06.05.-09.05.2016 Orlando, Florida.
Batz, A./Winkler, H.: Characterization of innovation network topologies, 5th World Conference on Production and Operation Management, 06.09.-10.09.2016, Havana, Cuba.
Tinello, D./Winkler, H./Jodin, D.: Biomimetics applied to logistics: Assignment of operational resources within ideal facillity layouts by applying Fibonacci, spider webs, nautilus shell and honeycombs, International Conference of Bionic Engineering, 21.06.-24.06.2016, Ningbo, China.
Tinello, D./Winkler, H./Jodin, D./Toferer, M.: Biomimetics applied to factory layout planning: Honeycombs as bio-inspiration to reduce internal transport costs in factories, XXI International Conference on Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics (MHCL), 23.09.-25.09.2015, Wien.
Seebacher, G./Oberegger, B./Winkler, H.: Manufacturing System’s Efficiency Valuation Capturing the Impact of Inefficiencies from Inventory and Bad Quality, Production and Operations Management Society, 26th Annual Conference, 08.05.-11.05.2015, Washington, D.C.
Winkler, H./Kuss, C.: Conceptual considerations for a real-time-supply chain efficiency assessment and monitoring, Production and Operations Management Society, 26th Annual Conference, 08.05.-11.05.2015, Washington, D.C.
Winkler: Kärntnen im Alpen-Adria-Raum innovativ bewegt – eine wissenschaftliche Einführung, Jahrestagung der österreichischen verkehrswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (ÖVG), Villach, 05.06.2014.
Winkler, H./Allmayer, S.: Exploring the influence of interorganizational interface problems on firm performance, International Academy of Business and Economics Winter Conference, 16.03.-18.03.2014, Orlando/Florida, USA (ausgezeichnet mit dem 3rd place award, center of outstanding research)
Seebacher, G./Winkler, H.: Indicating the most influential manufacturing flexibility types in scientific research, International Academy of Business and Economics Winter Conference, 16.03.-18.03.2014, Orlando/Florida, USA
Seebacher, G./Winkler, H.: Examination and determination of the most important supply chain flexibility types in literature, International Academy of Business and Economics Winter Conference, 16.03.-18.03.2014, Orlando/Florida, USA
Winkler, H./Wurzer, Th./Kuss C./Seebacher, G.: Improving Logistics Efficiency in Supply Chains using a Supply Chain Improvement System (SCIS), 10th International Conference on Logistics and Sustainable Transport, 12.06.-14.06.2013, Celje/Slovenia 2013.
Winkler, H./Slamanig, M.: Exploring and defining different forms of product change projects in high variety manufacturing environments, International Academy of Business and Economics Winter Conference, 15.03.-17.03.2013, Orlando/Florida, USA
Winkler, H./Slamanig, M.: Investigation of product change projects in companies with multi-variant serial production, International Academy of Business and Economics Winter Conference, 15.03.-17.03.2013, Orlando/Florida, USA
Seebacher, G./Winkler, H.: Using process capability analysis to evaluate supply chain flexibility based on order lead time and order processing cost deviations, International Academy of Business and Economics Winter Conference, 15.03.-17.03.2013, Orlando/Florida, USA
Winkler, H.: Beurteilung und Gestaltung der Flexibilität in Produktionssystemen, Gastvortrag an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 27.02.2013.
Winkler H./Seebacher G.: Überlegungen zur Beurteilung der Flexibilität in Produktionssystemen. Herbsttagung 2012 der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission für Produktionswirtschaft im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Nürnberg, 9. November 2012.
Winkler, H./Seebacher, G.: Freight Villages – Physical interfaces for linking Supply Chains, 7th Scientific Conference 'Economy and Efficiency – contemporary solutions in logistics and production' (OiE), Poznan/Polen, 14.11.2012.
Winkler, H.: Die Baltisch-Adriatische-Achse – ein nachhaltiges europäisches Schlüsselprojekt, Vortrag beim 1. International Economic Board, Villach 28.06.2012.
Allmayer, S./Winkler, H.: The impact of interface problems within supplier-buyer-relationships on flexibility and productivity, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Logistics, 14.06.-16.06.2012, Zadar.
