Discussing Urbanisms of the Global South
Seminar Experimentelle Stadtplanung (SPM7)
Modulnummer / module number: 22408
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer / course number: 640111
Lehrende / lecturers: Pearl Puwurayire, Dr. Christian Rosen
Termine / time: Donnerstags / Thursdays, 10:00 – 13:00
Ort / place: LG 2A – AU.18
Registrierung / enrollment: Infoportal-Lehre und Moodle
Erste Veranstaltung / first session: 20.04.2023, 10:00 – 11:30, online (Link via Moodle)
This seminar deals with current theories and empirical findings on urban development in cities of the Global South. The starting point is a critique of the transferability of concepts from the Global North to the genuinely different realities in these cities and the diversity of the respective geographical contexts. We will examine the demand for the development of new theories and empirical approaches in research and practice on the basis of concrete thematic fields that are highly relevant for planning and urban development.
In the first half of the semester we will work intensively with literature. There will be alternating online sessions (90 minutes) and on-site sessions (180 minutes) in which we will discuss texts together and have some of them presented by the participants of the seminar. We will use the second half of the semester to work on our own case studies, which will be selected by the participants themselves and prepared on the basis of online research. The aim will be to use the new insights from the literature for a critical analysis.
The participants will gain a comprehensive insight into current discourses on urban development in the Global South. They will familiarise themselves with current development projects and learn to apply the new knowledge in the context of critical analyses.