Winkler, H.: Entwicklungspotentiale des Standortes Fürnitz zu einem klassischen Dry-Port der europäischen Südhäfen, Workshop "Standortentwicklung ALPLOG Villach-Fürnitz", Finkenstein, 22. März 2012.
Winkler, H./Seebacher, G.: A modeling approach for the evaluation of manufacturing flexibility, International Academy of Business and Economics Conference, 09.03.-11.03.2012, Key West/Florida, USA
Winkler, H.: Mit Green Supply Chain Management die Welt verbessern, Vortrag im Rahmen der ERFA Süd Innovation und Qualität, 01.03.2012, Klagenfurt.
Winkler, H./Allmayer, S.: Performance-enhancing design of interfaces in international sup-ply chains, in: Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Logistics Networks and Nodes, 08.09.-09.09. 2011, Hamburg.
Winkler, H./Seebacher, G.: The flexible design of supply chains, in: Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Logistics Networks and Nodes, 08.09.-09.09. 2011, Hamburg.
Winkler, H./Slamanig, M.: Product change projects in companies with multi variant serial production, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Production Research, Innovation in Product and Production, 31.07.-04.08. 2011, Stuttgart.
Winkler, H./Kraus, S.: Management von Principal-Agent-Problems in Supply Chain Networks, International Academy of Business and Economics Conference, 03.06.-05.06.2011, Barcelona.
Winkler, H./Seebacher G.: Considerations on a contemporary flexibility approach, 44th CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 01.06.-03.06.2011, Madison/Wisconsin.
Winkler, H.: Fünf Fragen zur Errichtung eines GVZ am Standort Villach-Fürnitz. Logistikstandort Kärnten - Chancen und Strategien, 25. März 2011, Fürnitz/Villach.
Winkler, H.: Die Rolle der Produktionsleitung im Wandel - Herausforderungen in der Produktion der Zukunft. Confare-ProduktionsleiterInnen Treffen 2010, 11. November 2010, Ottakring/Wien.
Winkler, H.: Entwicklung von Güterverkehrszentren - Ergebnisse einer wissenschaftlichen Analyse. Projekt Workshop SoNorA, 7. Oktober 2010, Fürnitz-Villach.
Winkler, H.: Fostering Sustainability using Sustainable Supply Chain Networks, Proceedings of 43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 26th - 28th of May, Vienna 2010.
Raich, M./Winkler, H./Kraus, S.: Principal-Agent-Problems in Supply Chain Networks, Sixteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics. Innsbruck 1st - 5th March 2010.
Winkler, H.: Ansätze zur Konfiguration und Kollaboration von und in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken, Konferenz Dortmunder Forum Technisches Management, 18./19. Juni 2009.
Winkler, H./Schemitsch, H.B./Kaluza, B.: A conceptual approach for quality improvements in Project oriented Supply Chain Networks, in: Kersten, W./Blecker, Th./Gertz, C./Flämig, H. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) 2008, Logistics Networks and Nodes, 04.-05. September 2008.
Winkler, H./Slamanig, M./Kaluza, B.: Developing ramp-up strategies for a new product introduction in the area of mass customization, 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management, "Manufacturing Fundamentals: Necessity and Sufficiency", 05.-08.08.2008,Tokyo 2008.
Winkler, H./Schemitsch, H.B./Kaluza, B.: Analysis of Incentives and Quantification of Benefits in 'Project Based Value Added Networks', 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada USA.
Winkler, H./Kaluza, B.: Integriertes prozessorientiertes Performance- und Risikomanagement in Supply Chains, 4. Wissenschaftssymposium Logistik der BVL, "Robuste und sichere Logistiksysteme", 11.-12.06.2008, München 2008.
Winkler, H.: Untersuchung der Besonderheiten verschiedener Verpackungsarten in Handel und Transportwirtschaft - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Wellpappeverpackungen, Wellpappe-Tagung 2008, Palais Eschenbach, Wien, 10.04.2008.
Winkler, H./Schemitsch, H.B./Kaluza, B.: Überlegungen zu einem Anreiz-Beitrags- und Benefit-Sharing-System in projektorientierten Supply Chain Netzwerken, 10. Paderborner Frühjahrstagung: Reagible Unternehmen in dynamischen Märkten, Paderborn, 26.03.2008.
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